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Review of Owasp-London Chapter meeting on WAF (Web Application Firewalls)

From: Dinis Cruz <dinis () ddplus net>
Date: Mon, 01 May 2006 10:59:58 +0100


Here is my brain dump about what happened (from my point of view of course) last Tuesday (25th April) on the Owasp London Chapter meeting (hosted on a central London pub).

As you can read here (http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_id=10209024&forum_id=40284), here (http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_id=10232868&forum_id=40284) and here (http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_id=10239385&forum_id=40284) the theme of the night was "Web Application Firewalls (WAF): Where do they add value and who should be using them". After a public invite for participation, 4 vendors committed to come in an present their WAF appliances: F5, Imperva, Breach and Fortify (I should actually say 3 WAF Appliance vendors since Fortify presented a similar tool with a different approach).

My objective with this presentation was to go beyond the Marketing BS and discuss the type of issues that these tools:

- are able to defend out of the box (i.e. with minor configuration's by the user)
   - are able to defend with some customization
   - are NOT able to defend

I was also very interested in the usability of the tools and the user experience of the WAFifyed website (i.e. what happens when a potential attack is detected).

To level the playing field, each vendor was given a vulnerable website that they needed to protect. This website was Foundstone's HacmeBank v2.0 (the original plan was to use Owasp's SiteGenerator but some vendors had some problems in getting it to work (prob with windows 2003 SP1 I think), so due to time constrains we used the new version of HacmeBank (2.0) which is very stable and feature (i.e. vulnerability) rich :)

To give an extra humph to the event (and to justify the tight deadlines) I added the element "Hacme Bank is under attack, here are the exploit vectors being used, your mission is to patch this system as soon as possible and stop the attackers". It should be noted that the vendors did not had a lot of time in their hands (from receiving the list of vulnerabilities to patch to the event).

For reference, here is a PDF (created using the new Owasp PenTest Reporter tool) describing all vulnerabilities: " Bank Pentest Report (created by Owasp PenTest Reporter) - ).pdf" .

Now that the scenario is set, here are my brain dump of the night:

1) Firstly I am happy that the 4 vendors made it, that we had a good number of attendees (although not all Owasp London Chapter members :) and that the F5 sponsorship went ok (with paid: pub dedicated to event, plasma screen, open bar and food)

2) The audio recording also went ok, so give me a couple days and I will upload it to a server on MP3 format (need to do some audio normalization and minor editing)

   3) On the presentations it self (in the order they were made):
         a) F5
- Brought their WAF Appliance (1U Rack) and did a live presentation - Showed several demos on the HacmeBank vulnerabilities (XSS, SQL Injection, Cookies) - Discussed briefly some advanced options that their product has: Leveraging the BigIP scripting capabilities, protecting admin pages by forcing a certain 'navigation path' - Maybe because this was the first presenter, but they really run out of time (the 20m minutes allocated were religiously enforced). I did felt that the presenter at times went over the top on the explanations given, and spent too much time on simple stuff. Basically I would had preferred if he gave the presentation at twice the pace covering twice the material.
         b) Imperva
- Brought their WAF Appliance (1U Rack) and did a live presentation - Similar to F5, showed several demos on the HacmeBank vulnerabilities (XSS, SQL Injection, Cookies) covering roughly the same material - Shown very powerful functionality on their product, namely the Forms / Cookie rules creation user interface - Had several problems during the presentation (e.g. some demos that didn't work)
         c) Breach
              - No WAF Appliance, videos shown instead
- A couple too many slides for my taste, and not enough demos. - That said, I liked Ofer style and he has clearly a very good technical understanding of the WAF world (he is also the organizer of the Owasp Chapter in Israel) - I didn't particularly agree with the concept of "Dinis WAF Requirements", which imply that what I was asking the WAF vendors is very advanced, difficult and has very little customer demand.
         d) Fortify
- Fortify didn't present a WAF Appliance. They took the concept of WAF and applied it to the actual targeted application. Steps used by their product: 1) reverse engineering the J2EE application, 2) identify the attack surface, 3) identify insecure coding practices, 4) apply 'security protection layers' were necessary, and 5) monitor and report malicious activity. Due to the fact that their .Net product is still under development, Fortify's demo was based on the Owasp Web Goat tool. - I was quite impressed with their solution and can see real-live cases where it could be very effective (especially since some of the security vulnerabilities that I want to address via a WAF solution can only be made at the Application layer) - The main problem with this solution is that it requires a binary change/redeployment of the targeted application, and it still a very young product (e.g. not used by a large number of clients to protect mission critical web applications)

[this next set of comments apply mainly to the 3 WAF vendors]

