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Re: Securing file access

From: Subs <subs () steelesoftconsulting com>
Date: Wed, 29 Sep 2004 11:22:58 -0700

  Or in PHP which works just fine on IIS (even with forward slashes :)

function send_file($path, $name} {
  if(!$fp = fopen($path. $name, 'rb'))
    die('Unable to open '. $name);
  header('Content-Type: application/pdf');
  header('Content-Length: '. filesize($name));

send_file('/some/non/www/path', 'mysecret.pdf');

On 27 Sep 2004 at 11:57, John M. L. wrote:

> I have a project that involves a members only area on web page on IIS.
> The members' only area is secured by a database (MS Access) so users are
> authenticated by their name and some MD5 hash etc.  I need to allow files
> (mostly PDFs) for download to authenticated users only.  In my opinion this
> means that the files can not be stored in any www accessible folder
> (regardless of any renaming convention etc, I absolutely cannot have someone
> guess a file name to download).  In order to access the files, the database
> would link a file to a unique id, so a page that validates the user would
> then give access to the file stored outside of the www on the server.  Now,
> this is where the real question lies.  How is this possible since the files
> are not in a www accessible path, since a mere link to a file won't due.
> Any thoughts would be welcome.  If I'm going about this completely wrong
> that would be nice to no too :)  Forgive me if the answer is simple, I'm a
> Linux fan and haven't used IIS etc for years.
> One more note: IIS, MS Access and VBScript are not my technologies of
> choice, but merely what I was given to work with.  I also have very limited
> control over administering IIS.
> John
> www.recaffeinated.com
Hi John,

You are going about this the right way.

Store the PDFs outside the www root, but still give the user ISR_<computer name> permission to read the files ( or whatever user your site is running under). Once the web user has authenticated, your script can read the PDF into memory then stream
the file to the user.  A simple example is below:


set fs=server.createobject("Scripting.filesystem")

set PDFin=fs.opentextfile(pathtoPDF,1,false)
set PDFin=nothing


resonse.binarywrite StrToBin(PDF)


function StrToBin(str)
        for x=1 to Len(str)
                StrToBin=StrToBin & ChrB(Asc(Mid(str,x,1)))
end function


You may not need to use the StrToBin function - I can't remember off the top of my
head ;)



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