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Re: University of South Carolina e-Mail Compromises StudentIDs

From: "Brian Loe" <knobdy () gmail com>
Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2006 15:08:58 -0500

On 4/19/06, Drsolly <drsollyp () drsolly com> wrote:
Actually, in some respects - mostly little ones - you do have more
freedoms than us.

Not sure what you mean by "actually". Actually, in many respects,
especially the important ones, we have a hell (you've probably call that
"heck") lot more freedom than you. Try working as a prostitute in new

Prostitution is legal in the UK? Didn't know that, perhaps your in
Amsterdam... Doesn't matter. Prostitution is legal in parts of the US
- and could be legal in more areas if the citizens of those areas so
chose to make it so, or, more accurately, their representatives did.

or marrying someone the same sex in Maine,

This too is becoming more "legal" in the US - not that it was EVER a
legal issue to begin with...but, hey, that's between you and your

or buying a glass of
beer if you're over 18 but under whatever irrational age you set as the

Yep, pretty stupid, eh? I remember being 12 and buying a pack of
smokes for my older cousin. They decided to not sell them to me that
day and an old man standing in the back (well, leaning, he had only
one leg) said, "yep, helluva thing. You can fight an' die for yer
country at 18, but don' think you c'n buy a beer when ya get home."

In MOST respects, however, your little more than
serfs (how'd that happen - thought you got rid of the queen! <g>).

God forbid you defend yourself from attack in your own home. A basic,
inalienable right like that? Ha... not in your kingdom! Only the king
shall have arms! :)

Actually, we are allowed to use reasonable force to defend ourselves;

And who is the judge on what is "reasonable" and when?

we just aren't allowed to kill someone who broke into our house to steal a

How'd you determine that they wanted a candlestick exactly, ask them?

I also note that Americans aren't allowed to have any kind of serious
armaments, just those pathetic little popguns to make them feel like they
have real arms.

Popguns? I dunno, my .308 is exactly the same gun the US and English
millitary is carrying for a sniper rifle - unless they're shooting a
.50 cal (which I could also buy at the local gun store if I wanted and
could afford one). The pistol I carry (I carry everywhere but work)
was used well in almost every war America has fought in since 1911

Maybe you're referring to machine guns? Well, there to, depends on
where in the huge country made of several sovereign states you live.
Here in Missouri, its pretty difficult to own a machine gun - if not
impossible while being "just" a citizen. However I've got a friend in
Vegas that rents them as movie props and sells them pretty regular
too. I have another firend in Arizona who is very proud of his
silenced machine gun (he's also the friend who sold me the .308).

So...what don't we have? Oh...tanks maybe? Nope, got 'em.. for now anyway...

I do sorta like the European idea of a holiday though - don't you get

This is the usual American idea that all countries outside America are the
same, right?

No - but you are in Europe aren't ya? And what I'm talking about I've
heard of most all European countries - and specifically the UK and
German. I've also heard the same for Australia.

a month of vacation, period?
Man...I could go for that. I've even
heard of folks having 3 months paid holiday!

What is "holiday"?


Makes you wonder about the American work ethic don't it?

I hear that Americans only work 24 hours per day.

Nope, just 10...but you get used to it. A weekend of drinking beer and
shooting stuff helps us wind down.

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