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Ideas for Securing my FTP Server

From: dninja at (Robin Wood)
Date: Sun, 22 Mar 2009 20:48:10 +0000

2009/3/22 Shaun Curry <shauncurry1 at>:
Well... I was up til 3am trying to get OpenBSD to work with a GNOME desktop
environment (remember I come from a windows background).? I never got it to
work so I have moved on to Ubuntu.? This should allow me to use daemonshield
and some decent firewall software (maybe firestarter?!).

I've only skimmed some of this conversation but OpenBSD is mainly
designed as a server OS so really shouldn't be running gnome and
probably not even X.

If you are building a server then for security you want as little
installed and running on it as you can get away with. If you need to
use a GUI to install or set something up then you may be best doing it
on a test machine and then copying the config files across to your
server rather than filling your server with GUIs.


Also, I found a little something on Milw0rm about an exploit for serv-u ftp

" A vulnerability is caused due to an input validation error when handling
FTP "MKD" requests. This can be exploited to escape the FTP root and create
arbitrary directory on the system via directory traversal attacks using the
"\.." character sequence."

Thank you very much everyone for all your help!? This has been a lesson I
will never forget.


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