Bugtraq: by author

331 messages starting May 17 03 and ending May 13 03
Date index | Thread index | Author index


Buffer overflow vulnerability found in MailMax version 5 0x36 (May 17)


ICQLite executable trojaning 3APA3A (May 29)
Re: uml_net bug 3APA3A (May 27)

akcess .

Maelstrom Local Buffer Overflow Exploit akcess . (May 20)

Albert Puigsech Galicia

More and More SQL injection on PHP-Nuke 6.5. Albert Puigsech Galicia (May 13)
Lot of SQL injection on PHP-Nuke 6.5 (secure weblog!) Albert Puigsech Galicia (May 12)

Andreas Constantinides

Plaintext Password in Settings.ini of CesarFTP Andreas Constantinides (May 20)

Andreas Marx

Re: Flooding Internet Explorer 6.0.2800 (6.x?) security zones ! [CRITICAL] Andreas Marx (May 10)

Andrew Church

Maelstrom bugfix (was Maelstrom Local Buffer Overflow Exploit, FreeBSD 4.8 edition) Andrew Church (May 21)

Angelo Rosiello

Unix Version of the Pi3web DoS Angelo Rosiello (May 12)

Anil Madhavapeddy

Re: Path Disclosure in Turba of Horde Anil Madhavapeddy (May 17)

Anne Carasik

Re: [Full-Disclosure] eBay Security Contact Anne Carasik (May 01)

Anthony Patti

RE: eBay Security Contact Anthony Patti (May 01)

Apache HTTP Server Project

[SECURITY] [ANNOUNCE] Apache 2.0.46 released Apache HTTP Server Project (May 28)


Philboard Forum Vulnerability aresu (May 29)

Auriemma Luigi

Exploit: Quake 3 engine, con\con and heartbeats (just for fun) Auriemma Luigi (May 27)
UT2003 client passive DoS exploit Auriemma Luigi (May 13)

axis ph4nt0m

ATM on linux Exploit(les,local) axis ph4nt0m (May 27)

bazarr () ziplip com

BAZARR CODE NINER PINK TEAM GO GO GO bazarr () ziplip com (May 29)
bazarr slocate bazarr () ziplip com (May 19)
bazarr CALL POLICE bazarr () ziplip com (May 23)


Re: CSS found in Movable Type ben (May 12)

Benjamin Schulz

Re[2]: Lot of SQL injection on PHP-Nuke 6.5 (secure weblog!) Benjamin Schulz (May 15)


Firebird Local exploit bob (May 10)

Brewis, Mark

Compaq Insight Manager - related to Bugtraq ID 2500 Brewis, Mark (May 22)

Brian Moon

Re: A Phorum's bug... Brian Moon (May 09)


HP-UX 11.0 /usr/bin/kermit bt (May 02)
HP-UX 11.0 /usr/lbin/rwrite bt (May 02)


TextPortal Default Password Vulnerability bugtracklist.fm (May 24)


[RHSA-2003:172-00] Updated 2.4 kernel fixes security vulnerabilities and various bugs bugzilla (May 14)
[RHSA-2003:160-01] Updated xinetd packages fix a denial-of-service attack and other bugs bugzilla (May 13)
[RHSA-2003:133-01] Updated man packages fix minor vulnerability bugzilla (May 01)
[RHSA-2003:145-01] Updated kernel fixes security vulnerabilities and updates drivers bugzilla (May 28)
[RHSA-2003:169-01] Updated lv packages fix vulnerability bugzilla (May 16)
[RHSA-2003:171-01] Updated CUPS packages fix denial of service attack bugzilla (May 27)
[RHSA-2003:174-01] Updated tcpdump packages fix privilege dropping error bugzilla (May 15)
[RHSA-2003:175-01] Updated gnupg packages fix validation bug bugzilla (May 21)
[RHSA-2003:186-01] Updated httpd packages fix Apache security vulnerabilities bugzilla (May 28)
[RHSA-2003:177-01] Updated up2date and rhn_register clients available bugzilla (May 28)
[RHSA-2003:002-01] Updated KDE packages fix security issues bugzilla (May 12)


Re: Dynamic DNS "Spoofing" & IRC c4 (May 02)


Bug found in: Polymorph 0.4.0 Ceq (May 22)


re:Latest MS SQL Server vulnerabilities revealed Cesar (May 01)
Microsoft Biztalk Server DTA vulnerable to SQL injection Cesar (May 05)
Microsoft Biztalk Server ISAPI HTTP Receive function buffer overflow Cesar (May 05)