5) Coming back to the WAF Appliance presentations, there are a couple of comments that I have to make:

a) The presentations were all very BASIC (as in Simplistic). Come on!!!! doing an SQL injection or cookies demo using Paros? That is 'so' last century. I was expecting at least some Unit Tests or custom use of Web Application Security Scanners. But Paros? (or for that mater Web Scarab, Fiddler, Firefox/IE Tamper request, @Stake Web Proxy, etc...). My problem here is not that such tool(s) were used, but the fact that they don't allow for the automated test of the numerous variations that exploits like SQL Injection have. Remember that the WAF's must be able to detect ALL (or most) types of SQL Injections (not only the ones with a quote). Think of the problems that IDS have in detecting RPC traffic, the WAF will have exactly the same types of issues.

b) I might be wrong on this one, but I do get the feeling that these WAF vendors have a good understanding of 'data validation' attacks ( SQL Injection, XSS, Cookies, etc) but fail to grasp the security implications of (for example) application logic attacks (like the one in Hacme Bank where user A is able to access data from user B). More worryingly, they seem happy with this situation since (from their point of view) their clients don't need that functionality.

c) Where are the published independent security reviews of these products? I find amazing that vendors that are selling a 'security product', e.g. a software application (WAF) that protects other software applications (Websites), do not understand the value of hiring independent 3rd party security companies to perform source code security audits to their products (note that the final results of these audits must be published and made available to clients). As discussed during the panel, it is probably impossible to create bug/vulnerability free applications, but to NOT perform independent security audits to their code is crazy. Since these vendors are still in the 'Functionality Arms Race' phase of their products. Basically, the development teams are more focused on features, performance and user experience than on Security (and I don't have to tell you how 'secure' apps developed like this tend to be :). Maybe the solution is to put a WAF protecting a WAF protecting a WAF protecting a website :). Note to vendors: If am am wrong in this comment, feel free to prove me wrong and publish the security audits performed on your current product(s).

d) another area which I still think the WAF don't get it, is the fact that no solution allows for the easy manipulation of the data being analyzed (both at input and at output). At the moment you only have two choices: 1) let the request go, 2) block the request and either show a custom error page or logout the user. This is to radical. We need the ability to change the contents of form fields (or page contents) dynamically. This will be the only way that some vulnerabilities can be effectively managed and mitigated (while limiting the damage cause by false positives). Note: same WAFs have the functionality to replace cookies with their own (WAF controlled value)

e) Why don't they use their WAFs to protect the WAF's web interface? Clearly a great test for the usability of a WAF product is to use it to protect the complex GUIs used on the WAF management and monitoring. Also, when (not if) vulnerabilities are found in their product, they could use their WAF to mitigate those security issues.

g) And what about their website? Are the vendor's websites protected by their WAFs?

h) To the other companies/products that want to get into the WAF market, advice to them is: "Create a WAF that allows a good PenTester to mitigate 90%+ of the vulnerabilities that he/she discovered". Basically, grab HacmeBank and SiteGenerator and use it to take your product were the current WAF vendors don't seem to want to go.

i) What about the Web Application Firewall Evaluation Criteria (http://www.webappsec.org/projects/wafec/)? How do this WAF appliances rate to this? I might have missed it, but where is the public disclose of this information?

6) After thinking about what happened for a couple days, and trying to come up with an explanation for the issues raised on item 5), I think that I came up with an answer. The problem is that the WAF technical teams don't have Web Penetration Testing experience. They have a reasonable level of understanding on how to attack an web application, but they are missing the advanced material (I am also puzzled by the lack of use of Web Application Security Scanners (WASS)). Maybe the solution is for a WAF company and a WASS company to merge and maximize the skills sets of both.

7) Please take my comments with a pinch of salt :) . It is to late at night here and I am just doing a brain dump :)

   8) Moving forward, here are some ideas:

a) Expand the current Hacme Bank challenge to all WAF vendors and see who is able to mitigate what. I already asked the 4 WAF vendors that participated on the London event to send me the list of issues (from Hacme Bank v2.0) that they product is: * Able to protect with default functionality * Able to protect with Customization * Not able to protect

b) Implement all documented HacmeBank vulnerabilities in SiteGenerator (also add different types of navigation)

c) help to organize other Owasp chapter events around the world on the same subject and using the same model (Owasp chapter leaders let-me know if you are interested)

d) Implement the Foundstone Validator .Net tool on HacmeBank to show how most of those security issues can be resolved when the WAF has access to the application layer

e) write a white paper about WAFs focusing on where they should be used and on where they are not effective

f) expand the analysis of the Hacme Bank vulnerabilities and discuss how they could/should be mitigated at WAF

9) Finally, I just want to give a warning to the WAF vendors: "you must make your appliance invisible to attackers". By invisible I mean that it should not be possible to fingerprint your appliance remotely from the Internet. Because if you do allow this to occur, then you dramatically increase the risk to your clients of being exploited by a vulnerability in your WAF (and remember the Witty worm (http://www.newsfactor.com/story.xhtml?story_id=23559 and http://news.zdnet.co.uk/internet/security/0,39020375,39149459,00.htm) which was a targeted exploit on a security product).

That's it, thanks for reading, and I am looking forward to your comments.

Best regards

Dinis Cruz
Owasp .Net Project

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