Vulnerability Development mailing list archives

Re: development of wordpad exploit

From: bwrics () ANTIONLINE ORG (Aubrey Smith)
Date: Sat, 20 Nov 1999 01:37:47 -0800

 ('binary' encoding is not supported, stored as-is)

Gerardo, for those of us who are less exploit-savvy, could you please explain how your hack works? The only text that I 
saw in your attached kk.rtf file was "hola".

While Spanish has been know to overflow my buffers (being and english-only speaker), I would like to know how you are 
using the overflow and how I could duplicate your hack (for educational purposes only, except possibly where my 
mother-in-law is concerned).


Date:         Fri, 19 Nov 1999 13:40:45 -0300
Reply-To: Gerardo Richarte <core.lists.exploit-dev () CORE-SDI COM>
From: Gerardo Richarte <core.lists.exploit-dev () CORE-SDI COM>
Subject:      Re: development of wordpad exploit

"hypoclear - lUSt - (Linux Users Strike Today)" wrote:

I light of the latest windows vulnerability in wordpad, it would be great if in this forum we could develop an 
exploit for it.  As of now details of the vulnerability are on the net, however no exploit exists yet.  This would 
be an excellent opportunity for all of us who don't really know how to code exploits (yet) to see all the details of 
developing one.  Anyone else like this idea?!?

    I've been playing with this since yesterday. Just today could make the
buffer overflow with EIP pointing to 0x61616161, BUT... (of course, what
did you expected?), first what's first:


---------- kk.rtf -----------------------------
MS Sans Serif;}{\f1\froman\fcharset2 Symbol;}{\f2\froman Times New
\deflang1033\pard\plain\f2\fs20 hola
\par }
    [lines finishing in '}}',';}','hola',' }','^@']

     It's a standard RTF file for the text 'hola', plus, an inserted string
('') befor the string 'ansi'.

    'ccdd' is the return address (EIP)
    If the string ansi is missing (i tested with some other strings, not
every other string...) nothing 'good' happens.
    Any non letter character befor the string 'ccdd' makes nothing happen.
I'm not sure which characters can be in this section of the .RTF.
    If uppercase letters are used, they are lowercased (at least the return
address)  (!!! It's what looks like, but in the original post, it says
EIP = 0x41414141, what I couldn't reproduce...)

    I can't find the [reminding or original] string in memory...

    I'll continue some more time with this, but it doesn't look too easy to


PS:if you have Word installed, this is the default opener for RTFs
(which doesn't crash), what makes it a little harder to exploit remotley
PPS: I found another buffer overflow that affects Word, use a .RTF file
{\rtf\AAAAAAAAAAAA..............}       (more that 5000 As)

    this doesn't make EIP = 0x41414141, it makes ESI = 0x41414141, and if
you use more than 10.000 As, it makes EDI = 0x41414141. It may be
exploitable, but doesn't look easy.

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Investigacion y Desarrollo - CoreLabs - Core SDI
<< kk.rtf >>

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