Charles Reinold

ttcms and ttforum exploits Charles Reinold (May 09)

Chris Knipe

Fw: [rt-users] [rt-announce] RT 1.0.7 vulnerable to Cross Site Scripting attacks Chris Knipe (May 08)
Hersmen Contact Chris Knipe (May 16)

Chris R

Buffer Overflow? Local Malformed URL attack on D-Link 704p router Chris R (May 27)

Chris Robertson

Outlook Web Access authentication bypass Chris Robertson (May 23)
RE: Outlook Web Access authentication bypass Chris Robertson (May 23)

Christoph Hellwig

Red Hat IA64 products still missing fixes for the ptrace vs kmod vulnerability Christoph Hellwig (May 01)

Cisco Systems Product Security Incident Response Team

Cisco Security Advisory: Cisco VPN 3000 Concentrator Vulnerabilities Cisco Systems Product Security Incident Response Team (May 07)
Cisco Security Advisory: Cisco IOS Software Processing of SAA Packets Cisco Systems Product Security Incident Response Team (May 15)
Cisco Security Advisory: Cisco ONS15454, ONS15327, ONS15454SDH, and ONS15600 Nessus Vulnerabilities Cisco Systems Product Security Incident Response Team (May 01)

Claes Nyberg

Maelstrom exploit Claes Nyberg (May 20)

Conectiva Updates

[CLA-2003:639] Conectiva Security Announcement - krb5 Conectiva Updates (May 05)
[CLA-2003:653] Conectiva Security Announcement - bugzilla Conectiva Updates (May 21)
[CLA-2003:643] Conectiva Security Announcement - slocate Conectiva Updates (May 08)
[CLA-2003:656] Conectiva Security Announcement - netpbm Conectiva Updates (May 27)
[CLA-2003:635] Conectiva Security Announcement - balsa Conectiva Updates (May 01)
[CLA-2003:648] Conectiva Security Announcement - evolution Conectiva Updates (May 14)
[CLA-2003:633] REVISED: Conectiva Security Announcement - glibc Conectiva Updates (May 01)
[CLA-2003:655] Conectiva Security Announcement - BitchX Conectiva Updates (May 27)
[CLA-2003:640] Conectiva Security Announcement - vnc Conectiva Updates (May 05)

CORE Security Technologies Advisories

CORE-2003-0403: Axis Network Camera HTTP Authentication Bypass CORE Security Technologies Advisories (May 27)
CORE-2003-0303: Multiple Vulnerabilities in Mirabilis ICQ client CORE Security Technologies Advisories (May 05)

Cove Schneider

Re: April appeared to be a month of IE bugs. Here's another one. Cove Schneider (May 01)
Re: April appeared to be a month of IE bugs. Here's another one. Cove Schneider (May 01)


Re: CSS found in Movable Type -- Nope crys (May 13)


Automatic Harvesting of AOL Instant Messenger Screen Names! cyber_flash (May 17)


Son hServer v0.2: directory traversal D4rkGr3y (May 28)
Magic Winmail Server v.2.*: format string D4rkGr3y (May 23)
EServ/2.99: problems D4rkGr3y (May 23)
Tornado www-server v1.2: directory traversal, buffer overflow D4rkGr3y (May 28)
ST FTP Service v3.0: directory traversal D4rkGr3y (May 23)
Prishtina FTP v.1.*: remote DoS D4rkGr3y (May 23)

Damian Gerow

Re: bsdbsdftpd-6.0-ssl-0.6.1-1 attack allows remote users identification Damian Gerow (May 16)

Damien Miller

Re: Portable OpenSSH: Dangerous AIX linker behavior (aixgcc.adv) Damien Miller (May 01)

Dan Carter

Re: [VulnWatch] Hotmail & Passport (.NET Accounts) Vulnerability Dan Carter (May 08)

Dan Harkless

Re: Portable OpenSSH: Dangerous AIX linker behavior (aixgcc.adv) Dan Harkless (May 01)

Daniel Ahlberg

GLSA: openssh (200305-01) Daniel Ahlberg (May 02)

Daniel Nyström

[[ TH 026 Inc. ]] SA #4 - Blackmoon FTP Server cleartext passwords and User enumeration Daniel Nyström (May 21)


CSS found in Movable Type DarkHunter (May 12)

