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Syslogd and Solaris 2.4

From: sod () command com inter net (Scriptors of DOOM)
Date: Sat, 9 Nov 1996 02:52:48 -0700


Hi again...

It's me...

Yup, it's Friday...

Yet another HP bug has arrived at the HP Bug of the Week.  That's
http://command.com.inter.net/~sod/ for those of you who haven't been
keeping track.


I guess you'll hafta come and take a look at it again now..



I bet you really wanna know what's broken this week... Probably, maybe..

Well, OK, I'll tell ya.  But you're not gonna like it..

I mean, really, you're gonna say "You've _got_ to be kidding me."



That program.. Well, it's rdist.


For 10.X..


It's really more of an implementation than an exploit, really, but hey,
whatever works, ya know?

So git yer ass on over to our little page care of us folk at SOD, where one
bug a week is the promise we keep, lest our souls get all icky and gross in
the murkiest swamp o' hell.



Well, Hi there!  It's me, your friend, yet again.  I'm just sitting here
sipping my Earl Gray with honey wondering how it is that you can rationalize
continuing your company without me.  Hmmmm.  Let me think.  If all those
logic courses I took back in college were any help at all, I should be able
to develop a rational argument for that.  Hmmmm.  Hmmmm.  Nope, don't think
I can right now.  The way I see it, you've got everything to gain and nothing
lose except for a fiscal mass, of course.  Isn't a more secure operating
system WORTH a few measly million dollars??  Why, of course it is.  I knew
you'd see it my way.  And while you're seeing it my way, why don't you think
about getting me laid, too -- I'd *really* appreciate that, and believe me,
I'd show my gratitude.  So why not come browse your ass on over to that
little URL up there, and then maybe our attorneys will screw each other and
come up with a fair and reasonable offer that both of us will appreciate.

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