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deblaze - a remote method enumeration tool for flex servers

From: jrose <jrose () owasp org>
Date: Wed, 18 Mar 2009 21:36:21 -0400

I'd like to announce the first version of deblaze, a remote method enumeration tool for flex servers. Deblaze came about as a necessity during a few security assessments of flash based websites that made heavy use of flash remoting. I needed something to give me the ability to dig a little deeper into the technology and identify security holes.

Deblaze allows you to perform method enumeration and interrogation against flash remoting end points. It takes as input the URL, service, and method name for the flex service to be tested.

Deblaze provides the following functionality:
* Brute Force Service and Method Names
* Method Interrogation
* Flex Technology Fingerprinting

There are several ways to determine and access exposed methods:

* Decompile SWF and search for remoting calls
* Watch network traffic for service and method names
* Dictionary attack against service and methods

Grab the latest version at http://deblaze-tool.appspot.com/

- Jon Rose

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