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Re: Assembler/C References

From: yatima <sa7ori () broken blackroses com>
Date: Mon, 15 Jul 2002 22:08:13 -0400 (EDT)

        I suggest that if you dont already code much you start
learning the basics of C. Books I can suggest are any of the "Learn C in
[insert time here]" books. Then maybe to get past the basics would be any
of the Richard Stevens' books. For ASM stuff, maybe try the Jeff
Duntemann Assembly language step-by-step book.If you want to understand
more x86 Asm  stuff along with logical design, I suggest looking at the
Donald E. Knuth books.
As far as Tfiles go, everyone is really quick to suggest the famed
phrack49 "fun and profit"  article, but the one that has met with the most
approval (of those I have  suggested resources to) is Mixter's paper on
Buffer Overflows for Beginners (use google) or
As far as writing/understanding exploits goes, I suggest maybe starting
with format strings overflows as they are REALLY easy to do, and moving on
to other things....
good luck.
It is always refreshing to hear people humble themselves and ask not for
help but resources for how to learn. In this "industry/community" there is
WAY too much ego for so LITTLE talent.

On Mon, 15 Jul 2002, Jeremy Junginger wrote:

n00b question:

I'm diving into Assembler and C with the hopes of understanding
application level exploits a little more in depth.  In your opinion,
what are the most beneficial references/tutorials/threads/tools that
helped you get started on your journeys to buffer-overflow-nirvana?
I've read the Introduction to Buffer Overflow by Ghost Rider as well as
the Buffer overflow how-to by Mudge, and both were very valuable.  GDB
appears to be a very strong tool to assist with finding and exploiting
overflows.  Any additional references out there?  Coding is a bit new to like the human torch says..."Flame ON!!!"


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