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Re: Interesting webserver intrusion (apache 1.3.31, mod_ssl 2.8.18, php 4.3.7)

From: Tim Greer <chatmaster () charter net>
Date: 09 Jul 2004 18:40:13 -0700

On Fri, 2004-07-09 at 11:15, nathan c. dickerson wrote:

A few weeks ago, a webserver at my location was broken into. I caught 
the attacker in progress before any damage was done, but the attack 
itself was quite stealthy and surprising.


We are now running Apache 1.3.31 with mod_ssl 2.8.18, which I thought 
was secure. However; a few days ago, I noticed another successful 
intrusion via Apache. Same callback scripts to get around the firewall, 
same people.

This annoyed me greatly, since they managed to execute commands via Apache.

The standard error of their exploited httpd process would show up in the 
error log. I believe the execution is done blindly.

sh: line 1: /usr/sbin/apachectl: No such file or directory
sh: line 1: cd: /var/tmp/...: No such file or directory
sh: line 1: cd: /var/tmp/...: No such file or directory
cat: /tmp/cmdtemp: No such file or directory
rm: cannot remove `/tmp/cmdtemp': No such file or directory

During the first attack, they uploaded binaries and a perl script in 
/var/tmp/.../ , but since then,  with the addition of non executable 
temporary directories, they have been simply using a perl script which 
connects back to spawn a shell on efnet IRC (uploaded in /dev/shm !) -- 
fairly clever.  The IRC callback shell leads me to believe the access is 
blind. Again, they didn't have time to get root, as a combination of 
spotting the activity quickly and running the latest kernel.

I have obtained decently accurate time ranges of intrusion from the temp 
files left around. After searching through alot of logs around those 
time ranges, the only strangeness in the logs seemed to be (ips somewhat 

64.110.x3x.217 - - [02/Jul/2004:12:04:17 -0700] "\x80L\x01\x03" 501 -


This occurred several times from several different IPs at different 
times, and 30 minutes before one of the scripts was uploaded. However, 
it makes me wonder if it is a worm. I hope it is a worm, because if its 
not, they are using a non disclosed apache hole, which is disturbing.

If it is a hole in PHP, or one of the scripts on one of the 120+ sites, 
it is very difficult to detect. It also wouldn't generate anything in 
the error_logs (unless they do something silly), and the useful 
variables GET and POST get tructuated in the access log, making my job 
more difficult.

Sounds like one of the many PHP scripts is exploitable.  You could run
PHP as CGI w/ the suexec wrapper (and even tweak the source or use an
existing patch so PHP scripts don't need to be modified at all (other
than the ownership of some files/dirs PHP scripts need to use/write to).

Of course, this means that the exploit would allow the attacker to run
as the user and that might open a more serious hole if the user has
shell access or the exploit allows the attacker to do things the global
web server wouldn't allow (which is more likely).

You can check out mod_security or similar type of modules to log and
filter/block certain variables/requests, and so forth.  This sounds like
a standard PHP script exploit, and it doesn't sound like the attacker
knew much at all, which is usually the case--I'd not worry.  Hire a
qualified systems administrator to get your secure more secure and don't
sweat it.  It's unlikely to be an exploit in Apache or PHP itself
(though anything's possible--start worrying if you see more serious

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