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Master thesis on security in web development frameworks and libraries

From: vegarwe-lists () gjallarhorn net
Date: Wed, 20 Jun 2007 12:35:05 +0200


This next two semester (fall 2007, spring 2008) I'll be writing a
project and a master thesis on security in web development frameworks
and libraries at The Norwegian University of Science and Technology

The master thesis should have elements of reasearch on the subject and
study an angle thats completely new or hasn't been mutch looked into
before. Spesifically one are judged on 'significance and originality'.

By web development frameworks and libraries I mean struts, and spring
for java, django for python a.o. Also I'm considering including
libraries like hibernate for databases or 'Yahoo! User Interface (YUI)
Library' for web2.0 applications.

Does anybody has a good angle of approach? Or a problem area that they
see is of spesifical relevant at the moment?

Vegar Westerlund

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