Darren Reed

Re: Dynamic DNS "Spoofing" & IRC Darren Reed (May 03)

Darren Tucker

Re: Portable OpenSSH: Dangerous AIX linker behavior (aixgcc.adv) Darren Tucker (May 01)
Re: Portable OpenSSH: Dangerous AIX linker behavior (aixgcc.adv) Darren Tucker (May 01)


makeunicode2.py release dave (May 12)

Dave Ahmad

iDEFENSE Security Advisory 05.30.03: Apache Portable Runtime Denial of Service and Arbitrary Code Execution Vulnerability Dave Ahmad (May 30)

Dave Palumbo

XSS In Neoteris IVE Allows Session Hijacking Dave Palumbo (May 13)

David Barroso

Re: Demarc Puresecure v1.6 - Plaintext password issue - David Barroso (May 23)

David F. Madrid

Blue screen in Windows David F. Madrid (May 20)
Memory leak in 3COM 812 DSL routers David F. Madrid (May 14)
Crash in Internet Explorer 6.0 Sp1 David F. Madrid (May 06)
RE : Memory leak in 3COM DSL routers David F. Madrid (May 15)

David Shaw

Key validity bug in GnuPG 1.2.1 and earlier David Shaw (May 05)

Dennis Rand

Multiple Buffer Overflow Vulnerabilities Found in FTGate Pro Mail Server v. 1.22 (1328) Dennis Rand (May 06)
Multiple Buffer Overflow Vulnerabilities Found in CMailServer 4.0 Dennis Rand (May 10)


s0h: Kerio Personal Firewall and Tiny Personal Firewall remote exploit/patch. descript (May 08)

dong-h0un U

[INetCop Security Advisory] Remote Heap Corruption Overflow vulnerability in WsMp3d. dong-h0un U (May 21)
WsMp3d remote exploit. dong-h0un U (May 22)
[INetCop Security Advisory] WsMP3d Directory Traversing Vulnerability. dong-h0un U (May 21)


II-Labs Advisory: Remote code execution in YaBBse 1.5.2 (php version) DownBload (May 09)

einstein, dhtm

Re[2]: EXPLOIT: Buffer overflow in Explorer.exe on Windows XP SP1 einstein, dhtm (May 15)

Elmar Knipp

Re: from bugtraq: HP-UX 11.0 /usr/bin/kermit (fwd) Elmar Knipp (May 03)

EnGarde Secure Linux

[ESA-20030515-015] 'sudo' heap corruption vulnerability EnGarde Secure Linux (May 15)
[ESA-20030515-017] 'kernel' several bug and security-related fixes. EnGarde Secure Linux (May 15)
[ESA-20030515-016] 'gnupg' key validation bug. EnGarde Secure Linux (May 15)
[ESA-20030430-014] 'tcpdump' multiple vulnerabilities EnGarde Secure Linux (Apr 30)


Re: April appeared to be a month of IE bugs. Here's another one. ERRor (May 01)

Ethan Benson

Re: OpenSSH/PAM timing attack allows remote users identification Ethan Benson (May 01)


UPB: Discussion Board/Web-Site Takeover euronymous (May 24)
Snowblind Web Server: multiple issues euronymous (May 16)
BRS WebWeaver: POST and HEAD Overflaws euronymous (May 27)

Executable Security

RE: Detailed analysis: Buffer overflow in Explorer.exe on Windows XP SP1 Executable Security (May 14)
Detailed analysis: Buffer overflow in Explorer.exe on Windows XP SP1 Executable Security (May 13)

Ferruh Mavituna

VBulletin Preview Message - XSS Vuln Ferruh Mavituna (May 14)
EzPublish Directory XSS Vulnerability Ferruh Mavituna (May 16)
PHPNuke "Your Account" XSS Vulnerability Ferruh Mavituna (May 13)


PalmVNC 1.40 Insecure Records flur (May 27)

Frame4 Security Systems

Code Injection Vulnerabilities in WebcamXP Chat Feature Frame4 Security Systems (May 02)
Multiple Vulnerabilities in Splatt Forum 4.0 Frame4 Security Systems (May 01)

Frank da Cruz

Re: from bugtraq: HP-UX 11.0 /usr/bin/kermit (fwd) Frank da Cruz (May 03)
Re: from bugtraq: HP-UX 11.0 /usr/bin/kermit (fwd) Frank da Cruz (May 02)

