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Re: test-cgi - Re: HTTP REQUEST METHOD flaw

From: peter () ATTIC VUURWERK NL (Peter van Dijk)
Date: Fri, 15 Jan 1999 14:26:32 +0100

On Thu, Jan 14, 1999 at 09:35:33AM +0100, Peter van Dijk wrote:
On Wed, Jan 13, 1999 at 10:12:13AM -0600, monti wrote:
At least one exploitable application for throwing arbitrary characters
into an HTTP request method is good old "test-cgi".

The suggested (and from what I have seen on most systems, typical) fix
for the origianl bug in this script was to put the "QUERY_STRING" variable
in test-cgi in quotes to prevent its use for listing files.

With mnemonix's post regarding the REQUEST METHOD's "feature", many users
are re-exposed to the test-cgi problem, as the "REQUEST_METHOD" variable
remains un-quoted in the following shell command:


Instead of using "*" or a pathname followed by "*" as an argument to
test-cgi as in:

GET /cgi-bin/test-cgi?* HTTP/1.0

An attacker could use something like the following"

* /cgi-bin/test-cgi HTTP/1.0
to see contents of /cgi-bin directory of web-root

A paper I wrote somewhere in 1997(!) notes that CONTENT_TYPE, CONTENT_LENGTH,
REQUEST_METHOD and SERVER_PROTOCOL are under control of the user.

If you control your reverse and forward DNS, you could also theoretically
control REMOTE_HOST.

To add to that: Putting /*/*/*/*/*/*/* (etc.) in 2 or 3 of these variables,
requesting test-cgi about 20 times in a row and each time cancelling your
request will drive the load on the server way up, making disk access slow.

Greetz, Peter.
<squeezer> AND I AM GONNA KILL MIKE                |          Peter van Dijk
<squeezer> hardbeat, als je nog nuchter bent:      | peter () attic vuurwerk nl
<squeezer>   @date = localtime(time);              |  realtime security d00d
<squeezer>   $date[5] += 2000 if ($date[5] < 37);  |
<squeezer>   $date[5] += 1900 if ($date[5] < 99);  |        * blah *

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