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Problems with the scripts by Solution Scripts

From: "b0iler _" <b0iler () hotmail com>
Date: Tue, 05 Feb 2002 20:27:07 -0700

#scripts from:
#don't take anything I say too seriously in this, as it is mostly guess work.

Problems with the scripts by Solution Scripts

solution script's powerlist script:

It seems the author doesn't check for anything when removing user's emails. So someone (you) could code a simple script to get all the addresses from address.txt and remove them from the list. This would completely delete the mailing list database. Many mailing list scripts have this bug.

Fix: add this to .htaccess:
<Files "address.txt">
order deny,allow
deny from all

or rename address.txt to something that will be interpreted by perl, such as address.cgi. This will create an error 500 when trying to be retreived via http.

the topsites list:

The script lacks input checking when user's sign up for an account. It does not check for the character which seporates the database fields:

$newline = join ("\|",0,0,0,$fields{'url'},$fields{'banner'},$fields{'name'},$fields{'email'},0,0,$new_id);
$newline .= "\n";

open(DB, ">>members.db") || &error(2);
if ($use_flock) {
flock DB, 2;
print DB $newline;
close (DB);

Nowhere does it check to see if your $fields{'url'} contains a newline character or |. $fields{'url'} is inputted by the user at signup. Also this script does not check the referrer. Just adds to the easy of exploitation.

Exploit: sign up with a name which contains |'s and newlines to create false entries in the database.

Fix: filter meta characters:

($fields{'url'}, $fields{'banner'}, $fields{'name'}, $fields{'email'}) =~ s/([\&;\`'\\\|"*?~<>^\(\)\[\]\{\}\$\n\r])/\\$1/g;

alias-mail script:

I can't believe I forgot all about this.. let me explain. Along time ago I played a game and I was on the last level and got bored, so I started playing with the scripts on the server. I found a problem in the mail script they ran and I tried to exploit it to gain access to one of the admins of the site's account. It worked, I got the password.. but he changed his password after he noticed that I tricked him. I totally forgot about this until the other day when I was looking through an old backup cd I had and saw the html page I used to trick him. I'm sure none of you care about that crap, so let me get to the exploit.

The problem is in alias-mail and it's lack of filtering javascript. This means cross site scriptting on a web-based mail script.. oh no trouble. You can** send mail, delete mail, change password , and other goodies like that. Again, since this script costs money I don't have access to it's source to find out more about this vuln. I only used it once over a year ago. All I did was redirect the user to a page that looked like the login page and once they submitted their login:password I recorded it with a cgi script to a text file.

**probably, I cannot test this since it costs money

Ok, problem is: It filters <script type="javascript"> but not <s&#67ript type="java&#67;cript"> since it checks for the string "script" and the mail cgi prints out html. (btw: javasCript found by Georgi Guninski a few years ago - I just tested it with this).

These settings (filtering and html) might not be on by default, but they both worked when I did this at that game site wich ran the script. I doubt they changed the defaults much. I also believe you could put javascript in the subject.. so it would be executed from their inbox, not just if they viewed the email.

while using the demo at solutionscript's site for alias-mail I found a cross site scriptting vuln for their 404-manager:

This is another simple cross site scriptting vulnerability in a solutionscript's script. This time it's the 404 Manager script. Very simple to do, just go to any url like this:<script type="text/javascript">alert('vulnerable to cross site scriptting');</script>

This is what you will see:

The file you requested:
/warehouse/(this is where the script will be placed, totally unfiltered)
was not found on this server.

Not really an issue at all.. but as long as I am posting I thought I might throw this in.

A *possible* vulnerability in the Homelands script:

This was the orignal advisory by kombat:

Again, I do not have the source to this script.. so this is pretty much guess work (that's why this is going to vuln-dev - maybe someone can try it or give me the source [I won't use the script, just audit the code] ). I figure since the script is not checking for | it probably doesn't check for newlines ether. In that case depending on how the script checks user logins you could effectively take over another user's account. If you create a new account with the following username:

|(email address)|(name)|(password)|2.581|997823993|997824103||on|(site name)|(site description)||||||||||||||||||||||,,,|||||||(cookie)|0|1|||||||||||||(last logon IP)|(account name)\n|(email address)|(name)|(password)|2.581|997823993|997824103||on|(site name)|(site description)||||||||||||||||||||||,,,|||||||(cookie)|0|1|||||||||||||(last logon IP)|(existing name)

where \n is a newline and existing_name is the name of user who's account you would gain access to.

This would work if the login subroutine is like this (this is guess work):

open(DB, "<db");

($name, $email, $password, undef, undef, undef, undef (etc..) ,undef, $account_name) = split(/\|/, $_); if($input{'loginname'} eq $account_name && $input{'password'} eq $password){ &loginok($account_name); }

or any other method where it doesn't stop after the first time it sees the account name (also depending on how the database is set up and the check routine it could work even if it does stop after the first sight of the account_nam), then it is possible to take over total control of someone's site. Simply edit the db so that you do a newline and fill in the fields and put the account name the same as whoever's you want to take control over. Then login with that username and the value you put in the password field. I am sorry I cannot confirm all of these possible vulnerabilities.. But hopefully someone on vuln-dev can clear things up. Vendor has not been contacted.


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