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Fiction for Security geeks

From: jason.lee.jones at (Jason Jones)
Date: Sun, 17 Jan 2010 12:27:17 -0600

The sequel to the Daemon, Freedom (TM), just came out. haven't gotten
a chance to read that yet, but it seems promising given the
enjoyability of the first book. I've also enjoyed the majority of
William Gibson's books dating back to Neuromancer and most recently
Spook Country. Snow Crash and Anathem (very looooong) are two great
ones by Stephenson and he also wrote the Baroque Cycle which i never
managed to finish...

On Sat, Jan 16, 2010 at 3:29 PM, Adrian Crenshaw <irongeek at> wrote:
Ok, you guys had the author of Daemon on, and I listened to the audio book
and dug it. I'm also working on Cryptonomicon (Though I accidentally
listened to the end before the beginning). For the record, I listen to this
stuff while I commute, but am not opposed to dead trees. What other good
security geek fiction works are out there that I should take a look (or
hear) at?


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