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Issues Adding Exploit Modules

From: hdm at (H D Moore)
Date: Thu, 24 Jul 2008 09:04:24 -0500

The classname of the module must match the path in which it is installed.

For example, if the module is:


It must go into modules/exploits/linux/misc/

It does not matter whether this is in the real msf directory or 
the .msf3/modules directory.


On Thursday 24 July 2008, Tyler wrote:
I have tried adding the module (.rb file) into
~/framework-3.1/modules/exploits/linux/misc as well as
~/.msf3/modules/exploits/linux/misc ... however everything I try,
comes to no avail. I don't see the module in metasploit and the # of
modules stays the same. Please help! :)

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