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possible freebsd su problem?

From: taz () primenet com (taz)
Date: Thu, 6 Nov 1997 11:30:02 -0600

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Content-ID: <Pine.BSF.3.96.971106113000.18568I () cows mc net>

        I checked the archives, not a word of this was to be found so here

First off, my o/s:
FreeBSD xxxxxx 2.2.1-RELEASE

        Upon running su today, which is obviously setuid on most systems,
I used the argument '--' instead of '-'. This caused it to seg fault. I
ran gdb on it and found the problem was in a getpwnam() call. here is the

-- FreeBSD su.c (line 175)--

        /* get target login information, default to root */
--->    if ((pwd = getpwnam(user)) == NULL) {   <---
                errx(1, "unknown login: %s", user);
-- end --

        It turns out an earlier call to getopt() returns eof, yet it
still thinks it has an extra argument for the username, which it doesnt,
so it points user to argv[2], which is null. It then calls getpwnam() with
the null argument, as shown in the code, and the getpwnam() function in
libc tries to do an strlen() on the null pointer and seg faults. End of

        Exploitable in any way? I have no idea. I would be very
interesting in comments on this if it is exploitable. Attached to this is
a small patch which checks to see if user is valid or not before making
the getpwnam() call. Again this patch is meant for FreeBSD su only. I
tried this same thing on sun and linux and it didnt seem to work.


taz on IRC
taz () dal net

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