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Re: execution inside of Perl reg ex?

From: rpc <h () ckz org>
Date: Fri, 5 Jan 2001 10:59:59 GMT


On Thu, 4 Jan 2001 18:08:46 +0100, Pascal Bouchareine said:

well, i'm certainly wrong on some points but i came to the following
 point of view (which i'd love you to clarify if i misunderstood some facts)

 IMHO, perl first evals any special chars (backquotes and the like),
 interprets your line, and once it knows exactly what to do with
 your input line, expands scalars and variables. Thus, meta-characters
 and backquotes are not interpreted, since the interpreter looked for them
 before the $variable expansion. If your line is a function call, and this

Just a minor point on variable interpolation. A literal '$' for example can be
interpolated using a substitution. Perl can do interpolation as many times as
you tell it to.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;

my $foo = "bleh";
my $bar = "foo is \$foo";       # literal '$foo', not the lexical.

print "$bar\n";                         # foo is $foo
$bar =~ s/(\$\w+)/$1/gee;       # double interpolate
print "$bar\n";                         # foo is bleh

This causes perl to run the interpolation again _after_ the substitution.

 Another way to see this point is evaluated code. If you happen to feed a
 script interpreter with user input (such as ``/system() or eval(), which is a
 perl interpreter inside the perl interpreter), then it gets dangerous.

If you pass user supplied data to eval, you are fucked. Plain and simple. :)

 Another last point may be twice-evaluated things. For example, with
 double calls to uncgi(), where %250d is "magically" translated
 to %0d.

uncgi is not a Perl function, however there might be some functions that this
is applicable to.


 $n =~ /$user_input/

 isn't sound dangerous yet (we didn't find any // bug, for now :), but
 may be one day..

I highly doubt there are any // related bugs with the regex engine. The regex
opcodes are generated long before interpolation, so there is no chance of
confusing Perl into believing a part of the user input should be interpreted as
the end of a regex, etc.


 \Q \E is safe (for the moment) and is supplied as a "don't trust it" keyword
 for perl. Sounds really better than nothing.

 On Wed, Jan 03, 2001 at 10:34:18AM +0000, sporty o'one wrote:
 > this is exactly the reason for \Q\E
 > so \Q$this\E is safe

\Q \E is not a security feature. Taint is. If you want (?:more)? secure user
__use taint mode!__, and optionally use the Safe module.


 > >  As an operator, Perl will shell any command you put inside back
 > > quotes and return the result of the shelled command. I assume this
 > > would work inside a regular expression, but I haven't tried.
 > >

          .ascii "T[fhBOfXf5B@f1ChjAX4APPZHf1Chfh/xh/tmpT[RSTYjOX4D2p"

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