Frog Man

re: II-Labs Advisory: Remote code execution in YaBBse 1.5.2 (php version) Frog Man (May 12)
OneOrZero Security Problems (PHP) Frog Man (May 15)
miniPortail (PHP) : Admin Access Frog Man (May 08)

Gino Thomas

NuxAcid#002 - Buffer Overflow in UpClient Gino Thomas (May 27)

Godwin Stewart

Re: NII Advisory - Buffer Overflow in Analogx Proxy Godwin Stewart (May 27)


iisPROTECT SQL injection in admin interface Gyrniff (May 23)

H D Moore

Re: Multiple Vulnerabilities in SLWebmail H D Moore (May 07)

Helmut Springer

Re: BEA WebLogic Helmut Springer (May 27)

http-equiv () excite com

SILLY BEHAVIOR Part II : Internet Explorer 5.5 - 6.0 http-equiv () excite com (May 01)
Re: Flooding Internet Explorer 6.0.2800 (6.x?) security zones ! - UPDATED http-equiv () excite com (May 15)
SILLY BEHAVIOR Part III : Internet Explorer 5.5 - 6.0 http-equiv () excite com (May 05)
Restricted Zone: the OUTLOOK EXPRESS http-equiv () excite com (May 21)

ilja van sprundel

Re: OpenSSH/PAM timing attack allows remote users identification ilja van sprundel (May 02)

Ilker Temir

Re: Cisco ACL bug when using VPN crypto engine accelerator, PPPoE dialer or ip route-cache Ilker Temir (May 15)

Immunix Security Team

Immunix Secured OS 7+ fileutils update Immunix Security Team (May 16)

Intel Nop

Dynamic DNS "Spoofing" & IRC Intel Nop (May 02)

Jan Bervar

Re: Cisco ACL bug when using VPN crypto engine accelerator (NOT A BUG) Jan Bervar (May 15)

Jason Coombs

PDF Available: IIS Security and Programming Countermeasures e-book Jason Coombs (May 16)


RE: MDaemon SMTP/POP/IMAP server: =>6.0.7: POP remote DoS jasonk (May 01)

Jay D. Thomson

RE: PalmOS ICMP flood DoS. Jay D. Thomson (May 19)


New php release with security fixes je (May 30)
Potential security vulnerability in Nessus je (May 22)

Jeff Beckley

Re: Restricted Zone: the OUTLOOK EXPRESS Jeff Beckley (May 22)

Jeff Moss

Re: Latest MS SQL Server vulnerabilities revealed Jeff Moss (May 01)


Microsoft IIS Authentication Manager Account Conformation Vuln? JeiAr (May 03)
Multiple Vulnerabilities In P-Synch Password Management JeiAr (May 29)
PAFileDB SQL Injection Vulnerability & Ratings Cheat Fix JeiAr (May 29)


unzip directory traversal revisited jelmer (May 10)
why i love xs4all + mediaplayer thingie jelmer (May 08)

Jeremy C. Reed

Re: youbin local root exploit + advisory Jeremy C. Reed (May 06)

Joel Palmius

Mod_Survey SYSBASE vulnerability Joel Palmius (May 05)

Joe Testa

Re: QuickTime/Darwin Streaming Server security issues Joe Testa (May 23)

John Morris

kermit buffer overflow on hp-ux John Morris (May 05)
rwrite buffer overflow in hp-ux John Morris (May 03)

Jordan Wiens

Re: CSS found in Movable Type Jordan Wiens (May 12)
Re: CSS found in Movable Type Jordan Wiens (May 12)

Josh Steinhurst

Venturi Client 2.1 confirmed as open relay [Verizon Wireless Mobile Office] Josh Steinhurst (May 16)

Jouko Pynnonen

Windows Media Player directory traversal vulnerability Jouko Pynnonen (May 07)

Julien Lanthea

Re: Options Parsing Tool library buffer overflows. Julien Lanthea (May 23)

Julio Cesar

One more flaw in Happymall Julio Cesar (May 12)

Karl-Heinz Haag

Re: OpenSSH/PAM timing attack allows remote users identification Karl-Heinz Haag (May 02)

Kee Hinckley

Re: CORE-2003-0403: Axis Network Camera HTTP Authentication Bypass Kee Hinckley (May 28)

Kevin Spett

Re: [Full-Disclosure] eBay Security Contact Kevin Spett (May 01)


