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Betr.: Re: encryption

From: "Philip Wagenaar" <p.wagenaar () accon nl>
Date: Fri, 28 Jan 2005 15:17:31 +0100

PGP will 'always' give out a non-commercial free personal version, without all the extra's. So you have to cut/paste 
for the functionality you normal have in outlook etc.

I was also wondering if there have been any advances in the field of cryptology. I was reading the book crypto from 
Levy, (which is a very cool book if you are interested in the history of encryption and how the US goverment tried to 
keep it all to them selves). It just seems to me that encryption has been standing still now for a couple of years. And 
that more and more things in our lives involve digital communication, I was wondering why encryption hadn't made it way 
into those things yet.

Why isn't my cellphone encrypted? Anyone who steels it and read my messages, agenda and view my pictures.
Why isn't aren't my msn messenger conversations encrypted?

Is it just because we don't want it? Or is it because companies and goverments rather see plain text on the wire?

Met vriendelijke groet,

(Philip) Wagenaar
Assistent ICT Projecten & Advies

AccoN Accountants & Adviseurs
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MSN/E-mail: p.wagenaar () accon nl

Daniel Persson <mailto.woden () gmail com> 27-01-05 07:21 >>>
I used PGP Freeware app earlier. But I think that Mcaffe bought that
program and now it's shareware I think. Anyone else know anything
about this program? I liked it alot but I didn't really understand
what the heck happened to it.


On Wed, 26 Jan 2005 20:27:58 +0100, Zurt <1algorta () rigel deusto es> wrote:
Philip Wagenaar wrote:


Up to a few years ago PGP and encryption was an hot item. But it seems it
has stand still for a few years now. Google and PGP show up only pgp
programs that are more then years old.

How is encryption these days? What has come by since PGP?

Philip Wagenaar 

I am using the free version of SPAMfighter for private users.
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I think that nowadays GnuPG is one of the best options, as it has a lot
of different front-ends and good integration with the most used MUA's
(such as Eudora, Thunderbird, Outlook, etc.).

Another good reason to use this software is that it's free software and
the project is continuosly updated.


Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom, must, like men, undergo the fatigue of supporting it. - Thomas 

Daniel Persson
mailto.woden () gmail com


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