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Re: Clear Channel on a T1

From: "Christopher A. Woodfield" <rekoil () electro semihuman com>
Date: Fri, 23 Mar 2001 13:45:15 -0500

<Bell Atlantic Tech> "If it's a T1, then it's B8ZS"
<Me> "Then why can't I send all zeroes, but every other pattern works?"
<Bell> "Hmm... lemme check...(pause)...try now"
<Me> "Ok, it's working. Did you find an AMI segment?"
<Bell> "I didn't change anything."

Ticket closed, "No problem found".


It's also the source of grief when a telco provisions one segment of a T1 
circuit without B8ZS.  When this non-B8ZS segment sees too many zeros, ones 
will be injected in the stream, corrupting the data.

Of course, this NEVER happens anymore...right?  ;-)


Christopher A. Woodfield                rekoil () semihuman com

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