SRT2003-05-08-1137 - ListProc mailing list ULISTPROC_UMASK overflow KF (May 08)

Kier Darby

Re: VBulletin Preview Message - XSS Vuln Kier Darby (May 14)

K. K. Mookhey

NII Advisory - Buffer Overflow in Analogx Proxy K. K. Mookhey (May 27)

Knud Erik Højgaard

youbin local root exploit + advisory Knud Erik Højgaard (May 06)
ltris-and-slashem-tty possible trouble Knud Erik Højgaard (May 09)
Maelstrom Local Buffer Overflow Exploit, FreeBSD 4.8 edition Knud Erik Højgaard (May 20)

K-Otik . com

BEA WebLogic Server and Express 7.x Passwords Disclosure K-Otik . com (May 14)


uml_net bug Ktha (May 24)

Kurt Seifried

Re: Demarc Puresecure v1.6 - Plaintext password issue - Kurt Seifried (May 24)

Larry W. Cashdollar

SAP database local root vulnerability during installation. (fwd) Larry W. Cashdollar (May 07)

Liu Die Yu

fake location bar Liu Die Yu (May 13)

Lorenzo Manuel Hernandez Garcia-Hierro

Path Disclosure in Turba of Horde Lorenzo Manuel Hernandez Garcia-Hierro (May 17)
PHP-Nuke code injection in Yearly Stats at Statistics module Lorenzo Manuel Hernandez Garcia-Hierro (May 17)
PHP-Nuke module PHP-Banner-Exchange path disclosure Lorenzo Manuel Hernandez Garcia-Hierro (May 20)
PHP-Nuke Denial of Service attack and more SQL Injections Lorenzo Manuel Hernandez Garcia-Hierro (May 20)

Luca Ercoli

Maelstrom Buffer Overflow Luca Ercoli (May 19)
Activity Monitor 2002 remote Denial of Service Luca Ercoli (May 30)

Luke Hutchison

gcc (<3.2.3) implicit struct copy exploit Luke Hutchison (May 30)

Mandrake Linux Security Team

MDKSA-2003:058 - Updated cdrecord packages fix local root compromise Mandrake Linux Security Team (May 15)
MDKSA-2003:060 - Updated LPRng packages fix insecure temporary file vulnerability Mandrake Linux Security Team (May 22)
MDKSA-2003:057 - Updated MySQL packages fix vulnerability Mandrake Linux Security Team (May 15)
MDKSA-2003:061 - Updated gnupg packages fix validation bug Mandrake Linux Security Team (May 22)
MDKSA-2003:059 - Updated lpr packages fix local root vulnerability Mandrake Linux Security Team (May 21)
MDKSA-2003:055 - Updated kopete packages fix vulnerability with GnuPG plugin Mandrake Linux Security Team (May 08)
MDKSA-2003:062 - Updated cups packages fix Denial of Service vulnerability Mandrake Linux Security Team (May 29)
MDKSA-2003:058-1 - Updated cdrecord packages fix local root compromise Mandrake Linux Security Team (May 21)
MDKSA-2003:056 - Updated xinetd packages fix DoS vulnerability Mandrake Linux Security Team (May 15)

Marc Maiffret

RE: Alert: MS03-019, Microsoft... wrong, again. Marc Maiffret (May 30)

Marco Ivaldi

Re: OpenSSH/PAM timing attack allows remote users identification Marco Ivaldi (May 02)
Re: OpenSSH/PAM timing attack allows remote users identification Marco Ivaldi (May 02)
Re: OpenSSH/PAM timing attack allows remote users identification Marco Ivaldi (May 05)

Marc Ruef

XMB 1.8 Partagium cross site scripting vulnerability Marc Ruef (May 22)

Marc Schoenefeld

Opera 7.11 java.util.zip.* Vulnerability Marc Schoenefeld (May 12)

Marek Bialoglowy

Flooding Internet Explorer 6.0.2800 (6.x?) security zones ! - UPDATED Marek Bialoglowy (May 14)
Flooding Internet Explorer 6.0.2800 (6.x?) security zones ! [CRITICAL] Marek Bialoglowy (May 09)

Mark Litchfield

IIS WEBDAV Denial of Service attacks Mark Litchfield (May 30)

Markus Kovero

Re: Dynamic DNS "Spoofing" & IRC Markus Kovero (May 02)

