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RE: Re: about oracle sql injection

From: LAROUCHE Francois <Francois.LAROUCHE () accor com>
Date: Tue, 6 Dec 2005 11:05:12 +0100


first of all thanks,second there is anyway to collect information from the
tables with out using union?????

Yeah with blind SQL injection with the return error or by comparing the
result of the page when it's true or it's false.

For example, let's say we have a web page containing a search on some
employee table:

1. SMITH will return some result such as his job CLERK
2. You try SMITH' 1=1-- and see if you still see SMITH with CLERK
3. You try SMITH' 1=2-- and see if you see nothing, if so you just found
your true/false condition
4. With that information you can try to go get character by character each
value in the ORACLE system tables and compare your condition with the true
and false result you expect.

It's pretty long and tedious... Good luck with that. However, I just
finished a software that does that automatically, well among other things. I
just need to make the web site with a tutorial to explain it and it's out.
If you can wait until then, you won't have to bother with the syntax ;)

Good luck with that!

Francois Larouche

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