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Multiple vulnerabilities in paBox

From: "silentscripter" <silentscripter () altern org>
Date: Mon, 30 Jun 2003 00:06:25 +0700

paBox V1.6
Reset admin password and execute remote code

Informations :
Language : PHP
Version : 1.6
Website :
Describe : paBox is a PHP/mySQL shoutbox script. You can add it to your site
and visitors can post new messages, it is sort of like a guestbook.

Exploit :
Visitor can reset the Administrator's username and password to anything he's
want and after that, login into the Admin Control Panel on admin.php by this

After loging into the Control Panel, visitor can write any remote code to
the file bannedusers.php (usualy blank) and use this file to execute remote
code, for example, adding <? require ($file); ?> to bannedusers.php and run
will execute like a include() hole.

Remove code when write to file bannedusers.php.

Silent Scripter

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