Martin Schulze

[SECURITY] [DSA 298-1] New EPIC4 packages fix DoS and arbitrary code execution Martin Schulze (May 02)
[SECURITY] [DSA 300-1] New Balsa packages fix buffer overflow Martin Schulze (May 06)
[SECURITY] [DSA 297-1] New snort packages fix remote root exploits Martin Schulze (May 01)
[SECURITY] [DSA 306-1] New BitchX packages fix DoS and arbitrary code execution Martin Schulze (May 19)
[SECURITY] [DSA 296-1] New kdebase packages fix arbitrary command execution Martin Schulze (May 01)
[SECURITY] [DSA 295-1] New pptpd packages fix remote root exploit Martin Schulze (May 01)

Matthew Murphy

eServ Memory Leak Enables Denial of Service Attacks Matthew Murphy (May 13)

mattmurphy () kc rr com

eServ Memory Leak Solution mattmurphy () kc rr com (May 13)
BadBlue Remote Administrative Interface Access Vulnerability mattmurphy () kc rr com (May 20)
eBay Security Contact mattmurphy () kc rr com (May 01)

Matt Zimmerman

[SECURITY] [DSA-304-1] New lv packages fix local privilege escalation Matt Zimmerman (May 16)
[SECURITY] [DSA-307-1] New gps packages fix multiple vulnerabilities Matt Zimmerman (May 29)
Re: bazarr slocate Matt Zimmerman (May 20)
[SECURITY] [DSA-302-1] New fuzz packages fix buffer overflow Matt Zimmerman (May 07)
[SECURITY] [DSA-301-1] New libgtop packages fix buffer overflow Matt Zimmerman (May 07)
[SECURITY] [DSA-305-1] New sendmail packages fix insecure temporary file creation Matt Zimmerman (May 16)
[SECURITY] [DSA-303-1] New mysql packages fix multiple vulnerabilities Matt Zimmerman (May 16)
[SECURITY] [DSA 299-1] New leksbot packages fix improper setuid-root execution Matt Zimmerman (May 06)

mbergson <Joachim.Strombergson () InformAsic com>

Re: April appeared to be a month of IE bugs. Here's another one. mbergson <Joachim.Strombergson () InformAsic com> (May 02)


[AP] Owl Intranet Engine CSS Bug methodic (May 21)

Michael -

re:Latest MS SQL Server vulnerabilities revealed Michael - (May 01)

Michael Howard

Microsoft Solution for Securing Wireless LANs now available Michael Howard (May 16)
Integer Manipulation Attacks Michael Howard (May 01)

Michael Nelson

Re: bazarr CALL POLICE Michael Nelson (May 27)

Michael Shigorin

Re: OpenSSH/PAM timing attack allows remote users identification Michael Shigorin (May 02)

Mika Boström

Re: bsdbsdftpd-6.0-ssl-0.6.1-1 attack allows remote users identification Mika Boström (May 17)


Re: Multiple Buffer Overflow Vulnerabilities Found in CMailServer 4.0 millhouse (May 13)

Mind Warper

php-proxima Remote File Access Vulnerability Mind Warper (May 14)


Privacy Compromise Ifriends Webcam morning_wood (May 02)
PowerLink WAN Aggregator - Vunerability morning_wood (May 09)

Muhammad Faisal Rauf Danka

Hotmail & Passport (.NET Accounts) Vulnerability Muhammad Faisal Rauf Danka (May 08)


Re: Detailed analysis: Buffer overflow in Explorer.exe on Windows XP SP1 nesumin (May 14)


bsdbsdftpd-6.0-ssl-0.6.1-1 attack allows remote users identification NetExpress (May 16)
Re: bsdbsdftpd-6.0-ssl-0.6.1-1 attack allows remote users identification NetExpress (May 16)

NGSSoftware Insight Security Research

Multiple Vulnerabilities in SLWebmail NGSSoftware Insight Security Research (May 07)
Multiple Buffer Overflow Vulnerabilities in SLMail (#NISR07052003A) NGSSoftware Insight Security Research (May 07)

Nicolas Couture

Re: OpenSSH/PAM timing attack allows remote users identification Nicolas Couture (May 01)
Re: OpenSSH/PAM timing attack allows remote users identification Nicolas Couture (May 02)

Niels Bakker

Re: Dynamic DNS "Spoofing" & IRC Niels Bakker (May 02)

northern snowfall

[Fwd: 127 Research and Development: 127 Day!] northern snowfall (May 20)


