WebApp Sec mailing list archives

Re: Encrypted cookies

From: Andrew van der Stock <vanderaj () greebo net>
Date: Thu, 10 Jan 2008 17:13:19 -0500

Business requirements to not store the details on the server necessarily increases the risk of the attack.

1. Spoofing authentication

If all users have the same encryption key, which bedeviled .NET 1.0 / 1.1 ViewState, means that it might be possible to brute force your way through the user dictionary in much less time based upon basic HTTP responses.

2. Long term replay

I do not see any expiring of the credential, just the time it was last logged in. This means that a credential blob created today would still be valid at some arbitrary point in the future. This means if I have access to the cookies via some mechanism, I can come back at any time later. If you make this 20 minutes, like a session identifier, you're back to the strength of the session identifier, in which case you shouldn't do this scheme.

3. Potential identity theft

If the attacker obtains or cracks the key (unlikely but possible - depends on PRNG and key generation issues), the site's authentication mechanism is blown wide open.

4. Key rotation

If the keys are discovered or you're just practicing sane key management, you'll need to rotate the keys. Imagine if the key doesn't decrypt the cookie. Could be an attack, could be real, but state key. This is not the end of the world, but you need a method of detecting the key change, rather than sending the user to a rather nasty "YOU HAXXOR YOU! WAIT THERE WHILST THE POLICE BUST DOWN THE DOOR" screen.

A simpler method, which protects the authentication credentials, is to generate a simple random number and use that as a key to a proper server side session management scheme. Oh look, that's exactly how session IDs work!

My message to the team is very simple:

It's 2008, stop writing session managers already! It's 3000-15000 lines of code and $20-100k you just don't need to code and review. It's exactly like getting $100k in nice shiny notes and setting fire to it. Nice to look at for a few minutes, but utterly worthless in the long run.


On Jan 10, 2008, at 11:26 AM, Ron wrote:

Somebody here is developing a Web application that requires user logins, but that is unable to store session information on the server (don't ask me why, it's a long story). So here's what they propose: to take the username, hash of the password, and date the user logged in, encrypt them with a strong encryption algorithm, and store them in a cookie (along with a hash to ensure integrity).

My question is, assuming a proper encryption algorithm/eky are chosen, can anybody think of a problem that this will create that sessions don't already have (namely, replay attacks)?

I've thought about this for over a day, and I can't think of any obvious problems, but I could be missing something.

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