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Link Layer Type Request NETANALYZER_NG

From: Jan Adam via tcpdump-workers <tcpdump-workers () lists tcpdump org>
Date: Wed, 3 Mar 2021 16:58:47 +0000

--- Begin Message --- From: Jan Adam <JAdam () hilscher com>
Date: Wed, 3 Mar 2021 16:58:47 +0000
for our new analysis product netANALYZER NG I would like to request a new link-layer type value.


The new Link-Layer-Type format is described as following:

Next-generation packet structure:
|           Payload         |
.                           .
.                           .
|                           |
|           Footer          |
|                           |

Next-gen footer description:

[16 bit]  Version            represents current structure version
[64 bit]  Timestamp1         first timestamp in ns, UNIX time since 1.1.1970
[64 bit]  Timestamp2         second timestamp in ns, UNIX time since 1.1.1970
[32 bit]  TimestampAccuracy  actual accuracy of Timestamp1 and Timestamp2 in ns. 0: actual accuracy is unknown
[8 bit]   Representation     identification of the following content
[32 bit]  SrcIdPart1         source identifier part 1
[32 bit]  SrcIdPart2         source identifier part 2
[8 bit]   SrcIdPart3         source identifier part 3
[8 bit]   SrcIdPart4         source identifier part 3
[64 bit]  VarId              variable identifier
[64 bit]  VarState           variable error states, depending on representation
[8 bit]   VarType            variable data type
[32 bit]  VarSize            size of raw frame payload

Regards Jan Adam

Hilscher Gesellschaft f?r Systemautomation mbH   |  Rheinstrasse 15  |  65795 Hattersheim  |  Germany  |<>
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Hans-J?rgen Hilscher
Handelsregister / commercial register: Frankfurt B 26873  |  Ust. Idnr. / VAT No.: DE113852715
Registergericht / register court: Amtsgericht Frankfurt/Main

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