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RE: locked out of XP, need file access

From: Francisco Mário Ferreira Custódio <fcustodio () eda pt>
Date: Mon, 29 Dec 2003 15:46:23 -0100


I had some clients with the same problem. It is possible to change de
password for the Win XP box using a micro linux distro on a floppy disk. 

Try to look for "LINNT" on the Web. You will find an image to write to a
floppy and then boot it. Once booted you will find the way (an easy way!) to
change the password for any user. 



I'm locked out of my own Windows XP box.
Being a paranoid,
I have not provided myself with any password hints
even for the administrator mode.

I do remember about 2 characters from it though
but there's just too many combinations.

There are personal files in there that I need to access.

I remember that with the old Win98,
it was possible to do something with the .pwd file
(not that we needed it,
since all the files are accessible anyway)
but I'm sure things have changed significantly since.

I did infact try using a XP password recovery tool kit
and global-resetter thing I got from the net...
but the software asks me to enter root password
and then tells me to get lost.
It's strange and ironic,
because the passwd is precisely what I'm trying to figure out.

I don't wanna read a 1,000 page book just yet
cuz I need access to my files asap.

What would be some of the necessary simple steps to take at this time?
Thanks in advance...

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