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Re: Off Topic: Heads Up

From: "Kyle C. Quest" < () gmail com>
Date: Mon, 18 Aug 2008 16:02:31 -0400

This is getting a bit political... nonetheless it is related to
security... even though it's a different kind :-)

Several points:

1. Cubin crisis in the 60s was actually initiated by the US when we
put our nukes in Turkey, which was right next to USSR. Soviets put
their nukes next to the States as a response. It's funny how Americans
were outraged about the Soviet nukes in Cuba while it was completely
fine for the US to put our own nukes right next to the Soviet Union.

2. Ukraine government is trying to artificially escalate tensions
between them and Russia to make them look like victims. It's really
like a twin brother trying to pick a fight with another brother to get
the other brother in trouble... This is a shady political move to get
into NATO fast. It's not clear if it'll pay off. It'll largely depend
on how well Russians execute the 6 point peace agreement starting with
the timely withdrawal from Georgia (unfortunately they are not doing a
good job right now; they need to deliver on what they promised to
build a trust with the Europeans and they need to do a better job at
communicating what's going on and what they are doing, otherwise, the
US will be successful at painting them as new Soviets, who want to
take over the world, which is not the case at all...)

3. Russian government is angry because it's being targeted unfairly
and it's been being pushed around for many years. It started way back
when the US promised that they will not try to suck into NATO former
eastern block countries. It continued through the years by us
completely disrespecting Russia where Kosovo and new defense systems
in Poland are the latest slaps in their face.

We, the US, still can't let go of the Cold War mentality... not only
towards Russia, but other countries as well. At the same time we
managed to scare and brainwash our people into thinking that the only
way to protect our freedom is by invading other countries. Bush and
Rice keep saying how Russians are bullies and how it's unacceptable to
attack other countries... and how territorial integrity must be
respected... and how going into Georgia itself is a clear attempt to
take over Georgia and it has nothing to do with protecting S. Ossetia.
They keep repeating it over and over... hoping that people will
believe it. It looks a lot of our media is pushing the same points.
This is sad... because we (the US people) really don't care about the
world around us. We have a very short memory span and we are very
famous for not knowing much about history (i'm talking about us as a
nation). This is also dangerous because it gives our government an
opportunity to scare us into giving them any power they ask for (to do
whatever they want to) just by simply throwing carefully selected
scary sounding bits of information that wouldn't stand a chance if we
paid attention.

Why did we go into Vietnam? Was it about freedom and liberation? What
did it have to do with protection of our freedom in America? We went
their because we simply didn't want a pro-communist government. We
didn't want communism to spread. Sure it wasn't our goal to kill a
huge number of people by sending our troops their. Obviously we didn't
go there just because we wanted to kill some people. Unfortunately a
lot of people did die. They died because we brought a huge war to
their country. If we didn't go most of the Vietnamese people wouldn't
die and none of our solders would have dies. But it happened... and
it's all because of our political games.

These political games are still very active. We keep saying one thing,
but doing something different. When USSR dissolved we promised that
NATO will not expand... What happened? We broke that promise. NATO
expended into eastern block countries and even former Soviet
republics. And now our government is trying to push even further by
sucking in Georgia and Ukraine into it. We keep putting our military
closer and closer to Russian borders, but we keep saying that they
have nothing to worry about because that's not against them. It's like
me putting a mine on my neighbor doorstep and then saying that it's
for protection against terrorists in Sudan. Anybody with a bit of
logic can see the real intent.

Our hypocrisy seems to have no limit... We say Russians are bullies
while we are engaged in the biggest bullying campaign ever. If
somebody doesn't want to do what we want we reach for our guns. We say
that territorial integrity and internationally recognized borders must
be respected, but just a little while ago we were the ones splitting
Kosovo from Serbia saying that they have the right to be independent.
We say invading another country is unacceptable, but, at the same
time, we it's ok if we or Israel does it. We say that even if Russians
were trying to protect S.Ossetia there's no valid reason to go any
further once the protected province was cleared; however, we
completely forget that during the first Iraq war when we were
liberating Kuwait we didn't just stop at the Kuwait border... we kept
going way deep into Iraq.

If our government does succeed in bringing Ukraine into NATO it'll be
because Russians screw up and don't deliver on their promises. Then
the Europeans will have no choice... and they'll cave in. If it does
happen, it won't be pretty and it will escalate the relationships.
This new Cold War will be our fault. The irony is that it will be the
final nail in our coffin and it'll mark the demise of the US. That's
when China will rapidly become the only super power. They are, at
least, one third way there. While we are trying to spread democracy
with our weapons China is taking over Asia, Africa, and South America
with their money. They even hold the "red button" for the next
American great depression. Once they decide it's time... they'll press
that red button and we'll turn into a third world country.

On Mon, Aug 18, 2008 at 12:14 PM, John C. A. Bambenek, GCIH, CISSP
<bambenek.infosec () gmail com> wrote:
So who wants to do a pool on when Ukraine becomes a NATO member?

On Mon, Aug 18, 2008 at 2:37 AM, Paul Ferguson <fergdawg () netzero net> wrote:

Hash: SHA1

Not really being covered in "mainstream media":

Some really dangerous international issues, which deserve your


- - ferg

p.s. And be sure, scammers will try to capitalize on the news.

Version: PGP Desktop 9.6.3 (Build 3017)


"Fergie", a.k.a. Paul Ferguson
 Engineering Architecture for the Internet
 ferg's tech blog:

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