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Re: BEER THREAD!! been a year? [was: Re: Blatant plug for tal ent: We're hiring]

From: Kevin McAleavey <kevinmca () nsclean com>
Date: Fri, 03 Nov 2006 14:54:26 -0500

 The shipping is the killer, no question there. Seriously though, if you can get your beerkeeper to "import" some, it's 
actually DANG GOOD for "domestic." And it already HAS its green card. Heh.

 Glad we agree on the "meeting of the mimes" ... I'm ex-libertarian, ex-republican, ex-cathedra ... I've given up on 
them all myself because they're all Yalie "skull and bones" twits ... but sadly, there's folks that think one side of 
the aisle is somehow less corrupt than the other. I erroneously thought you were one of them.

 Will get to your other comments on the other side of the castro convertible, but after a 27 hour shift, me be toast 
and this will have to be my last. For the moment, just chalk up my bad attitude to having to swim in the cesspool of 
the internets, trying to protect people from themselves when OH too many times, those who get infected REALLY deserved 
what they got. Alas, my job is to protect them anyway. Be happy to go onto the other concepts in that "other" thread 
once I'm less comatose.

At 12:42 PM 11/3/06, Unca Brian wrote:
On 11/3/06, Kevin McAleavey <kevinmca () nsclean com> wrote:
If yer serious, be happy to ... will have to find out how much it'd cost.

Costs could be high - especially since we're dealing with bottles.
However there are beer clubs out there, will have to look into it.

In the MEANTIME, because I don't want this message to go out TOO far
behind the previous and get ya all riled,

You don't have to worry about that with me - unlike some folks on this
list, I couldn't care less if you agree with me or not. My opinions
are my own, if I change your mind on something, great, if not, no loss
to me....until I start paying %40 in taxes again... :)

 Kevin McAleavey at your service
 Privacy Software Corporation
 kevinmca () nsclean com

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