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Re: OWASP Top Ten - My Case For Updating It

From: Andrew van der Stock <vanderaj () greebo net>
Date: Sun, 10 Jul 2005 13:19:04 +1000

The SANS community is working on a revision to their old Top 20 list. I put forward a list, but it seems that they are going back to the Top 20 vulnerabilities of 2005, a reactive view that will not help security. Sure it will help in the short term, but it does not address why those Top 20 issues came to be.

The OWASP Top 10 needs to address preventative and structural measures to ensure that even if we don't know about (say) HTTP Request Smuggling (or name a new vulnerability type), the danger of the new threat is very low as organizations who've taken our suggestions on board have adequate precautions built-in.

I am very much against the idea that you patch crud. This only creates patched crud with a false sense of security, and leaves you open to the problem the next time some low-life scuzzbucket releases CrudAttack.B or CrudAttack.C ... or CrudAttack.BNM. We need less crud.


On 10/07/2005, at 12:40 PM, Jeff Williams wrote:

Absolutely. It's high time that we put together a real standard for web application security. As Mark points out, the Top Ten really doesn't serve purposes beyond awareness very well. The first thing is to identify a project leader and some key contributors. I hope that Mark will consider leading the effort. I suggest we take the discussion to the owasp- topten () lists sourceforge net mailing list. You can sign up at http://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/owasp-topten.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Mark Curphey" <mark () curphey com>
To: <webappsec () securityfocus com>
Cc: "'Jeff Williams'" <jeff.williams () owasp org>
Sent: Saturday, July 09, 2005 4:42 PM
Subject: OWASP Top Ten - My Case For Updating It

I think the OWASP Top Ten needs a serious re-think. Here is my simple case
for discussion / consideration.

No one will dispute the fact that the Top Ten has been a phenomenal success. It has raised awareness and brought web application security to the desks of CIO's across the world. It has touched the payment card industry, Federal Trade Commission and the US gov to name a few. But it has also been and is continuing to be adopted (and abused) for purposes that were far beyond its original intent. These uses and misuse that are not "fit for purpose" are
in my opinion leading to a significant degree of FUD, false sense of
security and mis-information in the market. I therefore propose through this mail a re-write to ensure that the OWASP Top Ten is an effective and useful

I break this proposal down into a discussion of the;

current format of the top ten
current uses of the top ten
issues as the result of the format and uses of the top ten
proposal for improvement

Current format of the top ten

Todays OWASP Top 10 consists of;

Unvalidated Input
Broken Access Control
Broken Authentication and Session Management
Cross Site Scripting (XSS) Flaws
Buffer Overflows
Injection Flaws
Improper Error Handling
Insecure Storage
Denial of Service
Insecure Configuration Management

If you examine the overall picture you will see that the list is actually a mix of 1, Security Mechanisms, 2, Attack Patterns and 3, Vulnerabilities.

Security Mechanisms
-Broken Access Control
-Broken Authentication and Session Management
-Insecure Configuration Management
-Improper Error Handling
-Insecure Storage

Attack Patterns
-Injection Flaws
-Denial of Service

-Cross Site Scripting (XSS) Flaws
-Buffer Overflows

Current Uses of the Top Ten
As well as awareness, the popularity of the OWASP Top Ten has lead to people
adopting it as a;

-Criteria for evaluating technology (web app scanners, firewalls)
-Metrics and comparison for software security programs
-Education outline
-Assessment framework

Issues as the result of the format and uses of the top ten
The OWASP Top ten is an awareness document but in my humble opinion not suitable for any of the current uses for the top ten listed above. As we have already seen by the FUD from many vendors especially web application
firewall vendors, to say you protect from broken authentication is a
meaningless statement. To say you find broken authorization issues is also a
meaningless statement from an assessment vendor. As formal evaluation
criteria has long known you have to define a protection or assessment
profile. The OWASP Top Ten is not a protection or an assessment profile. A vendor could accurately say that they find Insecure storage if they parsed data stream and found a clear-text account value in a cookie header. However they would have likely missed a web application whose developer used a predictable random seed for a low key length symmetric cipher. This leads to
a significant sense of false security and hyped marketing FUD.

In order to develop any useable metrics or comparison programs you must be
comparing apples to apples and oranges to oranges. If you mix attack
patterns, security mechanisms and attacks you can not.

While teaching developers about a small pragmatic list of issues is clearly a good thing, many companies are missing big issues by focusing on a subset of the symptoms of software security and the not the causes. In order to provide pragmatic and effective education you have to teach developers how to address the root causes of issues to prevent them from re- occurring.

Many companies are looking to test sites against the top ten. I recently looked at a site that passed the OWASP Top Ten but was 100% open to an adversary to completely take it over. While statements explain that this is not a complete list are in place, without a testing criteria uneducated or novice companies will use the Top Ten as a testing yard stick. The PCI adoption is a dangerous issue that demonstrates this point. When MasterCard were hacked the first thing the company did was to say they passed the PCI
tests. This will be the case with the OWASP Top Ten.

If the problem of web application security is poor software quality, it is a natural conclusion that the solution is to build better software. Not once in the top ten does the list address the fact that the majority of software is built without a design, security requirements or a repeatable software
security development process.

Proposal for improvement

Create a set of T10's that are fit for purpose;

T10 - Attack Patterns
T10 - Common Vulnerabilities
T10 - Root Causes of Insecure Web Applications
T10 - Things a company should have as part of its software security program
T10 - Things to look for in a protection system
T10 - Things to look for in an assessment system

The FUD in the application security marketing is continuing to increase at an alarming rate and measures like this in my humble opinion are urgently
needed to recover some credibility and prevent a pandemic.



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