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a little perl and a touch of cron

From: "Sean Wheeler" <S.Wheeler () netprotect ch>
Date: Thu, 2 Aug 2001 12:11:20 +0200


I have knocked up a quickie perl script to check if snort & demarc are running, if either have failed it will kill the 
remaining processes and restart the demarc client.

This works nicely for those sensors who are placed in the wild with no remote access to the machine. A problem I have 
experienced is that when the DB server is not available the demarc client stops, with no remote access it would be a 
hassle to restart, so the script takes care of that. Furthermore the script does not just stop the processes, it first 
checks if they are running, no point in stopping a happy little process.

Having no listening services, and the ability the still remotely modify snort is turning out very nicely, I am working 
on using IPSEC & freeSWAN for the client communication with the remote DB server.

A couple additions to come are :
mail notification if the process won't restart ( i.e. bad syntax in an updated snort rulebase )
a little spring cleaning
(your additions here)

For those of you not using demarc the script could be easily modified to do what you need. The script can be placed in 
/etc/cron.hourly/ or where you may want to call it from cron.

Installation to run every hour :
cut & paste into a file /etc/cron.hourly/checksnort
chmod 550 /etc/cron.hourly/checksnort

Below is the script, if you think it is ugly I don't want to know about it, it's dirty but it works....nicely

$whattodo =0;
$snort_conf_file = "/etc/snort/vision.conf";
$result = `/bin/ps -ax |/usr/bin/grep snort`;
if ($result=~/snort.*\-c $snort_conf_file/){
#print "Snort is running:\n";
else {
#print "Bummer Snort is Dead\n";

$result = `/bin/ps -ax |/usr/bin/grep DEMARC`;
if ($result=~/DEMARC_Client/){
#print "DEMARC is running\n";
else {
#print "Bummer DEMARC is Dead\n";


sub whattodo {
if ($whattodo ne 0){
#print "KILL DA LEFTOVERS !!!!!!\n";
$snortdie =`/usr/bin/killall snort`;
$demarcdie =`/usr/bin/killall`;
system ("/usr/local/bin/ &");
#print "GO ON HOLIDAY\n";

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