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Re: 2002 murder suspect located via MSN Map search

From: "Stephen J. Smoogen" <smooge () gmail com>
Date: Mon, 6 Feb 2006 09:15:41 -0700

On 2/5/06, Paul Schmehl <pauls () utdallas edu> wrote:
--On February 5, 2006 9:10:55 AM -0700 "Stephen J. Smoogen"
<smooge () gmail com> wrote:

It depends on the author of the article. Most of the Pro-Technology
demographics.. or few people will read you.

Silly me.  I thought *news* organizations were supposed to print the truth.

To quote a vorlon: Truth is a three edged sword. [My side, your side,
and reality.]

When writing the truth it is very hard to get to reality.. and most
people dont' want to look at it but want their side. People don't buy
the truth. People buy what entertains their world views and causes the
little parts of their brains to trigger on partisan. [An interesting
article on this was in the bbc science section about scientists doing
MMR studies that show that people's brains fire off pleasure sections
when reading their viewpoint of data and I think pain sections when
reading the otherside. It is probably a way for the brain to enforce
clan mentality for survival. I cant find the link at the moment
because the BEEB seems to be down.]

So basically people who watch FoxNews or read the NYT are doing so
either because they want pleasure or pain depending on whether they
agree or disagree with the programming. They arent looking for news..
they are looking for entertainment of the basest sort.

ObligFunSec: Using this study and some others, people can craft better
demographic worms/spyware. So you have "See Osama hang" "See Paris
Hilton porn", and "See Osama and Paris Hilton porn."

Stephen J Smoogen.
CSIRT/Linux System Administrator

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