Cisco ACL bug when using VPN crypto engine accelerator, PPPoE dialer or ip route-cache Olivier (May 14)


[OpenPKG-SA-2003.029] OpenPKG Security Advisory (gnupg) OpenPKG (May 16)


PHP source code injection in BLNews Over_G (May 24)
PHP source code injection in BLNews Over_G (May 24)

Paul Szabo

Eudora 5.2.1 attachment spoof Paul Szabo (May 22)
Re: Eudora 5.2.1 attachment spoof Paul Szabo (May 27)
Eudora 5.2.1 buffer overflow DoS Paul Szabo (May 23)

Paweł Goleń

RE: Flooding Internet Explorer 6.0.2800 (6.x?) security zones ! - UPDATED Paweł Goleń (May 15)

Peter Winter-Smith

RE: [VULNERABILITY] PHP 'poster version.two' Peter Winter-Smith (May 14)
[VULNERABILITY] PHP 'poster version.two' Peter Winter-Smith (May 14)

phrack staff

PHRACK MAGAZINE Call for Papers (#61) phrack staff (May 29)


Geeklog 1.3.7sr1 and below multiple vulnerabilities. pokleyzz (May 29)
Webfroot Shoutbox 2.32 directory traversal and code injection. pokleyzz (May 29)
b2 cafelog 0.6.1 remote command execution. pokleyzz (May 29)


Remote PC Access Server 2.2 Vulnerability postmaster (May 28)

Qazi Ahmed

Multiple Vulnerabilities found in Microsoft .Net Passport Services Qazi Ahmed (May 08)

Randall Gellens

Re: Qpopper v4.0.x poppassd local root exploit Randall Gellens (May 01)

random nut

The PACKET 0' DEATH FastTrack network vulnerability random nut (May 27)


[RHSA-2003:113-01] Updated mod_auth_any packages available redhat-announce-list-admin (May 02)


Postnuke: path disclosure ( and prior) rkc (May 28)

Rob Andrews

BitchX: Crash when channel modes change Rob Andrews (May 10)


RE: Microsoft IIS Authentication Manager Account Conformation Vuln? Russ (May 06)

Ryan Purita

Demarc Puresecure v1.6 - Plaintext password issue - Ryan Purita (May 21)

Rynho Zeros Web

Re: Lot of SQL injection on PHP-Nuke 6.5 (secure weblog!) Rynho Zeros Web (May 13)


S21SEC-020 - Vignette user enumeration S21SEC (May 27)
S21SEC-023 - Vignette multiple Cross Site Scripting vulnerabilities S21SEC (May 27)
S21SEC-024 - Vignette TCL Injection S21SEC (May 27)
S21SEC-021 - Vignette License access and modification S21SEC (May 27)
S21SEC-019 - Vignette /vgn/style internal information leak S21SEC (May 27)
S21SEC-018 - Vignette memory leak AIX Platform S21SEC (May 27)
S21SEC-016 - Vignette SSI Injection S21SEC (May 27)
S21SEC-017 - Vignette /vgn/legacy/save SQL access S21SEC (May 27)

Scott A Crosby

Algorimic Complexity Attacks Scott A Crosby (May 29)


More vulnerabilities in ttForum/ttCMS -> SQL injection ScriptSlave (May 20)
Remote code execution in ttCMS <=v2.3 ScriptSlave (May 17)
Re: II-Labs Advisory: Remote code execution in YaBBse 1.5.2 (php version) ScriptSlave (May 10)

Secure Net Service(SNS) Security Advisory

[SNS Advisory No.64] IP Messenger for Win Buffer Overflow Vulnerability Secure Net Service(SNS) Security Advisory (May 13)


Security Update: [CSSA-2003-SCO.9] OpenServer 5.0.5 OpenServer 5.0.6 : Buffer overflows and other security vulnerabilities in Squid security (May 27)
Security Update: [CSSA-2003-018.0] OpenLinux: file command buffer overflow security (May 06)
Security Update: [CSSA-2003-019.0] OpenLinux: tcp SYN with FIN packets are not discarded security (May 05)
Security Update: [CSSA-2003-020.0] OpenLinux: kernel kmod/ptrace root exploit security (May 12)
Security Update: [CSSA-2003-017.0] OpenLinux: Various serious Samba vulnerabilities security (May 06)
Security Update: [CSSA-2003-021.0] OpenLinux: mgetty caller ID buffer overflow and spool perm vulnerabilities security (May 13)


