WebApp Sec mailing list archives

Re: Article - A solution to phishing

From: ZedGama3 <zedgama3 () gmail com>
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 2004 22:46:43 -0500

Couple of thoughts
1) Anyone with access to your email has access to your acount as long
as they know your username

2) I would be annoyed to have to go to my email everytime I wanted to
go to my bank, usually my email arrives promptly, but sometimes,
especially at work, my email can take more than 15min to arrive at
which time I have to submit another login request

3) As you have already noted, email is terribly insecure

I would like to see a certificate system where the authentication is
based on a certificate installed on the machine.  You can password
protect the certificate from unauthorized use and the authentication
system, even if used for the wrong site, cannot be used to access your

On Tue, 23 Nov 2004 14:40:30 +1100, Michael Silk <michaels () phg com au> wrote:

   Just a quick little article about a login system that, should (i
think :)), prevent phishing attempts on your site.


   Have a look at it and let me know what you think ... and apologies
to anyone if an idea like this is already out there :)

-- Michael

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