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No Facebook for the family.

From: danny at (Danny Carroll)
Date: Thu, 26 Mar 2009 10:14:43 +1000

PJ McGarvey wrote:
Agreed again.  I don't use Facebook or Myspace, but when my wife jumped
into it head first, I made sure she knew what she was getting into.  It
taught her some lessons in access control, and self-control when it
comes to what you post and what you accept and click on.  Those
lessons have now also spread to her sister, mother and friends, as well
as other aspects of her day to day computing.  Let someone else be the
low hanging fruit for another Facecrook.

I've avoided facebook entirely.   Lately I've been thinking of signing
up if only to have a 'holder' account so nobody else signs up on my behalf.

Having never used the app, I'd be curious to know exactly what lessons
you taught your family.  Is it a case of:
  - Don't install apps.
  - Don't post about private stuff (like our home address)
  - Don't accept invites just to be polite.  Only accept them from
people you really do want to connect with?

Or is there something more to it than that?

When she needs to connect to the odd open wireless access point, ssh to
our home network, and proxy her web browsing through it, she can still
call me ;-)   

Wow, I wish my wife was even remotely that tech savvy.


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