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Re: SNORT: MAC Address Alert

From: Mark Coleman <markc () uniontown com>
Date: Thu, 18 Sep 2003 14:24:36 -0400

Hi James, I am doing something VERY similar to exactly what you described.

I use TCPDUMP to cap packets with a rule of what I want to watch for, piped to a file. I then have a cron job check for anything in that file, and email the contents to my pager if there's captured data. The script then clears the file for next one. You might want to match on a colon to cap non-IP traffic too, as the MAC address (I think) in tcpdump uses colons in it.

So, you could do tcpdump at layer 2 (I blieve there's some layer 2 rules in there), or at least tcpdump EVERYTHING and pipe it through a "grep xx:xx:xx:xx:" for the MAC address and pipe that whole thing to a file that a cron job parses and emails if it exists. I think you have to use a -e switch to get the layer 2 info in the dumps if I remember right. I use -lne as my swtiches.

Mine works like a champ.

-Mark Coleman

James Williams wrote:

We have been having an issue over the past couple of days where a couple
of computers are gaining access to our network and picking arbitrary IP
addresses to send SPAM emails. We have the MAC addresses of the
suspected computers and know which locations they are coming from, but
they do not spend much time in any one location. What I would like to do
is setup a box with snort and configure a very specific rule set to have
snort text message my mobile phone when it sees these two MAC addresses
on our network and possibly from which switch/wap/vlan/etc. Is this
possible? If so can somebody give me a couple configuration examples?

Thank you,

James Williams

Captus Networks IPS 4000
Intrusion Prevention and Traffic Shaping Technology to: - Instantly Stop DoS/DDoS Attacks, Worms & Port Scans
- Automatically Control P2P, IM and Spam Traffic
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Captus Networks IPS 4000
Intrusion Prevention and Traffic Shaping Technology to: - Instantly Stop DoS/DDoS Attacks, Worms & Port Scans
- Automatically Control P2P, IM and Spam Traffic
- Precisely Define and Implement Network Security & Performance Policies
FREE Vulnerability Assessment Toolkit - WhitePapers - Live Demo

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