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Re: Scripts for proxy detection

From: Joao Correa <joao () livewire com br>
Date: Tue, 26 May 2009 23:40:42 -0300

On Tue, May 26, 2009 at 8:03 PM, David Fifield <david () bamsoftware com> wrote:
On Sun, May 24, 2009 at 03:06:43AM -0300, Joao Correa wrote:
I've been working on some scripts to detect open proxy servers. As a
starting point I've made a few changes on the http-open-proxy script,
including different methods beyond GET. I've also included POST, HEAD
and CONNECT methods to it.

Thanks, João, this looks good. Here are some notes on the HTTP script.

I did a test of the HTTP open proxy script using Ncat and Polipo

$ ncat -l --proxy-type http 3128
$ ./polipo proxyPort=8123
$ nmap --script proxy-open-http localhost -p 3128,8123 -d
3128/tcp open  squid-http syn-ack
|  proxy-open-http: Potentially OPEN proxy.
|_ Methods succesfully tested: GET POST HEAD CONNECT
8123/tcp open  polipo     syn-ack
|  proxy-open-http: Potentially OPEN proxy.
|_ Methods succesfully tested: GET POST HEAD

The script correctly found all methods open for the Ncat proxy, but
missed CONNECT for the Polipo proxy. It is because of the match pattern
in the script: "^http/1.0 200 ok". That's what Ncat returns, but Polipo

$ ncat -C localhost 8123
CONNECT www.google.com:80 HTTP/1.0

HTTP/1.1 200 Tunnel established

The match should work for any HTTP version number as long as the code is
200, and should ignore the human-readable status message that follows.
Check http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-luotonen-web-proxy-tunneling-01
and see if any other status codes should be reported. (There may not be
any, just check.

Ok, I think I won't have any problem setting the correct regex for
dealing with such pattern.

I haven't tested the SOCKS script yet. This is the only problem I found
in the HTTP script.

No problem. As we already discussed on IRC, I'll soon change the calls
to packet.hextobin to bin.pack. As soon as it is done I'll post it

I was planning to include socks open proxy detection on the same
script, but, as both proxy servers are different and use to run on
different ports, I think it is better to set two different scripts,
with different port rules. This way, http related code would never be
sent to a socks proxy, what could happen if both tests were on the
same script. A way of having only one script would be testing the open
ports and test only those proxy servers related to such ports...
anyway I think that this solution isn't the best, since it will make
the code much more complex.

I think this is the right idea. I support having two different scripts
for this, especially if the mechanism for testing is different.

The socks detection script is also displaying a lot of connection
related information. I'm planning to soon make all these information
visible only if requested by the user with a script argument.

You can use the print_debug function, and then the information will only
be visible with -d, -d2, or whatever you choose.

Very nice, I'll make such change also.

I've also changed both script names because with the new names both
scripts will be listed together in the script directory, what I think
is nice, since they are both related. Anyway, the new names are not

I would use the name http-open-proxy and socks-open-proxy to fit with
our general scheme of putting the protocol name first. It makes sense
for scripts that do the same thing to be together, but it also makes
sense for all the HTTP scripts, for example, to be together.

The point is the http-open-proxy script isn't really a http script, I
mean, all http scripts use to be thrown against port 80 or even 443,
and to deal with HTTP specific issues... I'm not sure if it is the
case for the http proxy, since it is a different port and a different
kind of service.

Socks-proxy and HTTP-proxy also don't run on the same port, but at
least I think that both scripts are more related than http-open-proxy
is with http-title, for example.

Anyway, the name isn't that important, we can just change the name if
it is the best.

Which SOCKS server did you use for testing? Is there a small one that's
easy to install that others can use to test this script?

If someone is able to test the code, I would really make good use of
some feedback.

Is it possible to use the http library
(http://nmap.org/nsedoc/modules/http.html) to do the GET test instead of
using comm.exchange? HEAD and POST are not possible yet but there is a
patch for them: http://seclists.org/nmap-dev/2009/q1/0889.html. CONNECT
may not be possible to handle in this way because it is not a normal
HTTP transaction.

I'm not sure, since I didn't use the http library so long. Anyway,
I'll try to do it. Should I apply the patch and try the HEAD and POST
methods or should I wait until the patch is integrated with the trunk
version? I don't feel that it is right to have a script that uses
resources that are not yet completely integrated. Anyway, I don't know
if the patch is being integrated or tested (Sorry, but I didn't follow
any discussion about it)... but if it is about to become official, we
could try to use it. Anyway, is there anything related to
comm.exchange for us to not use it (besides http lib being a more
specific resource)?

Maybe we shouldn't do a POST check because POST allows changing state on
the server. GET/HEAD/POST all belong to basically the same class anyway,
while CONNECT is something different. What do others think?

I don't think that the POST tests are really making a big difference
for now. Anyway, we have discussed that using google for the tests is
privacy invasive, and that we should allow the tests on an argument
defined url, what can start making a difference. Maybe we could make
POST checkings disabled by default but possible to enable through an
argument (or maybe disabled when using argument defined url and
enabled when trying it on google/nmap.org).

What's the reason for using www.google.com.br in the CONNECT test when
www.google.com is used in the other tests?

My mistake, no big reason. I'm just used to type google.com.br =)

David Fifield

Sent through the nmap-dev mailing list
Archived at http://SecLists.Org

Thanks a lot for the feedback David,
I hope to be back soon with a new version


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