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Re: too beautiful not to share

From: "Brian Loe" <knobdy () gmail com>
Date: Fri, 5 Oct 2007 00:15:20 -0500

On 10/4/07, rms () computerbytesman com <rms () computerbytesman com> wrote:
Hi Brian,

If you really want to understand Saddam and the motivations behind the two
Iraq Wars, check out this 1987 article entitled "Back Iraq":

The PDF is a bit difficult to read because it is a scan of a copy of a copy.


Interesting read. I'm not sure how I'm to understand the two wars with
Iraq though - and I pretty much already understood our relations with
Iran (which this article deals with for the most part). Further, The
New Republic is a liberal magazine and they're arguing for the support
of Iraq!

Let me point just this one thing out since everyone seems to want to
attack me for it, falsely:
I've never said what I supported so far as backing Iraq or Iran. I
can't recall even expressing an opinion on our previous support of
either country (with various regimes) or the rest of the region for
that matter - though it should be obvious I'm fairly pro-Zionist. That
said, you can not attack me for the US backing Iraq during their 10
year war with Iran. It had nothing to do with me and i wasn't old
enough to vote for Reagan - or Bush 1 the first time. Besides, back
then I had a big heart I wore on my sleeve (screaming, ignorant
liberal, in other words) and if I had voted...omg, I'm going gag
trying to say this...I wouldn't have voted Republican. I think Nader
looked good to me back then. Damn, did I do some quick growing up...

---not directed at you---
At any rate, I was attacking the "Bush Lied" mantra as being bullshit
- and it was, is and forever shall be. I also attacked the two-faced
idea purported by leading Democrats today about what an awful idea it
was to overthrow Saddam. Its not because I'm glad we did it (though I
am, as I've said) or that I'm conservative (I'm not), but because I
hate people that gamble with peoples lives for their own, *personal*,
political ends. Now you can say Bush did or does, and I'm not going to
argue one way or the other, but don't defend the Dems with  knee-jerk,
over-the-top reactionary, hate-spewing, mind-numbing liberal bullshit!
Either act with conviction or shut the (*@! up - which is exactly what
the Clintons and Gores should be doing rather than, once again,
passing judgment on their betters.
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