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RE: IIS session & application variables

From: "Damhuis Anton" <DamhuisA () aforbes co za>
Date: Fri, 26 Nov 2004 07:30:36 +0200

Hi Martin

Session variables are not "sent from page to page", but rather stored in memory using the Session ID. The app (or page) 
has access to these variables using the Session ID (Behind the scenes).

If you want to see the information flowing to / from browser then goto www.planet-source-code.com and search there for 
"html breakout box". This little VB6 App will allow you to see the HTML traffic to / from the browser (via the proxy 
program). If you don't come right I will look for it and send you the link.

However you can see the session variables on a ASP page using the following code (classic ASP) It is made for my 
environment, but I am sure you will be able to figure it out:

Sub SFDebug()
                REM ------------------------------------------------------------
                REM -- Allows a person to see Session and Form Debug Information
                rem --   if CANDebug is Enabled
                REM ------------------------------------------------------------
                Dim strSessionContents  'as String
                Dim strFormContents                     'as String
                Dim strURLContents                      'as String
                Dim objFIELD                                            'as String
                Dim formElement                                 'as
                Dim URLElement                                  'as
                If Session("UserDebug") = true and CANDebug=TRUE then

                        strSessionContents = ""
                        strFormContents = ""
                        strURLContents = ""

                        REM -- Create a list of all Session Varables
                        On Error Resume Next
                        For Each objFIELD in Session.Contents
                                strSessionContents = strSessionContents & _
Left(objFIELD & "                   ",20) & ": [" & Session(objFIELD) & "]" & vbcrlf
                        Next 'objFIELD
                        On Error Goto 0

                        REM -- Bread Crumm Add On
                        Dim DKeys
                        Dim DItems
                        Dim I
                        Dim DictTmp
                        If IsObject(Session("Dictionary")) then
                                Set DictTmp = Session("Dictionary")
                                        DKeys = DictTmp.Keys
                                        DItems = DictTmp.Items

                                        For i = 0 To DictTmp.Count -1
                                                strSessionContents = strSessionContents & _
         Left("Dict(" & DKeys(I) & ")                             ",30) & ": [" & DItems(I) & "]" & vbcrlf
                                                'Response.Write "Dict." & DItems(I) & " = [" & DKeys(I) & "]<br>"
                                        Next 'I
                                Set DictTmp = Nothing
                        end if
                        REM -- Bread Crumm Add On TILL HERE

                        REM -- Create a list of all Used Form Elements
                        strFormContents = ""
                        For Each formElement In Request.Form
                                strFormContents = strFormContents & _
Left(formElement & "                   ",20) & ": [" & Request.form(formElement) & "]" & vbcrlf
                        Next 'formElement

                        REM -- Create a list of all Used URL Elements (QueryString)
                        strURLContents = ""
                        For Each URLElement In Request.QueryString
                                strURLContents = strURLContents & _
& "                   ",20) & ": [" & Request.QueryString(URLElement) & "]" & vbcrlf

                        Response.Write "<div style=""BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffbb; font-size:10px"">" & _
                                                                                 "<pre>" & _
                                                                                 "Session Variables" & vbcrlf & _
                                                                                 "-----------------" & vbcrlf & _
                                                                                 strSessionContents & vbcrlf & _
                                                                                 "Form Variables" & vbcrlf & _
                                                                                 "---------" & vbcrlf & _
                                                                                 strFormContents & vbcrlf & _
                                                                                 "URL Variables" & vbcrlf & _
                                                                                 "-----------------" & vbcrlf & _
                                                                                 strURLContents &  vbcrlf & _
                                                                                 "</pre>" & _
                end if
end Sub

-----Original Message-----
From: Bénoni MARTIN [mailto:Benoni.MARTIN () libertis ga]
Sent: 25 November 2004 10:22
To: webappsec () securityfocus com
Subject: IIS session & application variables

Hi list !

I was wondering if someone knows about a tool that can get the application/session variables on my IIS session ...

Lets' me explain: I've got an IIS server, and some application & session variables defined in my global.asa. I think 
these variables are sent from one page to another one, and I was wondering if there is a tool that displays me these 
variables (session and application variables).

Any clue would be helpful !

Thanks in advance !

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