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More details on ASP.NET vulnerability

From: Mark Burnett <mb () xato net>
Date: Thu, 7 Oct 2004 21:10:11 -0600

There has been some confusion with the ASP.NET forms authentication issue and I wanted to clarify some points. First of 
all, this is really an authorization issue, not an authentication issue. This sounds trivial but the difference helps 
to understand what's happening here. Authorization is what determines if authentication needs to happen.

Normally when you make a request for a protected resource, ASP.NET checks the web.config to see if there is an 
authorization rule for that resource. If there is no match, it checks the authorization section in the web.config of 
each parent application all the way up to machine.config, which by default allows everyone to access everything.

The problem here is that by using a backslash, the code that compares the path string and the protected resource always 
fails. It does not properly match the path string to anything in web.config and eventually ends up in the 
machine.config, which allows access (note that this current vulnerability applies to the backslash, but it could 
potentially be any form of obfuscation that IIS might allow). Since it does not find any rules requiring 
authentication, it allows access to the resource without prompting the user for credentials, because it sees no need to 
do so. Therefore, it is not an authentication issue because it never gets to that point. Also, this means that it does 
affect both Forms and Windows authentication (assuming the NTFS permissions allow access to the ASP.NET process).

One problem in particular with Windows authentication is that ASP.NET will not perform any access checks if there is no 
valid WindowsIdentity. Therefore (without going into a long explanation of how this works) Windows authentication using 
file authorization is also vulnerable.

Here are some ways to prevent this and other related attacks that might appear in the future:

1. Follow the best practice of least privilege and change your machine.config to deny all users and all verbs by 
default. This requires that you specifically allow access to any unprotected resources (especially the login page). One 
problem here is that ASP.NET does not allow wildcards in the location elements, so you must explicitly allow access to 
each directory individually, which might be a lot of work on some sites. If changing machine.config is not practical, 
make sure that each web.config for protected content areas has a default rule that denies access.

2. Use code-based authorization to explicitly check authorization within each module. This is a lot of work but an 
excellent secure coding practice. Note that any requests exploiting this vulnerability will have an identity object 
with empty strings so all code-based authorization should fail.

3. Use URLScan, even on IIS 6 servers.

4. On IIS 6, set EnableNotUTF8 and PercentUAllowed to 0 (HKLM/CurrentControlSet/Services/HTTP/Parameters). This does 
not affect this issue directly but limits exposure to future encoding attacks.

5. Use Microsoft's global.asax code (KB 887459) but also consider expanding environment strings, checking for DOS 
device names, using a regex to check for known invalid characters, and then finally checking to see that the path is 
still within the web content directories. You might also want to check the user principal here and perform code-based 
authorization checks. You may find that doing all this considerably affects performance so you would have to customize 
this for your particular web site.

6. Use Microsoft's HTTP Module (http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=887289), which is essentially the same code as the 
global.asax example, but it applies to all sites on the server and is quick and easy to install.

This problem could have been avoided in two ways:

First, and most obviously, thoroughly following the best practice of filtering application input. Microsoft provides a 
simple fix at http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=887459. Such a simple vulnerability really was foreseeable and the 
check should have been in the original product.

Second, following the best practice of least privilege, which results in a system that fails closed rather than failing 
open. Having the <allow users="*" /> entry in machine.config is equivalent to having a default firewall rule that 
allows everything that doesn't match any other rule. Although I understand there are likely other issues involved in 
their decision to do this, the most secure method is to deny by default allowing authentication to fail closed.

Mark Burnett

Hacking the Code: ASP.NET Web Application Security

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