Vulnerability Development mailing list archives

Re: [NGSEC] Whitepaper Released: Polymorphic shellcodes vs. ApplicationIDSs

From: Mike Murray <orestes () dorian 2y net>
Date: Sat, 26 Jan 2002 12:11:14 -0800

Hash: SHA1

Just to throw in my $0.02....

Detecting the possibility that a set of information could be polymorphic 
shellcode is the smaller 1/2 of the game.  It seems a semi-trivial task to 
detect an arbitrary number of NOOP instrtuctions that happen to lie in a row. 
 The difficult task is differentiating between any randomly occuring NOP set 
and a set of NOPs that are actually occuring in an exploit condition.   It is 
the ability to make this differentiation that polymorphic shellcode actually 
hinders; as the polymorphic engine increases in effectiveness, the ability to 
differentiate between a piece of shellcode and a random bit stream 
effectively goes to zero.  

The point is made more simply: finding 50-60 NOPs in a row in a given 
datastream doesn't indicate that the given datastream is shellcode any more 
than it indicates that it's any other piece of random binary data.  And the 
difficulty in making that determination is what determines the number of 
false positives that your detection engine is going to have.

And, of course, as Stefan Axelsson pointed out 
(, the actual 
measure of an IDS's effectiveness comes from its ability to limit 
*false-positives*, not from limiting false-negatives (which, of course, makes 
most current commercial IDS offerings look pretty weak).    Specifically, the 
more alerts that fire on email/images/random traffic as "shellcode", the less 
effective any sort of IDS becomes.

Thus, in my opinion, until one finds a reliable way to determine what is 
obfuscated/encrypted/polymorphic shellcode and what is not, the ability to 
have an effective IDS against that type of attack is impossible.   

My $0.02...


On Saturday 26 January 2002 10:53 am, Charles 'core' Stevenson wrote:
The code is interesting and pretty nice except that it detects just
about anything as shellcode. Even the last e-mail I sent out to you and
forgot to CC to the list. ;-)

IA32 shellcode found: Protocol TCP ->
Dumping data:
Message-ID: <3C52F9DA.451181D7 () bokeoa co
m>..Date: Sat, 26 Jan 2002 11:47:54 -070
0..From: Charles 'core' Stevenson <core@>..Reply-To: core () bokeoa com..
X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.7 [en] (X11; I; Linu
x 2.4.15-pre4 ppc)..X-Accept-Language: e
n..MIME-Version: 1.0..To: Robert Flicker
 <robert_flicker () hotmail com>..Subject:
Re: [NGSEC] Whitepaper Released: Polymor
phic shellcodes vs. .. ApplicationIDSs..
References: <F153nHxRKYblf8nFJ3V0001881d>..Content-Type: text/plain;
ding: 7bit....But it also detected the l
ast e-mail I sent as shellcode.....Haha.
.....peace,..core....Robert Flicker wrot
e:..> ..> Hi charles:..> ..> Have you te
sted the sourcecode that comes with the
paper:..> ..>
oads/misc/NIDSfindshellcode.tgz..> ..> A
s far as i know is the first public code
 that does this stuff...> It may be not
hot-news but i think it worth the downlo
ad, and is a better..> solution for curr
ent IDS than your exoteric thoughts with
 Neuronal Networks..> and distributed si
gnature checking... INMHO uimplementable
 in current IDS..> technologies...> ..>
Quoting from> ..> "Pape
r: Polymorphicisms be gone..> .....> His
 ideas revolve around counting multiple
NOP type operations in a row and..> aler
ting when a threshold is reached. The id
ea has been kicked around for a..> while
, but this is the first one that I have
seen in actual implementation...> .....>
 "..> ..> Current snort branch and its t
echnique to detect shellcode is very eas
y..> foolable ;P... NIDSfindshellcode is
 also foolable but in a harder way...> .
.> Robert Flicker..> ..> _______________
__________..> Join the world?s largest e
-mail service with MSN Hotmail...> http:

Best Regards,
Charles Stevenson

Robert Flicker wrote:
Hi charles:

Have you tested the sourcecode that comes with the paper:

As far as i know is the first public code that does this stuff.
It may be not hot-news but i think it worth the download, and is a better
solution for current IDS than your exoteric thoughts with Neuronal
Networks and distributed signature checking... INMHO uimplementable in
current IDS technologies.

Quoting from

"Paper: Polymorphicisms be gone
His ideas revolve around counting multiple NOP type operations in a row
and alerting when a threshold is reached. The idea has been kicked around
for a while, but this is the first one that I have seen in actual
implementation. ...

Current snort branch and its technique to detect shellcode is very easy
foolable ;P... NIDSfindshellcode is also foolable but in a harder way.

Robert Flicker

Join the world?s largest e-mail service with MSN Hotmail.

- -- 
| Mike Murray                    <orestes () dorian 2y net>
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