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RE: [PHP] CSRF attack not possible in I.E. 6.01 SP1?

From: "Michael Silk" <michaels () phg com au>
Date: Wed, 18 Aug 2004 08:38:23 +1000

IE might decide, based on mime type, whether or not the linked image is
really an 'image' (I Hope it wouldn't only check the extension). But of
course, even checking the mime-type won't help at all if the you have
control over the server as you can link to x.jpg, perform the logout, or
login, or whatever, and then write out a bytes for a jpeg.

I'm not sure what point the random number would have ...

-----Original Message-----
From: Ed Lazor [mailto:Ed.Lazor () d20News com] 
Sent: Tuesday, 17 August 2004 5:01 AM
To: Saqib.N.Ali () seagate com; shiflett () php net
Cc: php-general () lists php net; webappsec () securityfocus com
Subject: RE: [PHP] CSRF attack not possible in I.E. 6.01 SP1?

What if you add a random seed to the URL?

<img src="http://slashdot.org/my/logout?fluff=<?php echo rand(1,200);?>"
height="1" width="1">

-----Original Message-----
Hello Chris,

I can't share the exact code ;) , but here is something very similar:

<img src="http://slashdot.org/my/logout"; height="1" width="1">

If I load a web page with the above code, it should log me out of 
slashdot. It works in Mozilla (and netscape), but not in I.E. 6.01 SP1

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