Happymall E-Commerce Remote Command Execution SecurityTracker (May 09)

SGI Security Coordinator

Multiple Security Vulnerabilities in OpenSSL on IRIX 6.5.19 SGI Security Coordinator (May 14)
Security Vulnerabilities in MediaBase Apache and PHP on IRIX SGI Security Coordinator (May 19)


Snitz Forum 3.3.03 Remote Command Execution sharpiemarker (May 12)

Shaun Moore

PalmOS ICMP flood DoS. Shaun Moore (May 14)

Shiva Persaud

Re: Portable OpenSSH: Dangerous AIX linker behavior (aixgcc.adv) Shiva Persaud (May 01)

silent needel

Bandmin 1.4 XSS Exploit silent needel (May 28)

Simpelaar, Marco

RE: Hersmen Contact Simpelaar, Marco (May 19)

Simson L. Garfinkel

Problem: Multiple Web Browsers do not do not validate CN on certificates. Simson L. Garfinkel (May 07)

Sir Mordred

QuickTime/Darwin Streaming Server security issues Sir Mordred (May 22)
nessus NASL scripting engine security issues Sir Mordred (May 23)


Netbus 1.x exploit sKyZ (May 09)

Slackware Security Team

[slackware-security] glibc XDR overflow fix (SSA:2003-141-03) Slackware Security Team (May 22)
[slackware-security] quotacheck security fix in rc.M (SSA:2003-141-06) Slackware Security Team (May 22)
[slackware-security] CUPS DoS vulnerability fixed (SSA:2003-149-01) Slackware Security Team (May 29)
[slackware-security] REVISED quotacheck security fix in rc.M (SSA:2003-141-06a) Slackware Security Team (May 22)
[slackware-security] EPIC4 security fixes (SSA:2003-141-01) Slackware Security Team (May 22)
[slackware-security] GnuPG key validation fix (SSA:2003-141-04) Slackware Security Team (May 22)
[slackware-security] BitchX security fixes (SSA:2003-141-02) Slackware Security Team (May 22)
[slackware-security] mod_ssl RSA blinding fixes (SSA:2003-141-05) Slackware Security Team (May 22)

SPI Labs

Internet Information Services 5.0 Denial of service SPI Labs (May 28)
Multiple Vulnerabilities in Sun-One Application Server SPI Labs (May 27)

@stake Advisories

Apple AirPort Administrative Password Obfuscation (a051203-1) @stake Advisories (May 12)

Stefan Bethke

Re: S21SEC-024 - Vignette TCL Injection Stefan Bethke (May 28)

Stefano Di Paola

cdrtools2.0 Format String Vulnerability Stefano Di Paola (May 13)


Re: Remote Stack Overflow exploit for Personal FTPD subj (May 08)
[Drug and Zip] Buffer Overflow subj (May 12)
Siemens Mobile Phone - Buffer Overflow subj (May 06)
Remote Stack Overflow exploit for Personal FTPD subj (May 08)

Thilo Schulz

Re: OpenSSH/PAM timing attack allows remote users identification Thilo Schulz (May 02)

Thomas Biege

SuSE Security Announcement: glibc (SuSE-SA:2003:027) Thomas Biege (May 27)

Thomas Wouters

Re: Dynamic DNS "Spoofing" & IRC Thomas Wouters (May 02)

Timo Sirainen

Buffer overflows in multiple IMAP clients Timo Sirainen (May 14)

Tomasz Grabowski

Security advisory: LSF 5.1 local root exploit Tomasz Grabowski (May 22)

Tom Perrine

AIX sendmail open relay Tom Perrine (May 13)

UkR security teamâ„¢

Some problems in Privatefirewall 3.0 UkR security teamâ„¢ (May 24)


Inktomi Traffic-Server XSS: man-in-the-middle XSS ! Vázquez (May 14)
Another ZEUS Server web admin XSS! Vázquez (May 29)
Possible XSS on iPlanet Messaging Server Vázquez (May 27)


Phorum Vulnerabilities webmaster (May 13)


A Phorum's bug... WiciU (May 09)


[Priv8security Advisory] Batalla Naval remote overflow wsxz (May 27)

Yaroslav Polyakov

CommuniGatePro 4.0.6 [EXPLOIT] Yaroslav Polyakov (May 05)


Cdrecord local root exploit. yjm01 (May 13)