WebApp Sec mailing list archives

Betr.: detecting malicious image file

From: "Philip Wagenaar" <p.wagenaar () accon nl>
Date: Mon, 07 Feb 2005 16:51:33 +0100

Yes it does look like a normal image.
And I know that sygate personal firewall (pro) detects them if load one in internet explorer when a website hosts such 
an image.

www.packetstormsecurity.com has a few exploits, I believe they were in c++ (I got them to compile in vs.net 2003). 
Exploits are c++ source code, so that should give you a pretty clear image <-- :-) of how to reconize such an image.

Met vriendelijke groet,

(Philip) Wagenaar
Assistent ICT Projecten & Advies

AccoN Accountants & Adviseurs
ICT Projecten & Advies
Postbus 5090
6802 EB Arnhem
The Netherlands

tel. +31 (0)26-3842384
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MSN/E-mail: p.wagenaar () accon nl

"Weiler, Jim" <Jim.Weiler () Staples com> 07-02-05 15:42 >>>
Does anyone know how to detect an image file (.jpg or .bmp or .gif file
regardless of extension) that has the buffer overflow exploit (MS04-028) in
it? If you open it with any image editor does it work like a regular image? 

Jim Weiler
Staples North American Application Services
Application Architect
508 2533884


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