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Re: How can i protect against session hijacking?

From: "Michael Condon" <mjc001 () juno com>
Date: Fri, 3 Apr 2009 04:29:35 -0500

I found this to be a very good reference (which you may have seen before) for XSS and other vulnerabilities: http://www.sans.org/top25errors/print.pdf.
OWASP covers it very well also.
However the outlook, in my opinion is somewhat bleak. Read through the documentation, and the mitigation methods usually (for good, proven reasons - some very well known and obvious) have a disclaimer about how most methods can be circumvented. It's almost as if we're down to throwing bottle, rocks, etc. at every level - from HTML, JS, Ajax, Session control, Server Side code, and finally at the DB - and hoping that the attacker is too wounded to persist. Even SSL has been shown to have its vulnerabilities, even though seriously the probability of this being an issue is low given the expertise required.
I personally have a few standards, which may help, or you can disregard.
- I decided from day one (ok, maybe two) never, ever to pass parameters in a URL. In fact, my PHP programs check the QUERY_STRING in the first few lines of code (EVERY program), and if something is there, I send the user into a triangular loop. This hoses up a lot of automated "testing" tools. I also "punish" the user if I get obvious indication at the server side that they are pushing crap data. - Since the HTTP header is unreliable, the full script path is a better, but still not infallible alternative. - Every level of code, script or module should by default mistrust every attempt at access. - DB design should contain referential integrity, for another layer of self protection. - Don't let anyone sit around indefinitely. For example, I had a credit card company that would allow you to sign on (SSL of course, but no strong password enforcement), and then allow the statement pages to be displayed for an indefinite amount of time. Unbelievable. I can think of a lot worse ways to express it, but I'll leave it there.

I could go on at length, but strong session management is essential. However, checking the end user IP, User Agent and other similar methods are questionable, since these can legitimately change. However there's no harm, and indeed recommended, reverting to a "start over" state if encountered.

I'm also still at an impasse as to whether proven unreliable mitigation methods should be implemented regardless. Not to be relied upon by any means, but just as another layer of defense that would prevent/delay x% of intrusions. As sort of a poll, what do all of you think regarding this issue - waste of code, or more obstacles, the better?

I'm working on some other methods, but actually I'm hesitant to even post any ideas. My current approach is to assume that all firewalls, IDS, etc. are irrelevant. The code has to protect itself. If someone can get to your site, all bets are off.

From: "Rohit Sethi" <rklists () gmail com>
Sent: Thursday, April 02, 2009 8:00 PM
To: "Martin O'Neal" <martin.oneal () corsaire com>
Cc: "Cyrill Osterwalder" <c.osterwalder () phion com>; "Chris Grove" <cgrove () imperva com>; <webappsec () securityfocus com>
Subject: Re: How can i protect against session hijacking?


It's clear that session hijacking is only one many problems that
you've outlined in your scenario. If you have XSS an attacker *doesn't
need* to steal a session - he can execute his entire attack through
the client via a set of CSRF AJAX requests and responses.

What you should really be asking yourself here is "what in the session
am I trying to protect?" Your application probably has many different
transactions - which ones are the most sensitive? For instance, can
people steal credit card numbers or transfer money in your

For those transactions, your should consider using transactional
authentication - forcing the user to use a different factor of
authentication for paritcularly high-risk transactions. One time
passwords are ideal for transactional authentication. If you can't
afford to distribute hard tokens consider using something like
www.phonefactor.com (they have a free service as well as commercial
versions). I can't vouch for phone factor personally but I know it's
come up on this list before.

On 4/2/09, Martin O'Neal <martin.oneal () corsaire com> wrote:

There are WAFs available on the market
that implement secure session handling...

LOL; thanks for the comment, but to paraphrase, you're basically
suggesting adding another technology to the mix (one that the client
will be unlikely to be familiar with, but will have to maintain both
from a platform and skills perspective), and rather than fixing the
application, you duplicate some functionality into the WAF, which
(unless you fix the XSS [in the WAF or application]) won't actually help
with the lost session ID anyway, as the attacker will be still running
mobile code in the users browser session, with access to everything that
the user has; source IP, cookies, blah-blah-blah.

Doesn't sound like a particularly ideal solution to the scenario to


Rohit Sethi
Security Compass

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