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Re: [Owasp-webscarab] MITM proxies, Ontologies, and Enterprise Architecture

From: Rogan Dawes <lists () dawes za net>
Date: Tue, 08 Apr 2008 19:24:37 +0200

Christopher H Mitchell wrote:

I'll apologize for the cross posting up front, but I am interested in any comments that might be offered As a security analyst I find the WebScarab application and Pantera quite helpful. In fact, I am quite excited to find out how well the WebScarab NG version will progress from this point. I am constantly writing /security reviews/ and maintain a /database/ detailing various facets of my company's web apps. NG's potential towards assisting in the data collection process would be indispensable. *Dreaming of open sourced process automation* For instance, I can use Pantera's MySQL store to help automate the report writing. Unfortunately, the feature set in the new version of WebScarab is rather pale by comparison. Given the recent focus on newer semantic and ontology based technologies, it would make sense to organize our documentation in a machine readable format some time in the near future. The basic frameworks are available to start migrating our "web app" security database towards our own ontology; and a repository "worthy of the gods" seems within our grasp. However, I would be interested in your thoughts on how I might learn more to attempt/assist in developing a solution that would use Webscarab to facilitate some of this. Virtually all of the information that Webscarab comes in contact with would be potentially worthy of collection for expanding our site documentation. Although I am not a java developer by nature, I have noticed the work at http://wscarabeclipse.sourceforge.net I am willing to further develop my understanding of java and the bean shell framework, yet it all seems a bit overwhelming. Nevertheless, the Eclipse work seems to have grown stale and it would seem that scripting around the problem might serve just as well for a solution. Has there been much consideration towards your software's future direction? White Box assessments are killing our budget so I am thinking open-source is a definite requirement. I have even looked into how Plone might do Content Management pretty well and Mantis offers a decent bug tracking tool, as possibilities/alternatives would have it. They simply don't seem to feasible when the sites are hosted by external servers or third parties and I want to keep the majority of our Enterprise Architecture metadata in a centralized location.

Yes, WS-NG is still under development, and unfortunately, I don't get as much time as I'd like to work on it. That said, YOU can influence its future by participating on the mailing list, and coming up with suggestions. You can start by listing the kind of information that you'd like to be able to extract from it for your "documentation".

The Eclipse port of webscarab was done some time ago, and I never actually had anything to do with it, other than providing the core proxy that it used. I have no idea what its current status is.

So, once I have some kind of idea what information you want from WebScarab(-NG), I can certainly start to make some suggestions as to how you can go about getting it, whether with Bean Shell, or otherwise.



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