Vulnerability Development mailing list archives

Re: Naptha - New DoS

From: Dug Song <dugsong () MONKEY ORG>
Date: Sun, 10 Dec 2000 16:57:21 -0500

On Sun, Dec 10, 2000 at 09:14:23AM -0600, Simple Nomad wrote:

Regarding scut's comment that 3wahas already does this -- the answer
to that is not exactly. Forging just the TCP packets will work to a
certain extent, forging the generated arp requests as well will
cause much more effective and quicker resource depletion.

um, i released a simplified version of my "nakji" tool to do just that
back in April, when Stanislav Shalunov published his "netkill" attack.
state-holding attacks against TCP weren't really news then, and they
certainly aren't news now.

Stanislav did, however, identify some novel ways to maximize the
impact of such an attack by exploiting exceptionally bad failure
modes, including forcing the remote TCP into an indefinite persist
state with pending data for retransmission on a closed window.

i doubt that "NAPTHA" pulls any new tricks, but i've never seen it.



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