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Re: Login credentials and session id security

From: matt farey <matt.farey () gmail com>
Date: Fri, 08 Jun 2007 19:18:10 +0100

Some large corporations import and pre-trust client certificates on
their LAN PCs so that IE won't give a warning to the user where the SSL
tunnel was terminated and restarted on the gateway/proxy. You cannot
overcome this unless you use a further symmetric method (say javascript)
that would allow a payload (of encrypted data) to be sent encrypted over
SSL, the user-agent would then accept a password and decrypt and display
the payload, this isn't really practical though, in this case MITM
attacks cannot really be prevented, you are at the mercy of the
companies IT policies - which might infringe privacy legislation (if
there is any). Could you use terms and conditions on your website to
make the storage and/or use of any data gathered by the company proxy an
illegal act by the corporation? my $0.02

Vishal Garg wrote:

Thanks Rogan and everyone else for replying to my query and the
responses were quite helpful. Ok, here I'll give one scenario to make
it even more clear if someone could not understand my point correctly.

Suppose this is an e-commerce application and a user is trying to
access it through some shared computer such a Internet cafe or a
hotel. Now my worry is that it is possible to capture user credentials
by deploying a web proxy client, no matter the application is using
GET or POST methods or is using an encrypted session. Yes, user would
get an SSL error message but only in Firefox as I have not seen such
message appearing in IE yet (I'm using IE6).

From the responses till now, it appears to me that using salted hashes
of passwords is the best way as it would not appear as plain text in
web proxy. Also server generates a new hash using a new salt every
time a user wants to authenticate to avoid replay attacks.

Any other thoughts or suggestions would be much appreciated.


At 10:56 6/7/2007, Rogan Dawes wrote:
Vishal Garg wrote:
Hi All,
Can someone please tell what is the most secure way of sending login
credentials to the server. The possible ways that I am familiar with
- get method
- post method

These are HTTP methods for sending parameters.

- hidden form fields

This is a technique for defining parameters which will result in one
or other of the GET or POST methods (above) being executed.

By using an encrypted connection we cannot sniff the credentials,
but still it is very easy to capture or manipulate these credentials
using a web proxy from any of these methods. So I am looking to find
a method to transport the credentials to the server so that the
security of these credentials can't be compromised even by deploying
a web proxy.

The proxy can only be used by someone who accepts the certificate
validation error that appears in the browser. If you are worried that
your users might be trying to subvert your login process, the odds
are good that you are trying to make your login process too complex!

In the normal event, your users will know their username and
password, so trying to prevent them from intercepting these same
values is completely pointless. If your concern is regarding
cleartext passwords being available on the server (e.g. you don't
ever want clear text passwords to leave the browser), you may want to
consider something like  Secure Remote Password (SRP). However, this
requires a Java applet or ActiveX control for performing the crypto
and generating random numbers, and is unlikely to be popular.

Also once a session id is generated, what is the best way to
maintain the security of a session id.

See http://www.owasp.org/index.php/Session_Management
Any help would be much appreciated.

Hope this helps.


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Matthew Farey
Web App Sec.
25 The Polygon, Southampton, SO15 2BP, UK
+44(0)2380 631449

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