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RE: SQL Injection Basics

From: "Dennis Hurst" <dhurst () spidynamics com>
Date: Mon, 10 Feb 2003 17:05:36 -0500


It really doesn't matter if the developer used tick marks or not, just
if you can inject something the developer didn't plan for into the SQL
string. If an extra tick (and many other character combinations) gets
injected anywhere in the string you will have SQL Injection issues.

If the developer does not parse for unexpected strings there are
probably issues, regardless of what the SQL statement looks like.

Have a great day,

Dennis Hurst
dhurst () spidynamics com
SPI Labs

-----Original Message-----
From: Nick Jacobsen [mailto:nick () ethicsdesign com] 
Sent: Monday, February 10, 2003 4:38 PM
To: dhurst () spidynamics com; webappsec () securityfocus com
Subject: Re: SQL Injection Basics

Right, I wasn't thinking too well...  makes sense.  Though, according to
quite a few SQL injection faqs I have read, it said that you could only
inject code if the developer used tick marks.  However, I just recently
SQL injection on some code where the developer used NO tick marks, but
injection still worked if the injection string contained TWO tick marks.
Was this just a fluke, or is it something that the faqs had wrong?

Nick J.
nick () ethicsdesign com

----- Original Message -----
From: "Dennis Hurst" <dhurst () spidynamics com>
To: "'Nick Jacobsen'" <nick () ethicsdesign com>
Cc: <webappsec () securityfocus com>
Sent: Monday, February 10, 2003 8:59 AM
Subject: RE: SQL Injection Basics


Good question, but SQL Injection is absolutely an issue in VBScript
pages).  Here's the deal, the ' only acts as a comment if it's in the
source code, not when it's in a variable. So...

If you have code that looks like this:

Dim sSql, rs, oConnection

'..... Setup the connection......

sSql = "Select * from myCustomers where FirstName = '" &
Request("txtFirstName") & "'"

Set rs = oConnection.Execute(sSql)

'.....do something with the returned data.....

And a user puts a ' in the text box called txtFirstName you end up
something that acts like this:

Dim sSql, rs, oConnection

'..... Setup the connection......

sSql = "Select * from myCustomers where FirstName = '''"

Set rs = oConnection.Execute(sSql)

'.....do something with the returned data.....

Have a great day,

Dennis Hurst
dhurst () spidynamics com
SPI Labs

-----Original Message-----
From: Nick Jacobsen [mailto:nick () ethicsdesign com]
Sent: Monday, February 10, 2003 6:07 AM
To: Loki; raul.johhut () hushmail com
Cc: webappsec () securityfocus com
Subject: Re: SQL Injection Basics

Hmm...  just a gues here, but if a developer is using VBScript as the
scripting language, would SQL injection be impossible, since in
" ' " mark is a comment mark, and therefore never used in SQL

Nick J
nick () ethicsdesign com

----- Original Message -----
From: "Loki" <loki () fatelabs com>
To: <raul.johhut () hushmail com>
Cc: <webappsec () securityfocus com>
Sent: Saturday, February 08, 2003 9:16 PM
Subject: Re: SQL Injection Basics


SQL injection is not replacing the userid field in the url with
its escaping an SQL query with a single tick (') that the developer
doesn't escape (or in the case of PHP, GLOBALS is turned on in the

SQL injection is simply altering the SQL query sent to the SQL
and executing an a malicious query instead of what was expected by
developer. Depending on the remote server (Oracle, Microsoft SQL,
PostgreSQL), these statements will only differ based on their stored
procedures. Microsoft SQL containing the more fun procedure of
(xp_cmdshell) :)


Username: ' or 1=1--

There are several papers available on SQL injection attacks, one in
particular written by Chris Anley at

Typically, you can quickly check web apps for vulnerability to
by just entering a single tick (') in the form submission field,
submit, and looking for any errors such as ODBC, etc.

Fate Research Labs

On Sat, 2003-02-08 at 20:21, raul.johhut () hushmail com wrote:
I am pen testing a webapp and am having some problems with SQL

The app creates an ODBC error. Is this a garuntee of SQL Injection

If I use www.victim/test.asp?userid=sfdsd

the error is "inncorrect syntax near line 28 of test.asp" (or
English translation equiv in my case).

I know the database is called master, and has a table test. What
syntax I should use ?

What are the best freeware and open source tools for testing SQL
injection ? I tried WPosion which was OK.

I also tried WebSleuth (which seems to have gone from GPL to
source commercial btw). Am I right is saying that the SQL plugin has
connect directly to the database to work ? I can only see port 80 so
think this will work ?

Thanks, Raul.

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