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Re: Consumer Reports Slammed for Creating 'Test' Viruses

From: Peter Kosinar <goober () nuf ksp sk>
Date: Sun, 20 Aug 2006 00:13:37 +0200 (CEST)


The following response is based on my observation, referring to "people" does not imply that it reflects my or your point of view. :-)

*I* don't think that, generally speaking. (I seriously doubt that no one, ever, working for an AV company hasn't written or modified some malware. But generally, no, I don't believe they are creating the malware.)

Actually, there are documented cases when former virus-writer(s) were employed by AV companies. On the other hand, I seriously doubt that there are people who wrote a virus -while- working for an AV company. Once someone sees the amount of malicious software (s)he needs to fight against, the slightest thoughts of adding to it get kicked out very quickly. :-)

However, that is a HUGE reason why AV people are so paranoid about creating malware, because of 20 years of people waiting to pounce the moment there is a hint that they do.

Indeed; it's happens too often that the first reaction of laymen to people working in the AV industry is like this: "I work for an AV company." "Oh really? So, just between us, you do write viruses, don't you? So that you'll get more profit... How many of them have you written?". It's a shame, but it is so :-(

people think that AV products should be made so they don't need updates.
*I* don't think that. I think that AV relies almost entirely on signature updates. However, if there is going to be any claim for detection for unknown malware, then that claim is fair game for testing.

I have to agree with Drsolly here -- it seems that large fraction of people really thinks that AV is a kind of "fire-and-forget" thingy. On the other hand, they tend to think the same of "security" in general and it's usually quite difficult to make them understand the Schneier-attributed quote: "Security is a process, not a product.".

Blue Boar is right in assuming that AVs rely on updates (the distinction between the "scanning engine", "signatures", and other parts of the AV is disappearing over the time). Undoubtedly, it is -necessary- to update the AV once an undetected piece of malware appears. And it will... unless the AV detects everything; in that case, it'll get updated when their users bash them because of false positive :-)

A lot of the comments are "The AV companies don't like to see third party testing, and that's why they're against this test."

I can see where some people would think that, but I don't find it to be a particularly strong argument.

Let's make a mental experiment... There is a comparative test of a similar product from three vendors (A,B,C), each of them claiming "totally great ultimate functionality" (sorry, can't make up any meaningful market-speech :-) ) in their advertisements and the results of the test are, on 100-point scale, as follows:

1. Vendor A - 83 points
2. Vendor B - 62 points
3. Vendor C - 11 points

If Vendor C starts criticizing the test as being performed by incompetent idiots, what do you think that majority of people will think? My experience is that it'll be: "They just performed much worse than anyone else in the test, it's obvious they're bad; they're just trying to save their bums.". Depending on the nature of test, vendor A might choose one of two stances: Either they'll use the results of this test for their marketing ("See? We outperformed everyone else in an -independent- test!") or they'll complain about the quality of the test, along with B and C.

In that case, still a large percentage of people (although much lower than in the case of vendor C) will think that A' critics is unfounded; that vendor A is just complaining because their results weren't in the 97-99 range (as they used to be in other tests).

I don't think I'm particularly worrying about the ethical question, I'm trying to find out why the test is not valid, strictly for determining functionality.

I have no reasons to doubt the validity of their test. It's the conclusion which they draw from it, that can be invalid. Without knowing more details, the only conclusion I can draw from the test is: "The test show the detection ratio of AVs on a set of 5500 files." Somehow, I don't consider this result to be very useful.

As Nick and I pointed out in our previous replies, it's -incredibly- easy to make the test meaningless from the technical point of view. Quick summary: Did they check each of those 5500 pieces of malware and actually verified that they work -and- that they perform their malicious activity?

If they did not, the results do not show the actual detection rates, rather some vague lower values. If you want to argue that the actual number of malicious files does not matter in relative order (a better AV will always detect more malware pieces than the worse one), read further...

One easy-to-think-up bad idea is to take the files, run all the AVs on them and delete the files which weren't detected by any of the participating AVs. This "ensures" that your testing set consists only of malware. Or not?

The answer is obvious -- each and every useful AV has false positives (yes, I can make an AV which has no false positives but it'll be a huge monster, thus not -useful-), so your testing set is, most likely, contamined by clean files. In fact, if one of the tested products is extremely false-positive-rich, it'll probably score very well in the subsequent scanning of the testing set prepared in this way.

In other words, you shall -not- use the AVs products you're testing for creation of the test-set. Unfortunately, it also means that the testers need to put a lot more effort into performing the test than they might have expected.

If CR did so, they get my respect, they've performed better than dozens of other "amateur" tests. They can safely claim that: "Our test shows how the AVs performed on a set of 5500 dangerous files which are similar to the malware commonly found on the Internet."

If they want to be honest, they should also point out that the results of their test do NOT necessarily reflect how the AVs perform on real-life unknown malware (unfortunately, people tend to jump to this conclusion very quickly). It's the distribution of the actual families of malware which wasn't taken into account. As Larry pointed out, detecting a variant of some very rare family (e.g. a plain file infector infecting just files in current directory on April 1) is not the same as detecting a new variant of a worm spreading via a largely-unpatched hole without any kind of user-interaction. However, if you put them side-by-side in your test, their weight will be the same and missing the former will be considered as bad as missing the other one.

If CR did take this into account as well (which I -really- doubt), I'd say they deserve a medal of honor :-)

OK, I'm not sure what would be qualitatively different about me the
virus author, versus the natural self-selected population of virus
authors, but at least I understand your position better.  For the
record, I wasn't trying to hint that I could write some
uber-polymorphic-super virus.  I'm under the impression that I could
write some 80's-style file infecter, and as long as it's original, it
wouldn't be detected.

Actually, Ryan, assuming that by 80's-style file infector you mean an infector for MS-DOS-running machines of those days -and- using the techniques common in those days, I doubt it'll be undetected by all the AVs. Yes, it is possible to write such a thing (and it is not all that difficult) with current knowledge and ideas but if you really adhered to the virus-writing principles used then, the result will be quite likely to be detected.


[Name] Peter Kosinar   [Quote] 2B | ~2B = exp(i*PI)   [ICQ] 134813278
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