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Re: Tomcat on port 80 or Java as root

From: Aleksi Kallio <aleksi.kallio () csc fi>
Date: Fri, 12 Mar 2004 16:54:41 +0200

> AFAIK tomcat is a servlet container running on apache.
> well... apache webserver should never be run as "root" for various security
> reasons.

Tomcat was running on Apache years ago. Nowadays Tomcat is a standalone web+application server.

It is true that running Tomcat with root privileges is not a good idea, though Tomcat has quite a good track record in security. The problem is that Tomcat is 100% Java and OS-dependant stuff like changing to lesser than root permissions after startup is not possible. Of course you can run in >1024 ports, but if you want to use 80, there are at least two good possibilities:

- Use Apache as front end and mod_jk2/AJP for communication between Apache and Tomcat
- Use iptables to route traffic between 80 and the actual port Tomcat uses

The AJP-protocol could be documented a lot better and the Apache-Tomcat cooperation requires some extra configuring, so I would recommend the latter one. It has worked perfectly and takes twenty seconds to implement.

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