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Re: PHP Easter Eggs

From: Antonio Varni <antonio.varni () gmail com>
Date: Mon, 6 Dec 2004 13:45:23 -0800

Besides acting as another fingerprinting method, unexpected output
like this could cause faults in other application's parsing routines.
For example a brittle front end application that later queries a php
server (that could be influenced to pass along this URL) might crash
any number of ways.  This could serve as a simple DOS, or expose
sensitive information if the errors are displayed to the attacker.

Might be a bit of a stretch, but unexpected behavior like this can act
an attack vector in a larger attack.

On Mon, 29 Nov 2004 20:40:41 -0600, Harrison Gladden <hgladden () gmail com> wrote:
maybe it's me, but i'm failing to see the "big picture" here as far as
security is concerned.  It seems to me that this would only confirm to
the evil user that yes you are running php, thereby allowing him to
find php specific vulns??  Or is there something else i'm missing


On Tue, 30 Nov 2004 06:12:00 +0200, Serban Gh. Ghita <serban () verasys ro> wrote:
interesting, but very risking. i am wondering if an evil user could exploit
this and create hoaxes using this 'easter eggs'
i also wonder what impact could have this over the big companies websites
that are using php ;-)

Serban Gh. Ghita
coordonator departament IT
VERASYS International
serban () verasys ro
zamolxe () php net
phone1: +40-251-406.152
phone2: +40-251-406.153
cell: +40-788.28.29.10

----- Original Message -----
From: "Andi McLean" <andi_mclean () ntlworld com>
To: <webappsec () securityfocus com>
Sent: Sunday, November 28, 2004 3:21 PM
Subject: Fwd: PHP Easter Eggs


Does anyone know about the easter eggs in PHP?
I've just found out about them, My trust in PHP has just had a major set
as I'm wondering what other easter eggs there are and can any be used to
circumenvent the protection I have on my site.
I feel like I now need to have a look at the source code, to find out what
else is there.






Harrison Gladden <hgladden () gmail com>
Computer Engineer & Science Major
~Past experience: He who never makes
   mistakes, never did anything that's worth.~

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